Disbandings and Shortrushes
GoW is capable of producing eight 100-shield units per turn in eight cities. Three of them already have a production of 100spt so no problem here. The others range from 76spt to 96spt so disbandings/rushes are necessary. These are as follows:
Imperial City - 96spt - must disband an Explorer (+5s) OR disband two workers (+4s)
The Hill - 104spt - no rushes necessary
Yellowknife - 100spt - no rushes necessary
Irongard - 100spt - no rushes necessary
Trafalgar - 96spt - must disband an Explorer (+5s) OR disband two workers (+4s)
Skulgaria - 90spt - must disband TWO Explorers (+10s) OR shortrush a worker (+5s cost 80g).
Killdaria - 80spt - must disband a Cavalry (+20s)
Macao - 76spt - must disband an Explorer (+5s) AND a Cavalry (+20s)
Explorers are being built in 4 cities. 3 of them are built in 1 turn (Zayrut, Alert and Resolute). MacKenzie builds it in 2 turns. In Skulgaria's case, shortrushing should only be done if there aren't two extra Explorers available for it.
All of the main productive cities are at optimal size and at optimal WF settings. The most important thing is production, check the F1 screen to ensure that the eight 100s cities have the prodcution listed above. The only constant WF changes are with the Camp Cities, particularly Ningpo. Ningpo tends to mess up its WF after producing a worker so just remember to keep it at its optimal settings. All three cities build a worker and grow in 2 turns (the two Camps on the same turn, Ningpo on the next). The following is the optimal WF for each of the three:
Camp Cod : 6-15-16
Camp Concord : 4-5-13
Ningpo : 3-5-8-10-14
I leave any further changes to the discretion of the turn player, if there's a way to arrange WF more optimally, go ahead.
All our empire is fully developed except around the new city Malaria in the southeast. Workers are only needed for pollution cleaning and city growth. We build 3 workers every 2 turns and they are used 90% for growth in our cities. In the event that there's nothing to grow anymore, those workers can be used for disbands too. 2 workers = 4s and they can be used to speed up Trafalgar, Imperial City or Macao's builds. Given that our cities are of good size by now, the workers are perhaps best used for disbands in one of these three cities.
Disbandings and Shortrushes
GoW is capable of producing eight 100-shield units per turn in eight cities. Three of them already have a production of 100spt so no problem here. The others range from 76spt to 96spt so disbandings/rushes are necessary. These are as follows:
Imperial City - 96spt - must disband an Explorer (+5s) OR disband two workers (+4s)
The Hill - 104spt - no rushes necessary
Yellowknife - 100spt - no rushes necessary
Irongard - 100spt - no rushes necessary
Trafalgar - 96spt - must disband an Explorer (+5s) OR disband two workers (+4s)
Skulgaria - 90spt - must disband TWO Explorers (+10s) OR shortrush a worker (+5s cost 80g).
Killdaria - 80spt - must disband a Cavalry (+20s)
Macao - 76spt - must disband an Explorer (+5s) AND a Cavalry (+20s)
Explorers are being built in 4 cities. 3 of them are built in 1 turn (Zayrut, Alert and Resolute). MacKenzie builds it in 2 turns. In Skulgaria's case, shortrushing should only be done if there aren't two extra Explorers available for it.
All of the main productive cities are at optimal size and at optimal WF settings. The most important thing is production, check the F1 screen to ensure that the eight 100s cities have the prodcution listed above. The only constant WF changes are with the Camp Cities, particularly Ningpo. Ningpo tends to mess up its WF after producing a worker so just remember to keep it at its optimal settings. All three cities build a worker and grow in 2 turns (the two Camps on the same turn, Ningpo on the next). The following is the optimal WF for each of the three:
Camp Cod : 6-15-16
Camp Concord : 4-5-13
Ningpo : 3-5-8-10-14
I leave any further changes to the discretion of the turn player, if there's a way to arrange WF more optimally, go ahead.
All our empire is fully developed except around the new city Malaria in the southeast. Workers are only needed for pollution cleaning and city growth. We build 3 workers every 2 turns and they are used 90% for growth in our cities. In the event that there's nothing to grow anymore, those workers can be used for disbands too. 2 workers = 4s and they can be used to speed up Trafalgar, Imperial City or Macao's builds. Given that our cities are of good size by now, the workers are perhaps best used for disbands in one of these three cities.