OK, I was thinking about what Tibi asked in the post above... when I started this thread weeks ago, I was not thinking about picking up our best sites and finding out how to set them up for our GA. I was thinking about having some plan for every city of ours. A plan that would draw the goal and the way how to achieve the goal (terrain and city improvements & population growth) in that city.
Now that we have a solid plan for Jackson, which puts the beginning of our GA to somewhere around turn 175 (about 25 turns from now), let's see what we can do within those 25 turns...
First, something about the likely geopolitical situation 25 turns from now. The war on Bob will likely be over or close to being over. If not, Legoland entering GA will undoubtedly accelerate any peace talks, as other teams will not want to let us jump ahead uncontested, beating each other into pulp in the meantime. Quite likely, even those teams currently being our allies (barring Voxes) will suddenly become, say, less helpful.
I do not think we need to fear a direct military action against us (an invasion of Legos), as nobody will have the navy and spare troops, but I am convinced we will have to face some sort of an economic embargo. It is quite likely we may be deprived of imported luxuries - because that's something others will be able to do easily without going to war with us.
So, let's talk about our situation then happiness-wise. (Sorry if this is boring stuff, but I need to get this right for myself).
Happiness Analysis
Game is being played on Chieftain. That's 4 content citizens. All citizens beyond the fourth one are born unhappy. We have one luxury of our own. This luxury generates one happy face, making one of our content citizens happy:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
J. S. Bach's Cathedral we are going to finish in a couple of turns decreases the number of unhappy citizens on the continent by 2 per city (generates 2 content faces). Thus, we will have:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
C05 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C06 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C07 ... born unhappy (balanced by the happy C01)
This basically means that for cities up to pop 7, we will need NO happiness city improvements at all, as our dyes and the Bach's will be enough to make the city happy enough (1 happy + 5 content + 1 unhappy).
We have or will soon have a temple in most of our cities:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
C05 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C06 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C07 ... born unhappy; made content by temple
C08 ... born unhappy (balanced by the happy C01)
Means, up to pop 8, we will be able to operate without any imported luxuries or luxury slider; we need a temple only. For higher (12) pop cities, something else will obviously needed:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
C05 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C06 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C07 ... born unhappy; made content by temple
C08 ... born unhappy (balanced by the happy C01)
C09 ... born unhappy
C10 ... born unhappy
C11 ... born unhappy
C12 ... born unhappy
That is four content or happy faces we will need. We will be able to get those from:
a) a cathedral ... 3 content faces (cost 160 shields)
b) a colosseum ... 2 content faces (cost 120 shields)
c) an imported lux ... 1 happy face per luxury type
d) the luxury slider ... 1 happy face per 1 gold spent
e) entertainer(s) ... rather not
So, what are real options available:
A) cathedral + 1 imported lux
B) cathedral + Sistine's
C) cathedral + colosseum
D) marketplace + 3 imported luxes (1+2+2)
E) luxury slider at 10% (out of ~40+g is ~4 happy faces)
Now, A+D depend on imported luxes, which is quite obviously something we cannot rely upon (though the likelihood of Voxes being able to broker at least one luxury is fairly high). B needs costly city improvements and a 600-shield wonder we have nowhere to build - and it's an overkill (6 faces instead of 4 needed). Even C is an overkill, plus colosseums just do not deliver the right effect for their 120 shields...
Which, however, means, that IF we are targetted by a worldwide luxury embargo, we will have to resort to the luxury slider ANYWAY. As 10% is the minimum we will be able to set it to, it should provide all four faces we need (we are talking big cities here, with commerce well over 40 raw gold).
And I am finally getting to my point: I do not think we need to build 160-shield cathedrals in our soon-to-be-big cities. We need to build 100-shield marketplaces there. Because if we are not embargoed, we will be able to use them to tame the unhappiness (just 3 imported luxes needed). And if we ARE embargoed, they will generate the cash we will have to spend through the luxury slider.
Note, please, that cathedrals do not allow pop 12 on their own. They still need at least 1 imported luxury (and cost 2gpt).
So, my suggestion would be to equip every pop-12-to-be city with a marketplace. Cathedrals only where we can afford it - not necessary at all...
There are, however, two options we should at least mention:
I. Sistine's - 600 shields, but total safety with cathedrals
II. Hanging Gardens - 300 shields, allow cities to operate at pop 12 with just a cathedral... (HG generate 1 content face per city on the continent)
IMHO, Sistine's is just too expensive to be a real option. I do not see a city able to hoard 600 shields within 25 turns. And while HG is reasonable as far as its shield cost is concerned, the effect expires with Steam Power - which is what we assume will roughly match with the end of our GA...
So, I would still stick to the marketplace way. We build marketplaces BEFORE we enter GA. We will then be able to see what the situation is...
a) total embargo... 10% lux slider, build cathedrals and colosseums quickly (or Sistine's)
b) 1 lux available ... 10% lux slider, build cathedrals quickly, then get rid of lux spendings
c) 2 lux available ... 10% lux slider, build colosseums, then get rid of lux spendings
d) 3 lux available ... do nothing, just enjoy the marketplaces in action.
Note to self: we should really try hard to secure some lux deals shortly before entering our GA...
Now that we have a solid plan for Jackson, which puts the beginning of our GA to somewhere around turn 175 (about 25 turns from now), let's see what we can do within those 25 turns...
First, something about the likely geopolitical situation 25 turns from now. The war on Bob will likely be over or close to being over. If not, Legoland entering GA will undoubtedly accelerate any peace talks, as other teams will not want to let us jump ahead uncontested, beating each other into pulp in the meantime. Quite likely, even those teams currently being our allies (barring Voxes) will suddenly become, say, less helpful.
I do not think we need to fear a direct military action against us (an invasion of Legos), as nobody will have the navy and spare troops, but I am convinced we will have to face some sort of an economic embargo. It is quite likely we may be deprived of imported luxuries - because that's something others will be able to do easily without going to war with us.
So, let's talk about our situation then happiness-wise. (Sorry if this is boring stuff, but I need to get this right for myself).
Happiness Analysis
Game is being played on Chieftain. That's 4 content citizens. All citizens beyond the fourth one are born unhappy. We have one luxury of our own. This luxury generates one happy face, making one of our content citizens happy:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
J. S. Bach's Cathedral we are going to finish in a couple of turns decreases the number of unhappy citizens on the continent by 2 per city (generates 2 content faces). Thus, we will have:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
C05 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C06 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C07 ... born unhappy (balanced by the happy C01)
This basically means that for cities up to pop 7, we will need NO happiness city improvements at all, as our dyes and the Bach's will be enough to make the city happy enough (1 happy + 5 content + 1 unhappy).
We have or will soon have a temple in most of our cities:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
C05 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C06 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C07 ... born unhappy; made content by temple
C08 ... born unhappy (balanced by the happy C01)
Means, up to pop 8, we will be able to operate without any imported luxuries or luxury slider; we need a temple only. For higher (12) pop cities, something else will obviously needed:
C01 ... born content; made happy by dyes
C02 ... born content
C03 ... born content
C04 ... born content
C05 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C06 ... born unhappy; made content by Bach
C07 ... born unhappy; made content by temple
C08 ... born unhappy (balanced by the happy C01)
C09 ... born unhappy
C10 ... born unhappy
C11 ... born unhappy
C12 ... born unhappy
That is four content or happy faces we will need. We will be able to get those from:
a) a cathedral ... 3 content faces (cost 160 shields)
b) a colosseum ... 2 content faces (cost 120 shields)
c) an imported lux ... 1 happy face per luxury type
d) the luxury slider ... 1 happy face per 1 gold spent
e) entertainer(s) ... rather not

So, what are real options available:
A) cathedral + 1 imported lux
B) cathedral + Sistine's
C) cathedral + colosseum
D) marketplace + 3 imported luxes (1+2+2)
E) luxury slider at 10% (out of ~40+g is ~4 happy faces)
Now, A+D depend on imported luxes, which is quite obviously something we cannot rely upon (though the likelihood of Voxes being able to broker at least one luxury is fairly high). B needs costly city improvements and a 600-shield wonder we have nowhere to build - and it's an overkill (6 faces instead of 4 needed). Even C is an overkill, plus colosseums just do not deliver the right effect for their 120 shields...
Which, however, means, that IF we are targetted by a worldwide luxury embargo, we will have to resort to the luxury slider ANYWAY. As 10% is the minimum we will be able to set it to, it should provide all four faces we need (we are talking big cities here, with commerce well over 40 raw gold).
And I am finally getting to my point: I do not think we need to build 160-shield cathedrals in our soon-to-be-big cities. We need to build 100-shield marketplaces there. Because if we are not embargoed, we will be able to use them to tame the unhappiness (just 3 imported luxes needed). And if we ARE embargoed, they will generate the cash we will have to spend through the luxury slider.
Note, please, that cathedrals do not allow pop 12 on their own. They still need at least 1 imported luxury (and cost 2gpt).
So, my suggestion would be to equip every pop-12-to-be city with a marketplace. Cathedrals only where we can afford it - not necessary at all...
There are, however, two options we should at least mention:
I. Sistine's - 600 shields, but total safety with cathedrals
II. Hanging Gardens - 300 shields, allow cities to operate at pop 12 with just a cathedral... (HG generate 1 content face per city on the continent)
IMHO, Sistine's is just too expensive to be a real option. I do not see a city able to hoard 600 shields within 25 turns. And while HG is reasonable as far as its shield cost is concerned, the effect expires with Steam Power - which is what we assume will roughly match with the end of our GA...
So, I would still stick to the marketplace way. We build marketplaces BEFORE we enter GA. We will then be able to see what the situation is...
a) total embargo... 10% lux slider, build cathedrals and colosseums quickly (or Sistine's)
b) 1 lux available ... 10% lux slider, build cathedrals quickly, then get rid of lux spendings
c) 2 lux available ... 10% lux slider, build colosseums, then get rid of lux spendings
d) 3 lux available ... do nothing, just enjoy the marketplaces in action.
Note to self: we should really try hard to secure some lux deals shortly before entering our GA...