Ghengis, since you are emperor, could you please create an Official Turn Update Thread and top it?
only the emperor can post in that thread, no strategy discussions occur in it, all that happens is the emperor lists all actions taken in each turn, and gives a status report on our civ, by listing things such as our slider setting, our surplus (or deficit) how many turns till we discover our current tech, etc.
also please inform us of when a new turn is received
right now, i'm having computer problems and ptw isn't working for me, and i know some members of our team don't have play the world at all, but we all need some basic information to participate in the strategy discussion, and an official message from the emperor would be a good way of staying on top of things
right now i'm not sure if you still have the first turn or not, or if we have already passed on the second and third turns or what is going on exactly
please give me feedback on this proposal
only the emperor can post in that thread, no strategy discussions occur in it, all that happens is the emperor lists all actions taken in each turn, and gives a status report on our civ, by listing things such as our slider setting, our surplus (or deficit) how many turns till we discover our current tech, etc.
also please inform us of when a new turn is received
right now, i'm having computer problems and ptw isn't working for me, and i know some members of our team don't have play the world at all, but we all need some basic information to participate in the strategy discussion, and an official message from the emperor would be a good way of staying on top of things
right now i'm not sure if you still have the first turn or not, or if we have already passed on the second and third turns or what is going on exactly
please give me feedback on this proposal