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1250 Bc.

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  • 1250 Bc.

    I ALWAYS check our forum before I start a turn just to see if someone has posted a really great idea. So I load up the save and start to think of someway to smooth things over with GS. Figure I would some of the obvious stuff.

    Kill the barbarian camp with the Horsie. No promotion, get the 24 gold. Pop the goodie hut with the Spearman, get Polytheism.

    Crap, now I gotta stop and start negotiating trade deals for Polytheism. I'm starting to get a little annoyed with all these unexpected good things are happening to us.

    Not that I want them to stop.

    Forwarded the save to everyone, so feel free to open it up and give me suggestions.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    I humbly suggest we don't tell GS we have Poly till the other mess is finished, they will want THAT in return, I assure you.

    I can't load it up today, though. I got issues with my home comp that you can read about in the SPDG forum.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      Vondrak has offered 60 gold for Polytheism.

      Roleplay has offered 20 gold and agreed not to mention or offer it to GS or Vox for 10 turns if we give them 10 gold for each of those two teams we sell it to.


      • #4

        Roleplay basically wants it free then?

        They are beginning to annoy me...

        Do we have an "official" dedicated to their team? If not, can I get an update of all current discussions with them and then be appointed to deal with them...please...I would really like an opportunity to discuss things with either Togas or Arnelos again, and adaMada is a personal friend and may forget this is a game and actually trust me. Yes, I get cold blooded in these situations, which is why my wife won't play Monopoly anywhere near me anymore...

        Offer vondrack a no-disclosure or trading clause to that, and they can have it, I say.

        Perhaps we should ask NDE to sell it to GS and/or Vox and/or RP for us? We could possibly use this to our mutual advantage by publicly proclaiming they broke a no-trade clause by doing that, and we are now angry with them over it. Hence reducing thoughts of an alliance?
        Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; March 13, 2003, 13:55.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #5
          Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx

          Roleplay basically wants it free then?

          Offer vondrack a no-disclosure or trading clause to that, and they can have it, I say.

          Perhaps we should ask NDE to sell it to GS and/or Vox and/or RP for us? We could possibly use this to our mutual advantage by publicly proclaiming they broke a no-trade clause by doing that, and we are now angry with them over it. Hence reducing thoughts of an alliance?
          Roleplay is only a few turns from finishing it. They have been researching it for 12 plus turns. I felt it was worthwhile to cut them a break on it to keep them happy (thinking of the Ivory colony) and to ensure they didn't mention its existence to GS/Vox thus allowing us the opportunity to smooth things over without them knowing we have Philosophy. I suspect they already had trade deals for Philosophy with other civs and wanted them to willingly forgo those deals and allow us to seel Philosophy. So far we've gotten 80 gold committed from other civs for Philosophy.

          From Togas:
          Togas wrote on 13-03-2003 11:44:
          Agreed, with one addition from our chat:

          GoW will pay RP 10g if the sale with either GS or Vox is 50g or more, and GoW will do it's best to try to get as much money as possible from the extremely wealthy off-continent civs.


          Trade Deal:

          GoW will gift Roleplay Polytheism on this turn.
          Roelplay will gift Gow 20 gold on its turn.

          Roleplay will not offer or mention Polytheism to GS or Vox for 10 turns. In return GoW will give 10 gold to Roleplay for each of those teams it is able to sell Polytheism to for 60 gold (60 gold being the price other teams will be offered Polytheism for).


          • #6
            I see.

            Well, they know we have it, and we don't want that known now, We may not have a choice in the matter, really.

            If we agree to this, having ND sell it could look more like we were trying to weasel out of the 20 gold.

            I still want the position as outlined above (I editted) if possible.
            Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; March 13, 2003, 14:06.
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


            • #7
              I did ask Vondrak for a nondisclosure clause for 10 turns using the reasoning that it would give our teams a head start in researching techs that Vox/GS wouldn't be able to make up for.

              I would have no problem with you being the ambassador to Roleplay. The primary reason I tend to do it is that I'm usually trying to push through some trade deals before I send them the turn.

              We need to hammer out a reparations deal with GS before we send on the save.

              Things I think we could offer:

              Free contact with Lego.
              Split all profits from sale of contact with Lego and Philosophy 50/50.

              Once we get this settled we can negotiate for the sale of Polytheism.
              Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; March 13, 2003, 14:18.


              • #8
                Looking at my buddy list, I don't see anyone from GS online at the moment. zeit PM'd me that he would go through H_E this morning, and I believe H_E is at work till tonight with only limited ability to get online.

                I'll keep an eye out for zeit and see what their hold up is. I would have expected some word by now from them...

                Just so I know, how much have we recieved from those sales?

                So we will be offering:

                X gold from sale of contact, and Philosophy for free, or some gold from Philosophy as well? How long before we need to pass along the save?

                I know you and Togas usually hammer out the trades, and that is fine since you are always both in the chat at the same time.

                Actually, Perhaps I could be of more use by keeping the Central Trade thread updated? Then you can just check there to avoid this problem in the future.

                I think Ill work up a new thread where we keep all information on the other teams. I will just need people to post in it when they have something new...trades or information.

                I'll do that tomorrow after I get my home computer working. (I don't work tomorrow, and wont be President yet even if I end up winning)
                One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                You're wierd. - Krill

                An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                • #9
                  Pm'd zeit with the following, he is currently online:

                  Honorable zeit,

                  I aproach you once again in hopes that we can reach a consensus about the proper course of action reguarding the afore mentioned mistake.

                  Hot_Enamel is currently at work, and Panzer32 is away for the week, so this is left to me at this time.

                  It is our desire that we resolve this situation before we send along the save, which we currently have. In an interest to speed this along, I am prepared to make an offer now, without hearing what your team has considered adequate reparations.

                  GoW is prepared to offer contact with Legoland, Philosophy, and half of the profits we earned from the selling of the Legoland contact as compensation for our mistake.

                  Please present this to your team, and respond with an answer. I am currently experiencing some difficulty with connections, so I suggest you contact GF directly with the response.

                  Thank you for your time, and may we meet on more pleasant terms in the future.

                  UnOrthOdOx, Joint Foreign Affairs Consul of GoW
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    I jus arrived at work....

                    Do what you can Unortho.....

                    Zeit knows that I have an awkward Timezone, and I checked my email at home 1 hour ago and had nothing from him.

                    I am really pissed at Lego. After what we did for them, they really screwed us. We should decline on any offer they suggest for any tech we have for sale.

                    Let them know we are pissed, and they are going to have to pay extra to make up for it.

                    Lego needs to understand that they need friends & allies. Vondrak is smart enough to know this. He is just seeing how much he can get out of us before we get agro.

                    Make sure he knows that at least some of our team members are pissed at him
                    "No Comment"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx

                      Roleplay basically wants it free then?

                      They are beginning to annoy me...
                      Beginning? You've missed too many turns.

                      So now we're allied with RP against ND? If they can be trusted, great! But theirso-called "diplomatic powerhouse" has lied too often. We also need to make "offcontinent" allies. Whether we're left with ND or RP, I'm sure they will attempt a final conquest of the continent.
                      Last edited by realpolitic; March 13, 2003, 18:37.


                      • #12
                        In my PM box ...

                        Hot_Enamel, consul for the Glory of War.

                        This matter was already presented to me by UnOrthOdOx.
                        He has told me that you and Leog both prefer to carry with the deal, and some compensation will be given to us in return.
                        We would also prefer this sort of solution to be reached- this way both the Lego-Gow and GoW-GS relations, and perhaps even the Lego-GS relations won't be hurt. Since a deal is a deal, and you have already offered the techs in game, we would rather some other solution is reached, so that no one is left with a sour taste in his mouth.
                        If you are willing to discuss a proper compensation, and reach an agreement with the GS, we would be most pleased.
                        I mustn't tell you how seriously we see this violation, so i'm sure you understand how much i want this issue to be quickly resolved, and this incident to be behind us.

                        Zeit, Chief diplomat of the Gathering Storm.

                        I am busy at work today...I will check in at Lunch...hope something can be resolved.
                        "No Comment"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by realpolitic
                          If we're going to war with RP, why are we trading a war tech? We could be stringing them along, we could sell them currency or construction.

                          Before we trade, we need to have a clear military strategy.
                          A war tech? How is Polytheism going to improve their military?

                          PM from Vondrak

                          That sounds, good. Togas agree that it sounded like a fair price.

                          So I will offer it this turn (you'll offer 60 gold for it and accept). I would also like to add the stipulation that Lego not offer or mention the fact that anyone has Polytheism or trade it to either Vox or GS. This will give our teams a chance to get a headstart on the techs we are researching and help insure that no one beats to their discovery.
                          Just to let you know that the deal has been approved. We will give you 60 gold and "accept". We will not speak about the deal with anyone (but RPers, possibly, since they already know).

                          Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; March 13, 2003, 18:38.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GhengisFarb

                            A war tech? How is Polytheism going to improve their military?

                            It leads to Monarchy - but you're probabably right, Feudalism and Chivalry are probably better military techs


                            • #15
                              Sorry, GF I accidentently hit the edit on you're message. I'm dyslexic, and sometimes make mistakes like that. I think I restored it.

