Urgent Business
- We are now 3rd in GNP and our economy will surge this turn since we complete 4 Banks and a stock exchange.
- We have 13 galleons right now. Upgraded to 13 transports that gives us the capacity to transport 104 units. We will get 3 more in two turns and Trafalgar is currenly doing a galleon per turn. We will need a lot of ships since there will be a decoy fleet too.
- We are now 3rd in GNP and our economy will surge this turn since we complete 4 Banks and a stock exchange.
- We have 13 galleons right now. Upgraded to 13 transports that gives us the capacity to transport 104 units. We will get 3 more in two turns and Trafalgar is currenly doing a galleon per turn. We will need a lot of ships since there will be a decoy fleet too.