Thanks for the calculations, Vondrack 
A gut feeling of mine is always to switch to democracy ASAP in my games, but your calculations make it clear that it would be stupid.
As long as our corruption is acceptable, there is no benefit to switching to democracy, and only cons (anarchy and war weariness). Besides, I think police stations already reduce corruption in the rules we're using, and we're playing at chieftain difficulty IIRC. So corruption should never be a problem if we don't conquer foreign lands.
In short, let's keep being a Republic till the end of times!

A gut feeling of mine is always to switch to democracy ASAP in my games, but your calculations make it clear that it would be stupid.
As long as our corruption is acceptable, there is no benefit to switching to democracy, and only cons (anarchy and war weariness). Besides, I think police stations already reduce corruption in the rules we're using, and we're playing at chieftain difficulty IIRC. So corruption should never be a problem if we don't conquer foreign lands.
In short, let's keep being a Republic till the end of times!
