Save already with GoW, so we better start thinking about the coming turn. Sorry for not posting earlier, I had a lot of business stuff to do.
Eastern Theatre
A doctored intel map of the Eastern Theatre follows. It includes all information gathered last turn. The positions of our ships are accurate as of hitting the end-turn button:
I don't think there will be much to do in 1260AD in the Eastern Theatre. Unlike in the Western Ocean, our navy here is totally outnumbered - we better keep it safe in harbours. Leaving our ships in the open is as good as scuttling them, since GoW risks nothing by first bombing them down to 1hp and sinking them with a vet DD then.
I believe it's quite obvious that GoW will move their fleet like this:
Their goal will be to threaten both Jackson & Dye Fields with a blitz-through attack at the same time (there's only this one tile allowing blitz-through attacks at both cities). With our navy in Jackson too weak to block Jackson East, we will have only one option - stuff Jackson and Dye Fields with defenders enough to rule out a successful seaborne operation by GoW.
Last turn, GoW had 36 marines, but they may add few (up to 8) more this turn. And since there is one transport we are unable to see, we shall assume that up to 8 marines built by GoW in 1260AD shall still be part of their invasion forces (GoW can use a variation of transport chaining, bringing new marines through Zayrut or Deep Dark Dungeon). Our defenses in Jackson and Dye Fields shall assume an attack by 44 marines in 1265AD, unless there is less on GoW's rooster in 1260AD.
Considering that tanks are almost as good defenders as infantries in Jackson (see the last table in this post for numbers), I suggest using mostly tanks to defend Jackson, saving infantries for other, more difficult to defend cities. I'd use 2 infantry (~8 marines), 15 tanks (~45 marines), and 5 cavalry to make Jackson impossible to take by GoW marines. It's a bit overdone, but we need to consider hitpoints lost to possible bombing...
As MZ's lines in #apolytonisdg suggest, Jackson was bombed this turn and lost 2 pop points. We might want to add 1-2 workers to the city to bring it back to "safe" (as in "metropolis-enough") and productive level. Also... opening the save, I'll check Jackson using the F1 trick and change its production to infantry or fighter, should we fall short of 100S needed to complete a tank there this turn.
As for Dye Fields, that's a city more difficult to defend, as it has no hill defense bonus. We shall definitely add workers to increase the city population and overdo its defenses if at all possible. 10 infantries (~30 marines), 10 tanks (~20 marines), and 5 cavalry?
That would be 12 infantries, 25 tanks, and 10 cavalries to defend Jackson and Dye Fields. BTW... the marine numbers in parantheses denote how many marines you need to have a 50%+ chance of killing the defending unit.
If GoW have a spy with us, they will probably be smart enough to attack no cities and instead land on the hill NE-NE of Dye Fields (best defense bonus) or grassland S-S of Jackson (tanks threatening two cities at once). We have to destroy the fortress S-S of Jackson this turn!
If there is any target near Jackson allowing our ships to hit and run back to safety of the harbour, we should do it, even if we just bomb GoW ships. Every hp off is good, as long as we lose none.
Eastern Theatre
A doctored intel map of the Eastern Theatre follows. It includes all information gathered last turn. The positions of our ships are accurate as of hitting the end-turn button:
I don't think there will be much to do in 1260AD in the Eastern Theatre. Unlike in the Western Ocean, our navy here is totally outnumbered - we better keep it safe in harbours. Leaving our ships in the open is as good as scuttling them, since GoW risks nothing by first bombing them down to 1hp and sinking them with a vet DD then.
I believe it's quite obvious that GoW will move their fleet like this:
Their goal will be to threaten both Jackson & Dye Fields with a blitz-through attack at the same time (there's only this one tile allowing blitz-through attacks at both cities). With our navy in Jackson too weak to block Jackson East, we will have only one option - stuff Jackson and Dye Fields with defenders enough to rule out a successful seaborne operation by GoW.
Last turn, GoW had 36 marines, but they may add few (up to 8) more this turn. And since there is one transport we are unable to see, we shall assume that up to 8 marines built by GoW in 1260AD shall still be part of their invasion forces (GoW can use a variation of transport chaining, bringing new marines through Zayrut or Deep Dark Dungeon). Our defenses in Jackson and Dye Fields shall assume an attack by 44 marines in 1265AD, unless there is less on GoW's rooster in 1260AD.
Considering that tanks are almost as good defenders as infantries in Jackson (see the last table in this post for numbers), I suggest using mostly tanks to defend Jackson, saving infantries for other, more difficult to defend cities. I'd use 2 infantry (~8 marines), 15 tanks (~45 marines), and 5 cavalry to make Jackson impossible to take by GoW marines. It's a bit overdone, but we need to consider hitpoints lost to possible bombing...
As MZ's lines in #apolytonisdg suggest, Jackson was bombed this turn and lost 2 pop points. We might want to add 1-2 workers to the city to bring it back to "safe" (as in "metropolis-enough") and productive level. Also... opening the save, I'll check Jackson using the F1 trick and change its production to infantry or fighter, should we fall short of 100S needed to complete a tank there this turn.
As for Dye Fields, that's a city more difficult to defend, as it has no hill defense bonus. We shall definitely add workers to increase the city population and overdo its defenses if at all possible. 10 infantries (~30 marines), 10 tanks (~20 marines), and 5 cavalry?
That would be 12 infantries, 25 tanks, and 10 cavalries to defend Jackson and Dye Fields. BTW... the marine numbers in parantheses denote how many marines you need to have a 50%+ chance of killing the defending unit.
If GoW have a spy with us, they will probably be smart enough to attack no cities and instead land on the hill NE-NE of Dye Fields (best defense bonus) or grassland S-S of Jackson (tanks threatening two cities at once). We have to destroy the fortress S-S of Jackson this turn!
If there is any target near Jackson allowing our ships to hit and run back to safety of the harbour, we should do it, even if we just bomb GoW ships. Every hp off is good, as long as we lose none.