Urgent Business
Last turn a Lego battleship was spotted at the northern tip of Legoland. Whether this is a lone ship or part of something bigger I have no idea since I did not want to risk the destroyer scout. Nevertheless a number of precautions have been taken to prevent a possible Lego landing on Little Bob. First of all, 6 Cavs and 2 more Infantry are heading to the island, this will leave each city with 3 Infs which next turn will be upgraded to Mech Infs. The Cavs will be used for shore blocking as Lego does not have Marines. The Cavs and Infs in the island have been relocated so that if Lego does land next turn, they can only do so 2 tiles away from either city. This will give us 2 turns of bombardment and an extra turn to ferry units. Likewise, 2 transports are now "chainable" to the island in case we need to send more. Also, all aircraft from the 4 carriers of the Eastern Fleet have been ferried to Zenophobia in case they are needed. This is a very unlikely scenario but still it's better to be safe than sorry.
Other than that 3 more colonies to be built in Bob, I propose the names to be "Airstrip One" (1984 reference), "Black Mesa" (Half-Life reference) and "Phobos Anomaly" (Doom reference). If anyone has any ideas for names related to occupations/infestations go ahead
One more carrier this turn, the CV-6 IWS UnOrthOdOx. This currently leaves us with 2 carriers in the west and 4 en route to the east (along with 6 destroyers and 12 transports)
Oh and finally... we have 2 sources of Uranium
Last turn a Lego battleship was spotted at the northern tip of Legoland. Whether this is a lone ship or part of something bigger I have no idea since I did not want to risk the destroyer scout. Nevertheless a number of precautions have been taken to prevent a possible Lego landing on Little Bob. First of all, 6 Cavs and 2 more Infantry are heading to the island, this will leave each city with 3 Infs which next turn will be upgraded to Mech Infs. The Cavs will be used for shore blocking as Lego does not have Marines. The Cavs and Infs in the island have been relocated so that if Lego does land next turn, they can only do so 2 tiles away from either city. This will give us 2 turns of bombardment and an extra turn to ferry units. Likewise, 2 transports are now "chainable" to the island in case we need to send more. Also, all aircraft from the 4 carriers of the Eastern Fleet have been ferried to Zenophobia in case they are needed. This is a very unlikely scenario but still it's better to be safe than sorry.
Other than that 3 more colonies to be built in Bob, I propose the names to be "Airstrip One" (1984 reference), "Black Mesa" (Half-Life reference) and "Phobos Anomaly" (Doom reference). If anyone has any ideas for names related to occupations/infestations go ahead
One more carrier this turn, the CV-6 IWS UnOrthOdOx. This currently leaves us with 2 carriers in the west and 4 en route to the east (along with 6 destroyers and 12 transports)
Oh and finally... we have 2 sources of Uranium