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Tech Research Cubed

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  • Tech Research Cubed

    It becoming fairly obvious that ND, Lux, Roleplay and us are on the same continent. While we are going to have to go to war with them eventually, war at this early on would be to the detriment of the warring civs as the other two would take advantage of that period to concentrate solely on REXing.

    I propose we make contact with Lux and Roleplay asap and propose a tech consortium between our 4 civs where each civ researchs one tech and gives it to each of the other three on completion.

    Us: Research Horsebackriding
    Lux: Researches Ironworking
    ND: Reseraches Mysticism
    Roleplay: Researches Writing

    The Agreement simply means that each civ researches one tech and in return they get three back.

    We could then agree to a second 1 for three swap towards the conclusion of the first tech pact and so on.

    This would eventually give our 4 civs a HUGE tech lead over the other three.

  • #2
    I want to know - have we actually discovered the wheel yet?
    Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
    King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
    May God Bless.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Panzer32
      I want to know - have we actually discovered the wheel yet?
      Yep, we're 26 turns away from finishing Horseback Riding.


      • #4
        Response from Togas:

        We've also contacted Lux. We just need to contact you guys. If you
        send a
        warrior along the coastline you'll meet our guy. He's in the jungle

        You want a 4 way pact? Frankly, I don't understand why. This is a far
        peaceful move from you guys.

        We need to get on the same page here. There's going to be an early war
        of some
        sort and someone is going to have to be the victim. My people could
        get involved
        or we could stay out. Just let me know because I think we could be a
        very useful
        military ally to you guys in wars with either of your neighbors.



        • #5
          Response from Borc:
          Hello GhengisFarb!
          I posted your message in our forum and we will start to discuss the
          idea of
          the QUAD PACT in our parliament!
          Response from Trip:
          Consider this PM an official introduction of Lux Invicta to Glory of War. We have replied to your trade offer with an offer of our own, and hopefully it will be to your liking.

          It is late this night, so hopefully we can discuss matters tomorrow more thorougly. A spell in the chatroom or simply through PM will suffice.

          Trip, Administrator of Lux Invicta Demo Game


          • #6
            Well, no one appears to be violently against it... good sign...
            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
            May God Bless.


            • #7
              Traded straight up swap with Lux: The Wheel and Warrior Code for Bronzeworking and Pottery.


              • #8
                We don't need no stinking libraries, or temples. These builds only help us when we get to Chivalry. We can get more milage from taking cities, what do we need with a 50% boost in science when we can have twice the cities?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by realpolitic
                  We don't need no stinking libraries, or temples. These builds only help us when we get to Chivalry. We can get more milage from taking cities, what do we need with a 50% boost in science when we can have twice the cities?
                  I hate to burst your bubble, but we can't get Chivalry until we have ALL the techs from this Age except for Republic and Monarchy so they are required for us to get Chivalry.


                  • #10
                    My points are:
                    1) Chivalry is a long way off - if we aquire more cities we'll be able to get the 20 or so techs between us and Chivalry FASTER than with cooperation.
                    2) Those 20 techs will require roughly 150 turns to get, so aren't we better off developing a strong shield base?
                    3) If we get Chivalry 10 turns later, but produce 30% more shields, we're still better off.


                    • #11
                      Latest on the tech situation:
                      Picahulu wrote on 06-01-2003 17:27:

                      my team decided to join the technology pact you proposed, as we also think we all should work together to achieve a great advantage to the other teams. We're currently developing Iron Working and will be finished soon. After that we're going to start developing Mathematics.

                      Please inform us about your teams' decisions what to research next.

                      Concerning your border violation we consider this to be an act of espionage and we must demand that this won't happen again. Please be warned that we're going to destroy any units which trespasses our land in future, as long as no Right of Passage has been worked out.

                      Picahulu, Ambassador of Neu Demogyptica

                      This brings the situation to where all four civs haved expressed interest in the tech coordination.

                      I sent the message out today:
                      ND just informed me that they are now interested in the tech sharing idea (first email I had gotten from them in a while I was beginning to get the idea they had cut off diplomatic relations with me)

                      Here is the chart with the techs everyone is researching now and what they would like to research next. I hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by sending this as I don't see how this is going to destroy anyone's gameplan.

                      ND has stated they wish to research Mathematics next. As my team researched the cheapest tech of the lot we would like to research Mapmaking to make up for it so that we are contributing our full share.

                      Roleplay is researching the most expensive tech so I woudl not have a problem with them researching one of the lower cost ones.

                      This is not an Official Diplomatic message, just a message to start some organization so that we can start to get on the same page so to speak.

                      It is my philosophy that this tech coordination in no way affect diplomatic or political discussions. If one civ declares war on another civ so be it, but the tech thing continues. If Lux and ND go to war (example only, not trying to start a war) then Lux will still get the research ND did and vice versa it will simply be transferred through a non-aligned party. What are your teams views on this? I am going to try to get a consensus from my team.

                      I also envision that immediately upon researching your assigned tech you give it to the other teams. This would eliminate the desire of one team to choose a specific tech for a Wonder and hold on to it to get an advantage over the other three.
                      I would like to get Mapmaking as Lego appears to be to our west over the water and I would like build a galley to make contact. Galleys will also give us a tactical alternative for future wars and campaigns on our own continent.


                      • #12
                        Togas has informed me they want to research Mapmaking and while I have little trust for them and their plotting with Lux, I would like to use the agreement to get as much tech as possible. We can't research anything but Mysticism until we get Ironworking and Writing.

                        If we get one of their techs before ours I would suggest Construction or Literature.

                        Roleplay IS trying to get Lux and ND to form a triple alliance against us. I have heard as much from members of Lux. And insinuations from ND.
                        Last edited by GhengisFarb™; January 7, 2003, 16:11.


                        • #13
                          If a 3 vs 1 pact has been locked in, I say we go out in a blaze of glory, and take roleplay out now.

                          Archer / Sword / Horseman rush.

                          Or ..

                          We do some serious diplomacy with ND.
                          Riders & Ansars, and we take over the continent.
                          With a non aggression pact signed now and until military tradition.

                          Having a pact against us was not really unexpected given our open claim to be warmongerers.

                          Lux and ND are smart...they will want to take us out before we get Riders. We need a counter offensive now, and possibly have an ancient age war.
                          "No Comment"


                          • #14
                            I think you could be right...

                            How about a conspiracy theory FAM thread???

                            I'll go make one.
                            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                            May God Bless.


                            • #15
                              We have to be very, very careful. This 3 way pact they are working on is a result of Roleplay twisting the minds Lux and ND and using our own words against us.

                              We should realize that Roleplay is some kind of evil genius.

                              We must be prepared to eliminate this Axis of Evil.

