I have made a detailed Excel spreadsheet on details on our nuclear-building program. As I explained last turn, we will be using the F1 trick to switch builds this turn and also to disband units directly from the city screen (so GS does not notice we are disbanding).
In summary:
We will be building 6 nukes this turn. They will be built in Skulgaria, The Hill, Irongard, Yellowknife, Trafalgar and Killdaria. 26 Artilleries will be disbanded, as will 1 tank and 3 explorers. The targets of our strike will be:
Santa Barbara (land-launched)
Elipolis (land-launched)
Winds of Change (land-launched)
Dissidentville (sub-launched)
Monsoon (sub-launched)
Arashi-Uranium Tile (sub-launched)
We will also be invading Roleplay and hopefully destroying them this very turn. First we will investigate Santa Barbara to see what the defenses are. We have 32 Marines. If those suffice, we will be bombing the city with about 25 bombers, 8 cruise missiles, 25 artilleries, a battleship and 3 destroyers. Shock and Aweâ„¢
After that we'll be sending as many troops as necessary from our 13 Transports in Port Isolation. We don't need settlers fortunately as RP cities are all bunched together. Once we conquer Roleplay, the attack on GS begins.
The first city to be nuked will be Elipolis, this is so that we destroy all communications between RP and GS and hence they won't be able to send their army against ours. Along the border with GS we will nuke Winds of Change which is just inside range (that's their Iron Works city btw). Finally, we have 4 subs in our just outside Devil's Horn. 2 of them will sail with a nuke onboard and attack Dissidentville and Monsoon. The other pair will chain a nuke and we will hit the tile between Arashi and the Uranium.
If all goes well, we'll have devastated 5 GS cities including their most productive one, conquered Roleplay and hopefullly established a dominant naval presence in the area between Bob and Stormia. Our surplus troops will board the transports which will begin sailing southwards from Roleplay for a full invasion of GS scheduled for 1360 AD at the earliest.
There is not much more I can say other than tell you guys to cross your fingers and hope that no unexpected twist of fate gets in our way. As it stands, everything is as planned as best as I could and I'd appreciate it if you guys reviewed the sheet, and perhaps we can also schedule a team chat for next turn so we can watch GS and Roleplay's cities go out in a blaze of glory together.
I have made a detailed Excel spreadsheet on details on our nuclear-building program. As I explained last turn, we will be using the F1 trick to switch builds this turn and also to disband units directly from the city screen (so GS does not notice we are disbanding).
In summary:
We will be building 6 nukes this turn. They will be built in Skulgaria, The Hill, Irongard, Yellowknife, Trafalgar and Killdaria. 26 Artilleries will be disbanded, as will 1 tank and 3 explorers. The targets of our strike will be:
Santa Barbara (land-launched)
Elipolis (land-launched)
Winds of Change (land-launched)
Dissidentville (sub-launched)
Monsoon (sub-launched)
Arashi-Uranium Tile (sub-launched)
We will also be invading Roleplay and hopefully destroying them this very turn. First we will investigate Santa Barbara to see what the defenses are. We have 32 Marines. If those suffice, we will be bombing the city with about 25 bombers, 8 cruise missiles, 25 artilleries, a battleship and 3 destroyers. Shock and Aweâ„¢

After that we'll be sending as many troops as necessary from our 13 Transports in Port Isolation. We don't need settlers fortunately as RP cities are all bunched together. Once we conquer Roleplay, the attack on GS begins.
The first city to be nuked will be Elipolis, this is so that we destroy all communications between RP and GS and hence they won't be able to send their army against ours. Along the border with GS we will nuke Winds of Change which is just inside range (that's their Iron Works city btw). Finally, we have 4 subs in our just outside Devil's Horn. 2 of them will sail with a nuke onboard and attack Dissidentville and Monsoon. The other pair will chain a nuke and we will hit the tile between Arashi and the Uranium.
If all goes well, we'll have devastated 5 GS cities including their most productive one, conquered Roleplay and hopefullly established a dominant naval presence in the area between Bob and Stormia. Our surplus troops will board the transports which will begin sailing southwards from Roleplay for a full invasion of GS scheduled for 1360 AD at the earliest.
There is not much more I can say other than tell you guys to cross your fingers and hope that no unexpected twist of fate gets in our way. As it stands, everything is as planned as best as I could and I'd appreciate it if you guys reviewed the sheet, and perhaps we can also schedule a team chat for next turn so we can watch GS and Roleplay's cities go out in a blaze of glory together.
