In the Strategy section, I posted this thread to talk about an early, cash intensive [ie 40 turns/tech] war. Since it's designed for a SP game, I offer this only as a STARTING POINT for a discussion on our tactics.
If we can, I think the warrior ==> swordsman upgrade mentioned in the 2nd post is the best way to go.
Iron Trading
If there's an ally that has only one Iron when we want our upgrades, maybe we can talk then into giving it to us for 20 turns. They build warriors which they will upgrade to swordsmen later. If they want their contract cancelled before that, they declare a sham war with us, which gives them back the Iron.
If we can, I think the warrior ==> swordsman upgrade mentioned in the 2nd post is the best way to go.
Iron Trading
If there's an ally that has only one Iron when we want our upgrades, maybe we can talk then into giving it to us for 20 turns. They build warriors which they will upgrade to swordsmen later. If they want their contract cancelled before that, they declare a sham war with us, which gives them back the Iron.