This is a crucial turn, ND will get Rocketry and we must decide who will continue with Space Flight and who will be providing the gold. Ideally ND should build Space Flight so they can start the war against GS first. Looks like a showdown is brewing in the sea between GS and ND where there's a bunch of ships now.
Also, our Eastern Fleet has now actually reached the east. Our Carriers will enter MacKenzie this turn and the Destroyers and Transports can reach Alert. Our Eastern Fleet is composed of 10 destroyers, 12 transports, 5 carriers (soon to be 6) and there'll be 1 battleship too.
Also, our Eastern Fleet has now actually reached the east. Our Carriers will enter MacKenzie this turn and the Destroyers and Transports can reach Alert. Our Eastern Fleet is composed of 10 destroyers, 12 transports, 5 carriers (soon to be 6) and there'll be 1 battleship too.