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1st Constitutional Congress

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  • 1st Constitutional Congress

    As Jack suggested, we should try to slap together a constitution to play by. With the game just over a week or so away, we should try to get it together quickly!
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  • #2

    Article I: The Presidency

    -The people of Legoland shall be ruled by a President, who shall reign for the given length of one term (length TBD).
    -The President shall enact all orders as given to him by his ministers.
    -In the event that ministers are not available when instructions are needed, the President retains the right to act at their own discretion.
    -In the event that a deadlock is reached on a given decision, the President has the final say in the matter.
    -A Vice President shall also be elected to fufill the Presidents duties if he/she is unable to do so.

    Article II: Ministers

    -There shall be established 5 ministerial positions:
    -The Labor Minister (Head Engineer)
    -The Interior Minister (Master Builder)
    -The Defense Minister (Military Architecht)
    -The Budget/Science Minister (The Enlightened)
    -The Foreign Minister (TBD)
    -The Head Engineer (HE) shall be responsible for movement of all workers and the improvement of lands.
    -The Master Builder (MB) shall be responsible for planning of city production, as well as selecting suitable sites for new cities.
    -The Military Architecht (MA) shall be responsible for the movement of all military units, as well as long-term strategic plans.
    -The Budget/Science Minister (TE) shall be responsible for managing sliders and selecting future courses of research.
    -The Foreign Minister shall coordinate information from all ambassadors and keep track of treaties, etc.
    I make movies. Come check 'em out.


    • #3
      Article II cont...

      -Ministers will seek consent for planned actions from the people of Legoland. However, Ministers always retain the right to make the final decision.
      -All Ministers will serve for the length of one term.

      Article III: Ambasadors
      -Ambassadors shall be assigned to deal with all rival civilizations.
      -Ambs. will serve in the position until they choose to step down, or are forced out by popular consent.
      -Ambs. shall be responsible for crafting agreements with rival civs, as well as dealing with their demands.
      -All abms. will report to the Foreign Minister for final approval before making any binding agreements.

      Article IV:Citizens
      -The citizens of Legoland shall have a voice in all discussions.
      -Any citizen may nominate themselves or another for any position at the beginning of a new term.
      -If the majority of citizens calls for the removal of a minister or Pres/VP, a public refferendum will be held to determine a course of action.

      Article V: The Legoland Vision
      -The people of Legoland seek to better the world around them through the development of our lands and the growth of our sciences. We are a peaceful people, but not a passive one. Our lands will be defended at any cost, and our troops are willing and able to march forth against any enemy that deigns to threaten us. The world can be a better place, and it is our job to make it so.
      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


      • #4
        So, yeah, that's just a few thoughts. It's 3:40 am for me, so if it seems a little confused at parts, my apoligies. But, what do you all think?
        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


        • #5
          Looks good.

          I think we need to keep it simple though. I don't think we need to bother with Elections etc. Presidency could be a rolling one like the President of the European Union. Say 2 weeks at a time. Or maybe we vote for president and thats all.

          Regular reshuffles will keep everyone happy and if Mr X is defense minister and is happy to be it, and noone else wants a go then he can stay defense minister.
          Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


          • #6
            I was thinking too of having a senate, maybe. Right now I know our team does not have that many people. So maybe we can have the Ministers be a kind of senate. They can vote all all kinds of things. Such as aproving treaties with other nations. Declaring war on a anther civ. We can have elections every I dont know 10 turns of game time, maybe. We could have the elections on the 9th turn, and then have new people come in. At that time all the Ministers and President and Vice President can be elected. Just some ideas off the top of my head.

            Also anther thing, we should have a part on how to admend the consitution. I would say that any admendment would have to have a 2/3 vote of all members of the Legoland team. It would also have to be passed by the ministers by lets say 2/3 vote too?
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            • #7
              My vision of the senate is very simple (I like simple things, and I think we can afford it, since we are few )
              Every member of the team is a senator, without exception.
              The senate can issue any kind of ministerial order if there are more than 50% accepting it.
              To me, votes could concern any field of policy, and of any importance: For example, we could have a vote about moving Warrior1 NE instead of N, or a vote about researching Printing Press next, it's the same The minister will have to obey a majority vote in all cases.
              I was talking about policy issues, not things ministers cannot do by themselves, like declaring war or amending the constitution.
              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


              • #8
                Did everyone agree with the idea of ambassadors serving for life, as it were? My thinking was that we want our representatives to develop a rapport with the other team, and constantly switching ambs would mess that up.
                I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                • #9
                  I would think the ambassadors serve as long as they are able to, or if they do something against the wishes of the team, then they get kicked out.
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                  • #10
                    Anther thing I just though of, we need a senate too to remove Ministers of VP or President. What if the President no longer show up and has dissapeared? THe senate can remove the President and the VP can become President. Or if the President goes against orders of senate, like starting a war with out their approval or on a consistence basis ignores the orders can also be removed.
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                    • #11
                      I agree with Jack_www.
                      Also, I think we should avoid letting the same person bein ambassador to several teams, if possible.
                      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ZargonX

                        Article V: The Legoland Vision
                        -The people of Legoland seek to better the world around them through the development of our lands and the growth of our sciences. We are a peaceful people, but not a passive one. Our lands will be defended at any cost, and our troops are willing and able to march forth against any enemy that deigns to threaten us. The world can be a better place, and it is our job to make it so.
                        I think that this part should be part of the preface of our consitution.
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                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • #13
                          I would like all members, even the new ones to post ideas they have in here. I think I will write up anther consitution and post it here, depends if I have the time.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • #14
                            Second Draft:

                            We the people of Legoland seek to better the world around them through the development of our lands and the growth of our sciences. We are a peaceful people, but not a passive one. Our lands will be defended at any cost, and our troops are willing and able to march forth against any enemy that deigns to threaten us. The world can be a better place, and it is our job to make it so. In order to reach this goal we the people of Legoland here by form the government that willl rule the Legoland team.

                            Article I, Section I:

                            Executive Branch
                            The qualifications to be President of the Legoland team:
                            He/she must have PTW, so as to be able to play the game.
                            He/she must be an active member of the legoland team.
                            (Posting every 3 days)
                            The duties of the President:
                            He/she is the one who will acually play the game for the team according to the wishes of the Ministers and Senate.
                            When the wishes of the Ministers and Senate are unclear or do not come to the President in time, then the President can act on his/her own in the best interest of the Legoland team.
                            The President can veto any treaties or laws passed by Senate.
                            The President is the Head of State, meaning the foreign minister reports to him, and can not make deals with out the President and Senate approval.
                            Also if on one is holding the Vice President spot, then the President can appoint a new one to that spot, who will serve untill the next election.

                            Section II:
                            Vice President:
                            Must be able to serve as President any at time.
                            He steps in when President cannot play the game.

                            Section III:
                            The qualifications to be a Minester or Ambassidor of the Legoland team:
                            They must be an active member of Legoland team.
                            (Post every week)
                            There are five minesters in Executive Branch:

                            -The Labor Minister (Head Engineer)
                            -The Interior Minister (Master Builder)
                            -The Defense Minister (Military Architecht)
                            -The Budget/Science Minister (The Enlightened)
                            -The Foreign Minister (TBD)
                            -The Head Engineer (HE) shall be responsible for movement of all workers and the improvement of lands.
                            -The Master Builder (MB) shall be responsible for planning of city production, as well as selecting suitable sites for new cities.
                            -The Military Architecht (MA) shall be responsible for the movement of all military units, as well as long-term strategic plans.
                            -The Budget/Science Minister (TE) shall be responsible for managing sliders and selecting future courses of research.
                            -The Foreign Minister shall coordinate information from all ambassadors and keep track of treaties, etc.

                            Section IV:
                            They deal directly with all other teams in the game.
                            They are primary ones who talk and negoicate deals with other teams. Allthough the President can also do this when he feels it is very improtant matter.

                            Article II, Section I:
                            Qualifications for Senators:
                            They must be active members of Legoland team, Posting every ten days.

                            Section II:
                            Powers of Senate:
                            They can remove any minister, the President, Vice President, or Justices of Court if they find they have been on a consistent basis ingoring the wishes of the Senate and or Minsiters, or if the if that person has become inactive for 2 weeks, or has broken treaties with anther team.
                            The Senate will have the power to declare war on anther team, and this power will always stay in Senate.
                            The Senate has power aprove or dissaprove treaties the President signs. Untill Senate aproves the treaty it is not binding on the Legoland team. Once the treaty is aproved it is the law of the land.
                            The Senate has power to aprove all apointments made by Senate, and the apointee can not take office untill the Senate aporves him or her to that office.

                            Article IIIopen for ideas please, we need a lot here)
                            Judical Branch:
                            There will be Supreme Court of Legoland.
                            They will settle all dissputes with in the team.
                            They also have power to interept the Consitution of the Legoland team.

                            Article IV:
                            Amdening the Consitution:
                            Once a admendment is drafted it must be introduced to Senate. The Senate must aprove it be a two thrids vote. At least half the Senate must be present during vote. Once the Senate aproves the Admendment, the entire team votes on the Admendment and must have 3/4 votes to pass. At least half of the team must vote on the admendment.
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                            • #15
                              Looks good. For the Supreme Court we should have 3 justices appointed by the president with a majority of the senate. A justice should have a term of 2 months at which point he/she can be reappointed by the president and a majority of the senate, or a new justice can be appointed.

