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EXHIBITS of Communications from Roleplay.

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  • EXHIBITS of Communications from Roleplay.

    This thread is for the posting of COMPLETE and EXACT communications from Roleplay only to see if can build a convincing case against them in the public forum.

    Email from Togas on December 15:
    Jason (Ghengis)

    I sent Ada to work on this trade and I'm glad that your nation is
    behind this
    idea. We both have 2 techs that can be traded with the other, however,
    we're not
    entirely sold on Masonry because everyone else who we've been in PM
    contact with
    has it, and we anticipate paying a few token gold for it in trade from
    the first
    civ we meet.

    However, if it turns out that it's your civ that we meet first, I think
    happily do a 2 for 2 tech trade deal if you can give us the location
    (how to
    find, mini box, whatever) of another civ with whom we can trade, of if
    you can
    throw in a common tech that you guys have purchased ... something like

    If we agree to this deal and our nation meets another civ first, I
    would be
    willing to substitute Masonry for something else when we meet -- like
    civ locations or gold. If you give us gold we'd only give it right
    back to you
    later on when we hire you guys.

    I have authorized this agreement to be made between our nations in the
    hope of
    continued good will and good relations between us. I hope that our
    nations can
    come into contact soon.


    --- Jason Farber wrote:
    > Panzar32 and adaMada are supposedly negotiating a deal
    > where we agree to trade you Warrior Code and Masonry
    > for Alphabet and Ceremonial Burial and each of trades
    > our minimaps (the little blach ones in the lower left
    > corner) so we can can send warriors to meet in the
    > middle and establish contact.
    > I'm talking up the trade in our forum, if it sounds
    > good to you could you talk it up on your side?
    > If we meet any other civs in the meantime we should
    > trade them for the techs they have other than the two
    > we are planning to trade so we can get more techs.
    > FYI we have info on other civs and their locations to
    > trade you in order to sweeten the deal.
    Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:25.

  • #2
    Originally, these emails were to be dialogue between Togas and myself to provide groundwork for diplomatic agreement between out two teams so that trade deals could be worked out faster and often I did not have time to post a discussion in our forum before I sent it off which is why many of them state something to the effect of "not official" or "do not tell the rest of the team" as they weren't approved of by the team and I didn't want him replying "we agree to this deal" to Panzer32 and Panzer32 feeling I was undermining his authority and not having a clue what they were referring to.

    Then as Togas became more and more untrustworthy I began posting them in the forum.

    Email from Togas on December 22:

    Our analysis indicates that there should be around 2 civs between us,
    or 2 civs
    that are closer to us than you. Of course, it's really just a guess
    until we
    meet more civs. As you can see, one of our scouts are headed our way,
    would you
    guys like to move south-east and try to meet us half way?

    If we do have civs between us, and I expect that we do, I think we
    should work together to narrow the competition down a bit. My team is
    a little
    gunshy when it comes with working with GoW, but since we're not a
    democracy ...
    You get the idea. With enough incentives and a few cracks of the
    anything is possible.

    Anyhow, as one player to another, I'd like to keep discussing a
    possible alliance
    later on as the map shapes up and as we find a few more civs. And if
    you guys do
    get serious about a possible "sandwich" maneuver, contact adaMada and
    we'll work
    out something formal. He's on top of things for me and does a pretty
    good job.


    > We contacted the Demogyptians several turns ago and
    > they have contacted a civ other than us.
    > If they are between us do we want to coordinate some
    > sort of sandwich exercise to a squish them between us?
    > (This is non-diplomatic so don't mention this to our
    > two ambassadors.)
    Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:25.


    • #3
      Email from Togas on December 24:

      > The Demogyptians already have at least two cities,
      > must have found one from a goodie hut.

      Are you sure? Their score hasn't increased at all.

      Do you guys have any idea where they're located?


      Email from Togas on December 25:

      This turn it just changed. Neu Dem now has the highest score of any
      You're right about the city. How did you guys know? Did you see them
      get it?

      Also sounds like they're right between the two of us. This could lead
      to a very
      promising joint-offensive against them in the future. It's too early
      now, but we
      will definately have to plan for this soon.

      Well, as soon as we actually find those guys!

      Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:24.


      • #4
        Email from Togas on December 26:

        We have silks. We have recently uncovered spices, so we may be very
        close to Neu
        Dem's territory.

        I know my guys are going to be VERY pleased to hear you have wines.
        We've been
        drinking this barley brew that's a little intoxicating, but nothing
        compared to
        the potency and flavor of a good wine.


        > We saw the settler build the city and it was moving
        > TOWARDS the capital not away from it which is why it
        > was probably from a hut. They have a spice resource
        > near them. Do you have an abundance of any luxuries
        > near you? We have 5 wines and 1 gem.
        Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:24.


        • #5
          Email from Togas on December 30:

          Just got back from my vacation last night. Things are certainly
          interesting. I have told adaMada to send your people an urgent message
          meeting up. We need to meet up soon as our nation has met ND and they
          are making
          a good offer for Alphabet. I'd prefer not to enrich them any more than
          I have

          Are you guys pinned into a corner? Do you have more land to your west?
          situated on the south-eastern corner of the map and still trying to get
          a better
          idea of what is north and what is west of us, but we've found ND in the
          of heading towards you guys.

          Anyhow, we'll stall negotiations with ND for a few turns but not too
          long. Have
          your ambassador get back to ada ASAP and send someone south along the
          coastline to meet up with our warrior who will be headed north.

          Also note: We have researched Bronze. If you don't have that, we could
          have a
          very profitable 3 for 3 trade ... assuming, of course, we don't give in
          and trade
          with someone else.

          Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:23.


          • #6
            Email from Togas on January 1:

            We've also contacted Lux. We just need to contact you guys. If you
            send a
            warrior along the coastline you'll meet our guy. He's in the jungle

            You want a 4 way pact? Frankly, I don't understand why. This is a far
            peaceful move from you guys. I recall you proposing to us a join
            against ND, the team between us, and I agreed that it would be a good
            However, one my guys send me a PM today saying that you thought we were
            going to
            join up with ND against you? And that you told him that was the
            impression I
            gave you???

            We need to get on the same page here. There's going to be an early war
            of some
            sort and someone is going to have to be the victim. My people could
            get involved
            or we could stay out. Just let me know because I think we could be a
            very useful
            military ally to you guys in wars with either of your neighbors.


            > I'm proposing a Quad Pact to my team where each of our
            > four civs would research one tech and give it to the
            > other three at completion of research.
            > In this way we would each get three techs in return
            > for researching one.
            > We are currently researching Horseback Riding, which
            > one are you researching?
            Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:02.


            • #7
              Email from Togas on January 2:

              Deal is still on. Funny thing is, we have a warrior on the WEST coast
              headed up
              towards you guys. We figured that would be faster, you send one to the
              coast! It's OK, we have another warrior nearby. He's on a mountain on
              the east
              coast just south of a gems deposit, and he's headed north.

              That image you sent us ... we haven't gone that far north yet. If you
              keep going
              south and we keep going north we should meet in 2-3 turns.


              --- Jason Farber wrote:
              > The trade is still on right?
              > We'll give you The Wheel and Warrior Code for Alphabet
              > and whatever the other thing was Panzer was
              > negotiating.
              > If you see some desert on the eastern coast we are on
              > the western edge of it.


              • #8
                Email from Togas on January 2:

                This is an excellent arrangement. I believe we can agree to doing this
                sort of
                limited tech-trade. I know your people plan to take a more warlike
                path, so mine
                would be happy to take care of the more "intellectual" pursuits. We
                currently working on Writing, which we anticipate having in 20 turns or

                Have your official diplomat contact adaMada to work out a formal deal.
                He's very
                good in that department.

                We get the feeling Lux doesn't like ND, but Lux isn't the most
                communicative of
                teams. AdmiralPJ never writes us back. Trip hinted in general chat
                about how ND
                cannot be trusted, though. What sort of land deal was broken? Are all
                three of
                you "northern" nations going to work out a settlement deal or will it
                into war?


                --- Jason Farber wrote:
                > We have one hugging the east side of Demogyptia's
                > borders also so either we'll meet in the East or the
                > West.
                > I am assuming you are researching Writing.
                > We are researching Horseback Riding if you let us know
                > what you are researching we may be able to lock a
                > trade in for the techs we are currently researching
                > with the following clause:
                > We won't trade the tech you traded us if you don't
                > trade the tech we trade you. This will give each of
                > us full control over the tech we researched.
                > Lux apparently had ND break a land agreement with them
                > and isn't too happy with ND right now.


                • #9
                  Email from Togas on January 3:

                  Our east coast team just sighted that desert on the east coast. We're
                  on a
                  mountain to the south of it. I think we'll meet next turn.

                  Our west team is west of ND's capital city. We have it in our sights.


                  Email from Togas on January 3:

                  What the hell?! Don't you guys have any patience? You'd rather make a
                  deal with
                  ND than with us?

                  We just wasted 5+ turns of TWO of our scouts to try to urgently contact
                  you guys,
                  and we told Lux that we had aquired Warrior Code from you, so we didn't
                  need it
                  from them. Hell, we TURNED DOWN other nations to trade with you guys
                  only to
                  discover that your people don't have the same respect for agreements
                  with us as
                  you just got Bronze working and are now trying to tell adaMada that the
                  deal has
                  to be changed!

                  And all this time you've been sending us emails confirming that the
                  "deal was
                  still on", leading us on, so all the while we held to the deal and
                  didn't buy
                  either tech from anyone else because we agreed we would buy it from

                  This is a very dishonorable way for a team to act, especially when you
                  expect us
                  to trust that you'll stick to your agrements. In the future, we will
                  think twice
                  before relying on the frail promises of your wishy-washy team.


                  --- Jason Farber wrote:
                  > The trade is still on right?
                  > We'll give you The Wheel and Warrior Code for Alphabet
                  > and whatever the other thing was Panzer was
                  > negotiating.
                  > If you see some desert on the eastern coast we are on
                  > the western edge of it.


                  • #10
                    Email from Togas on January 4:

                    You need to talk to your people to see what they're telling us before
                    you go off
                    the handle. I wrote you after Panzer sent a message to adaMada stating
                    that you
                    just received one of the techs we were going to trade you, Bronze
                    Working, and
                    that the deal would have to be redone.

                    He informed us that "It seems like our warriors are very close together
                    now, but
                    our previous tech deal is obselete; therefore I would like to get a new
                    deal together with you."

                    adaMada posted his message to my forum and asked me what we should do

                    As you should know, we had planned to give your team Alphabet AND
                    Bronze Working
                    for Wheel and Warrior Code. However, since your team aquired Bronze
                    working, the
                    deal would, in his words, have to be redone.

                    We turned down a deal with Lux for the same techs we had agreed to
                    trade to you.
                    We have a contact with them and could have made such a deal at any time
                    week, but chose not to. You can understand why this would upset me.
                    You can
                    understand why I immediately wrote to you.

                    I recontacted Lux this evening to see if they would reconsider their
                    offer to us.
                    Trip informed me that they will. However, I made it perfectly clear
                    to him that
                    I would only take their offer IF things could not be worked out with
                    your team.

                    Therefore, you have a decision to make. Make ammends for this mistake
                    ... I'm
                    sure it wasn't intentional. I'm sure it's one of those situations
                    where one hand
                    isn't watching the other. Get us back to the bargaining table and make
                    a promise
                    that your team can keep. Or, tell us to f*ck off and we'll go trade
                    Warrior Code
                    and Wheel for Alphabet to Lux Invicta.

                    Either way we get the techs we need. However, only you or Lux gets
                    Alphabet from
                    us. I don't care either way, but I made a deal with your team and when
                    I make a
                    promise I keep it. YOUR team has priority here and I had ordered that
                    we trade
                    with your people first and formost, but I will change those plans if
                    your team
                    would rather take a more opportunistic approach to trade deals.

                    Lastly, explain to me how your team operates. Who's in charge and how
                    are these
                    decisions made? If you make a deal with me, how do I know that your
                    team will
                    follow through with it? If Panzer makes a deal, how do we know that
                    official or not? In the future, how will we know who speaks for your
                    team and
                    who's word we can rely on if a simple incident like this can occur?

                    Post this message to your people so they can fully understand my


                    --- Jason Farber wrote:
                    > This is to inform you that I have recommended to our
                    > team that trading you The Wheel and Warrior Code for
                    > Alphabet is no longer acceptable in my opinion. We
                    > were trying to insure that our two teams would get
                    > every tech possible technology but your completely
                    > aggressive attacks in private and public against any
                    > team that does not willingly submit to be your lackey
                    > has made it clear that NO TEAM can coexist with yours.
                    Last edited by GhengisFarbâ„¢; February 6, 2003, 19:03.


                    • #11
                      Email from Togas on January 4:

                      Thank you for clearing up the situation with your command structure.
                      Panzer is
                      "official" but you are his boss. That's similar to how my team is run:
                      speaks for me, officially, but I could replace him or give him
                      instructions on
                      how to handle a situation.

                      I understand why you would be so frustrated by this turn of events. I
                      think we
                      both are for the same reason: Each of us has been pushing our team to
                      reluctantly move closer together, and each of us has gone to great
                      lengths to
                      achieve contact. I have a great many of the "GoW cannot be trusted"
                      crowd in my
                      ranks, and you probably have something of the same in yours for us.
                      When this
                      issue was posted it caused quite an uproar that, personally, affected
                      me because
                      of the trouble I had gone through to ensure that our deal with your
                      team would
                      take place.

                      If making a deal and sticking to is didn't matter much to me, I
                      wouldn't have
                      been angry about this at all.

                      I sent you that direct quote from Panzer's email. I don't think he was
                      doing any
                      harm, but I do think that it's obvious that there was some
                      miscommunication in
                      your ranks. He can send you a copy from his saved message file, or I
                      can send
                      you a copy, whatever you prefer.

                      The following timeline needs to be cleared up:

                      > We make tech trade deal for 3 techs UNLESS we aquire
                      > them before we meet.
                      > You acquire one of the 3 techs.
                      > We aquire one of the 3 techs.
                      > We ammend the deal to be 2 techs for 2 techs.
                      > Lux gifts us Bronzeworking to encourage us to befriend
                      > them and not side with ND.
                      > Panzer32 informs adaMada that our tech deal is off.
                      > Togas makes statements in the Apoly chat room that we
                      > violated on our aggrements and are not to be trusted.

                      Why don't you go look at the logs and you'll see that this is clearly
                      not true.
                      I don't have to comment any further, as the logs will clear this matter
                      up. I
                      went in and told Trip that your team was trying to change the deal,
                      then told him
                      we may have a better deal than the one we had previous arranged if our
                      deal with
                      you guys fell through.

                      > Togas informs me that I am dishonest and Roleplay no
                      > longer wants to deal with us.

                      This is untrue, but it's rather silly to argue about someone else's
                      All you need to know is that if we no longer wanted to deal with you, I
                      be writing this email.

                      > I inform Togas that I have no idea what he is talking
                      > about.
                      > I find out that we are being slandered as backstabbers
                      > and have broken our agreements.

                      Oh really? I'd like to see where anyone said anything like that. You
                      know full
                      well how angry I was, but you'll note when you review the logs that I
                      never made
                      any statements like that. I expressed my frustrations about your team
                      wanting to
                      change the deal, but never went any further than that.

                      > I inform my team that I don't feel it is wise to deal
                      > with a team that slanders us publicly and inform
                      > Togas, Dejon, and Arnelos of my new position.
                      > Togas emails me that Panzer32 told adaMada that the
                      > tech deal is off.

                      AND I sent you the text of his message to us, so that you could
                      understand what
                      made us so frustrated.

                      > I posted the situation in our forum and requested a
                      > statement from Panzer32 as to what he informed you and
                      > why he may/may not have changed the deal without team
                      > authorization.
                      > I emailed Togas, Dejon, and Arnelos this overview.

                      Frankly, I don't know why you decided to email Dejon & Arnelos this
                      Perhaps you're trying to inspire a coup?

                      Blah, blah, blah. Enough of all of this bitterness. There's two
                      things I need
                      to ask:

                      1) Email is personal communications between you and me, not official
                      team stuff.
                      PMs are for official team business, and I'm not all that happy you
                      posted my
                      first email to your team. But I'm not going to sweat this, it's not a
                      big enough
                      issue to be annoyed about. In the future, let's keep our PERSONAL
                      out of official game matters. I wrote you because you're the guy on
                      GoW that I
                      have the closest relationship to, and I wanted to express my
                      frustrations at what
                      I thought was a bigger issue than (obviously) it turned out to be.
                      Anyhow, let's
                      not quote personal emails in each other's private forums, alright?

                      2) Are we going to make a bigger deal of this than we should? I
                      received another
                      PM from Panzer that cleared up the whole thing -- you guys got Bronze
                      as a gift.
                      I wish I'd known that yesterday, but it wasn't communicated to me. If
                      it was, no
                      big deal. No one could turn down a tech gift. I'd completely
                      Can you understand why I'd say, knowing only what I knew yesterday,
                      that your
                      team wanted to change the deal on us? And if you look back at the
                      logs, you'll
                      see that I said nothing else derogatory about your team, when I was
                      angry enough to do so. So can we quite overreacting and move on?
                      What do you

                      I think that's enough. I need to return to my forums and let everyone
                      know that
                      I've cleared this matter up. I've already posted Panzer's PM to my
                      team, and I
                      think that dispells the hype. Your guy does a pretty good job. You
                      don't need
                      to replace him. Maybe next time just add in a little extra information
                      so that
                      we don't get the wrong idea (you know, like my thinking you guys made a
                      deal with ND instead of us...).



                      • #12
                        Email from Togas on January 4:

                        > It looks like we have a deal to trade Horseback for
                        > Ironworking with Lux, Horseback for Writing with you,
                        > and you should have Writing for Ironworking with Lux
                        > which is a partial if not complete embodiment of the
                        > tech pact I was looking for.

                        This is what I see happening as well. We three teams exchanging
                        amongst each
                        other. We plan to research Writing and them Mapmaking and trade it to
                        you and
                        Lux. So long as you and Lux research different techs our three-way
                        informal pact
                        will be in effect.

                        I'm reluctant to include ND and make it a four way trade pact, but I
                        may change
                        my mind. Let me know if they seem interested. Perhaps it would be
                        best for our
                        continent to rapidly rise above the weaker, distant other civs.

                        The trade deal has been accepted on our part. You'll notice that I
                        included a
                        small gift ... tribute to you and your team. A token gift that is
                        given to
                        express our gratefulness that this potentially ugly affair was worked
                        out between
                        our countries. Accept this gift with our thanks.



                        • #13
                          Email from Togas on January 7:
                          Jason et al,

                          This is a fine idea and my team is on board, but it's going to need a
                          lot of
                          compromise and trust to pull off. We're going to need to work out some
                          additional terms about the minimum level of research allowed, trade
                          schemes, and
                          so forth.

                          We have already planned to do mapmaking next. So the Warmongers should
                          another path. So long as everyone keeps up an even research rate, it
                          matter that teams finish techs before others or that teams are
                          researching a
                          longer or shorter tech, as they will be giving the tech away and
                          starting on
                          another one as soon as it is discovered.

                          Is Lux Invicta in on this arrangement?


                          --- Jason Farber wrote:
                          > ND just informed me that they are now interested in
                          > the tech sharing idea (first email I had gotten from
                          > them in a while I was beginning to get the idea they
                          > had cut off diplomatic relations with me)
                          > Here is the chart with the techs everyone is
                          > researching now and what they would like to research
                          > next. I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by
                          > sending this as I don't see how this is going to
                          > destroy anyone's gameplan.
                          > ND has stated they wish to research Mathematics next.
                          > As my team researched the cheapest tech of the lot we
                          > would like to research Mapmaking to make up for it so
                          > that we are contributing our full share.
                          > Roleplay is researching the most expensive tech so I
                          > woudl not have a problem with them researching one of
                          > the lower cost ones.
                          > This is not an Official Diplomatic message, just a
                          > message to start some organization so that we can
                          > start to get on the same page so to speak.
                          > It is my philosophy that this tech coordination in no
                          > way affect diplomatic or political discussions. If
                          > one civ declares war on another civ so be it, but the
                          > tech thing continues. If Lux and ND go to war
                          > (example only, not trying to start a war) then Lux
                          > will still get the research ND did and vice versa it
                          > will simply be transferred through a non-aligned
                          > party. What are your teams views on this? I am going
                          > to try to get a consensus from my team.
                          > I also envision that immediately upon researching your
                          > assigned tech you give it to the other teams. This
                          > would eliminate the desire of one team to choose a
                          > specific tech for a Wonder and hold on to it to get an
                          > advantage over the other three.


                          • #14
                            Email from Togas on January 7:
                            > Rock, paper, scissors?

                            Naw, the tech is too important. We'll be the first ones who CAN get it
                            after we
                            finish Writing. Most efficient for us to start on it immediately,
                            instead of
                            waiting for you guys to finish X tech and then start on MM.


                            > > We have already planned to do mapmaking next. So
                            > > the Warmongers should choose
                            > > another path.
                            > >
                            > > --Togas


                            • #15
                              Email from Togas on January 7:

                              There's always Construction ...

                              Mysticism is fine. You may want to just pick up on the Writing tech
                              tree and
                              take one of those. Depends on if your Civ wants to get to Republic or


