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1st Constitutional Congress

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Tiberius
    About voting, I have a "what if" question:

    I can see that from all of Legoland's members, maybe 8 or so (I didn't count them, so maybe I'm wrong) are active, which means less than 50%. I suppose that most of the people are eagerly waiting the start of the game and will be more active after, but: what will we do if the situation remains the same?
    We'll adjust the Constitution accordingly. That's why we are not ratifying it right now... if time shows that 50% would be too much, we can lower it to, say, 1/3 or choose a different mechanism.


    • #92
      Yes, I think you're right. Until then we will establish a max. duration for polls, and accept the results no matter how many people will vote. Then based on the average attendance value, we will modify the Constitution.
      "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
      --George Bernard Shaw
      A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
      --Woody Allen


      • #93
        Wow im totaly confused on this whole thing(probably because i don't want to take hours to read all this stuff)
        From what i have seen you guys have made a great constitution if you were running a contry, but this is not one. I have learned that with complicated constitutions and stuff it is more complicating to have fun which is our real purpose is it not. You got balancing of power executive branch blah blah blah. Why can't we make this whole thing simple.
        The president plays the game, and everybody makes decisions no persons vote should hold anymore weight than anybody else. I know yo all have worked hard on this, but i think this is one thing that you should have put little efort into


        • #94
          Originally posted by shadylookin
          Wow im totaly confused on this whole thing(probably because i don't want to take hours to read all this stuff)
          From what i have seen you guys have made a great constitution if you were running a contry, but this is not one. I have learned that with complicated constitutions and stuff it is more complicating to have fun which is our real purpose is it not. You got balancing of power executive branch blah blah blah. Why can't we make this whole thing simple.
          The president plays the game, and everybody makes decisions no persons vote should hold anymore weight than anybody else. I know yo all have worked hard on this, but i think this is one thing that you should have put little efort into
          I suggest we hold a vote on this proposal...

          Seriously, I can understand your point of of view, but we need some rules to play by. Without such rules, you would probably be surprised how much my idea of a demogame might differ from yours, or from Tiberius'... The whole constitution is there just to make sure that no persons vote should hold anymore weight than anybody else (your own words).

          Besides, we have nothing to do until Sunday, so why not nit-picking on Magna Chartaginia...?


          • #95
            I'm also all for a simple constitution, which basically lays who does what. (that was the spirit of my short consttution some posts above)
            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


            • #96
              i know we need some structure.


              • #97
                but there is no reason to complicate things beyond any comprehension


                • #98
                  What do you think of this ? :
                  I - The Wise (president)
                  The Wise physically plays the game as per the wishes of the Ministers or the Senate.
                  Should the orders not arrive in time, or should they be dangerous to the Legoland team because they're outdated, the Wise can act on his own.
                  The Wise is elected every TBA by the Senate.
                  One must have PtW to become Wise.
                  At the beginning of his term, the Wise appoints a member of the team to replace him if he's absent.

                  II - The advisors (ministers)
                  Advisors give orders to the Wise in their specific fields.
                  Advisors are elected every [TBA] by the Senate
                  The Head Engineer is responsible for all worker moves
                  The Military Advisor is responsible for all unit moves
                  The Master Builder is responsible for cities : location of new cities, production, civil order.
                  The Foreign Advisor keeps tracks of treaties.
                  The Enlightened is responsible for research, tax sliders, and trading goods.

                  III - Ambassadors
                  Ambassadors deal directly with foreign countries.
                  Ambassadors can negociate treaties.
                  Ambassadors report to the Foreign Advisor.

                  IV - The Senate
                  Every member of the team is a member of the Senate
                  The Senate can issue any order a minister could issue.
                  The Senate can veto any decision from the Wise, the Advisors or the Ambassadors. However, decisions already applied in the game cannot be vetoed.
                  Only the Senate can declare war, with a [TBA] majority.
                  Only the Senate can amend the constitution with a [TBA] majority.
                  All votes from the Senate apply once an absolute majority has been found, unless specified otherwise. Runoff polls will be made if necessary.
                  "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                  "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                  "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                  • #99
                    Thinking of it... as brief as possible sounds fine... I say, let's start playing as if the most recent Spiffor's draft (the one above this post) was in effect and see how it goes. Let's do our best to keep any added clauses just as brief.

                    Let's start with some TBAs:

                    President/Advisors elected every 10 turns.
                    Simple majority of ALL Senators (51%) needed to declare war or amend the Constitution..


                    • ya thats great easy and it gives us structure


                      • i was talking about Spiffor post in the above


                        • i think the pres should serve more than 10turns a term
                          and i think it needs to be more than 51%


                          • Term Periods: I think these should be based on real-time, not game turns; this way, people will know what length of time they're signing up for when they take a position.

                            Voting: I think we need a 51% majority for amendments, at least at first, to make sure it isn't too hard to tweak it. IMO, 51% is a problem for war; we're all fellow builders, and I think we can trust each other not to drag our nation into a senseless war. As far as poll minimums, I agree there should be no quorum (minimum number of voters); a 3-day poll period would be nice, but if we want this game to move fast, I think we should shorten it to 2


                            • i think it should be at least 3/5


                              • I think why people want it at 50% plus one vote because not a lot of people on team are active in this forum or vote in polls
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