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ND-GoW chat

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  • ND-GoW chat

    in summary:

    - elections in ND. Darekill is winning, and if he wins, he'll likely stop trading with Lego.
    - more Lego paranoia on our behalf
    - the second half of the chat is just meaningless chit-chat

    Start of #gow_cofa buffer: Thu May 06 17:05:39 2004

    [12:19] * Now talking in #gow_cofa
    [12:19] * Topic is 'The Glory of Diplomacy: Who needs the UN when you have #GoW_CoFA?'
    [12:19] * Set by MasterZen on Thu Mar 18 15:54:42
    [12:19] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MasterZen
    [12:20] [Darekill] Hi.
    [12:20] [MasterZen] hello
    [12:20] [Zayxus] hi!
    [12:20] [MasterZen] how's it going?
    [12:20] * Zayxus jumps up and down
    [12:20] [Darekill] Z. and me have used your room to talk a bit about ND interna
    [12:20] [MasterZen] hahaah
    [12:21] [MasterZen] GoW charges 100g an hour for use of its chat room
    [12:21] [Zayxus]
    [12:21] [Darekill] Looks like we used it for about 100ns
    [12:21] [Darekill] thats nano seconds.
    [12:22] [Darekill] *g*
    [12:25] [Zayxus] MZ, did you get the turn?
    [12:27] [Darekill] *test
    [12:27] [MasterZen] yesterday? yes
    [12:27] [Zayxus] Did you get the 150 G?
    [12:27] [MasterZen] yep
    [12:28] [Zayxus] how long would it last for Steel?
    [12:28] [MasterZen] as of next turn, 4 turns
    [12:28] [Darekill] quite fast.
    [12:28] [MasterZen] 6 turns total
    [12:29] [Darekill] We will leave Lego behind then soon.
    [12:29] [MasterZen] maybe with some new universites it might be only 3 more (hopefully)
    [12:29] [Darekill] Do you think they will start to act aggressiv then?
    [12:29] [MasterZen] maybe...
    [12:30] [MasterZen] we haven't heard from Lego since we did our last tech trade...
    which was industrialization
    [12:30] [MasterZen] I would not be surprised if they had something planned...
    [12:30] [MasterZen] hopefully, with railroads, they'll think twice about attacking any
    of us
    [12:31] [Darekill] That wouls be interesting. then.
    [12:32] [MasterZen] see, my way of looking at it is this: if they don't want to be left
    behind in techs, they should at least be actively looking for trades. But they aren't
    [12:33] [MasterZen] which is highly suspicious
    [12:33] [Darekill] Well I told them last week that if I get in charge they will not
    trade much with ND.
    [12:34] [Darekill] Maybe they aproach you instead?
    [12:36] [MasterZen] they haven't talked to us :S
    [12:37] [MasterZen] btw, UnOrthOdOx might be GoW emperor soon
    [12:38] [Darekill] Oh, will be intresting to meet him more closely.
    [12:39] [MasterZen] I've done my job industrializing our crappy empire
    [12:41] [Darekill] What will be Unorthos job?
    [12:41] [Darekill] Hunting down vondrak in all the wrong places?
    [12:41] [MasterZen] i don't know... invade someone I guess
    [12:42] [MasterZen] I will still probably be Consul of the Interior
    [12:42] [MasterZen] "factories! factories! more factories!"
    [12:43] [MasterZen] btw, I will present my thesis next friday woo hoo!
    [12:45] [Darekill] DR. MZ?
    [12:45] [MasterZen] LIC. MZ... I don't know how to translate it, but it is is
    equivalent to 5 years of university
    [12:46] [MasterZen] "Licenciatura" is what it is called in spanish
    [12:48] [Darekill] Ah thats probably something like a Master in England
    [12:49] [MasterZen] yes, a M.Sc is 1 year in england. With the undergraduate degree,
    that's 5 years total
    [12:50] [Darekill] So gratulations.
    [12:50] [MasterZen] thanks
    [12:50] [Darekill] Anything actually on the agenda?
    [12:51] [MasterZen] not really
    [12:51] [MasterZen] we'll be sending our workers back to ND next turn
    [12:51] [MasterZen] err... next-next turn
    [12:51] [Zayxus] as deal?
    [12:52] [Zayxus] or as job?
    [12:52] [MasterZen] depends, you want them to keep mining mountains? or do you want to
    trade for Mavdad?
    [12:52] [Zayxus] oh, workers on job are fine
    [12:53] [MasterZen] once we finish mining the mountains you mentioned in the e-mail,
    we'll trade
    [12:54] [Zayxus] alright, this was the agreement.
    [12:56] [MasterZen] btw, this is wierd:
    [12:57] [MasterZen] in the diplo screen, GS appears with 4 rubbers, but checking the
    map I see none :S
    [12:57] [Darekill] Hmmm... all the Rubber on the citys?
    [12:58] [MasterZen] I checked the cities also
    [12:59] [Darekill] Then I don't know.
    [13:02] [Zayxus] me either
    [13:03] [MasterZen] I'll check next turn
    [13:04] [MasterZen] don't forget to trade us your map, each time we trade our map the
    entire world map is updated
    [13:06] [Darekill] I'll keep it in mind
    [13:06] [Darekill] If I get electet...
    [13:06] [Zayxus] alright
    [13:07] [MasterZen] when are your elections?
    [13:07] [Darekill] they are running.
    [13:08] [Darekill] in six days they are through.
    [13:08] [MasterZen] who is running? Darekill vs Zayxus?
    [13:08] [Darekill] Yes.
    [13:08] * MasterZen will have to send money to the campaign for "foreign influence" hehe
    [13:09] [Darekill] Not that we are fighting. But Zayxus does it way to long now. Time
    to give him a break.
    [13:09] [MasterZen] yeah, he's been a loong time
    [13:09] [MasterZen] I've been 4 months now myself
    [13:10] [MasterZen] 4 months as consul of the ISDG too
    [13:10] [Darekill] he's doing it since I had to leave in september...
    [13:11] [Darekill] Thats more than six months.
    [13:12] [MasterZen] that's a lot
    [13:14] [Zayxus] thank you.
    [13:15] [MasterZen] if Darekill wins, GoW will give Zayxus an all-expenses-paid
    vacation to the wonderful beaches of Zenophobia
    [13:16] [Zayxus] that would be fine.
    [13:19] [Darekill] start saving for his expenses. He'll lose the elections
    [13:19] [MasterZen] haha
    [13:19] [MasterZen] how is the voting right now?
    [13:19] [Darekill] 1 Vote for Zayxus.
    [13:20] [Darekill] and only 6 for the other one...
    [13:20] [MasterZen] oh my
    [13:20] * MasterZen will start to make the hotel reservations then
    [13:21] [Darekill] Well theoretically there could be about 30 Votes more to come.
    [13:21] [MasterZen] how many active people are there on ND?
    [13:22] [Darekill] I hav'nt count them in a long time but we have a lot of members and
    only very few active ones.
    [13:22] [Darekill] but since everyone can click on a poll...
    [13:22] [MasterZen] true
    [13:22] [MasterZen] some people don't really post, they just click on polls
    [13:22] [Darekill] Jep.
    [13:23] [Darekill] B.T.W did you notice that we are all in the same Team of the DG3
    game in Webringen
    [13:23] [MasterZen] ?
    [13:23] [Darekill] Lol
    [13:23] [Zayxus] some are reading only posts for months until an special topic.
    [13:24] [Darekill] You are still a barbarian MZ. As a guestmember.
    [13:24] [MasterZen] ahh true
    [13:24] * MasterZen must check that forum once he finishes his thesis and has more free
    [13:24] [Darekill] Zayxus is there too.
    [13:24] [MasterZen] muss lernen Deutsch noch einmal
    [13:25] [Darekill] Nur zu.
    [13:25] * Zayxus remembers
    [13:25] [MasterZen] habe ich alles vergessen (or something like that)
    [13:25] [Darekill] Dafür kann man es aber sehr gut verstehen.
    [13:25] [Zayxus] ne echt, klingt echt gut!
    [13:26] [MasterZen] nein! nein! hehee
    [13:26] [Darekill] Darekill orders : Dos caffee con Leche perfavor.
    [13:26] * MasterZen le da a Darekill dos cafes con leche
    [13:27] [Darekill] how do I do actions in violett?
    [13:27] [MasterZen] "/me"
    [13:27] [Zayxus] Deutsch taugt also nicht als Geheimsprache
    [13:27] [Darekill] gcias Senor
    [13:27] [MasterZen] de nada
    [13:27] [Darekill] gracias..
    [13:27] * Darekill is doing something stupid.
    [13:27] [MasterZen] see, it worked
    [13:27] [Darekill] Thanks now I know.
    [13:28] [Darekill] You see it payed of to have some time on Tenerife.
    [13:29] [MasterZen] I see
    [13:29] * MasterZen has never been to España
    [13:30] * Zayxus was in Spain once
    [13:30] * MasterZen has never been to Europe, period
    [13:31] * Darekill Darekill has never left europe
    [13:31] [Zayxus] Would you like to travel all over the world for a job, MZ?
    [13:32] [MasterZen] I am actually planning to work for the foreign service later on, so
    that means I'll probably be sent around the world
    [13:32] [Zayxus] Could happen, if you like it.
    [13:33] [Darekill] Well if you ever come to germany tell me so maybe we can meet.
    [13:33] [MasterZen] my mother works there
    [13:33] [MasterZen] right now she's in New York, but she might move to Geneva after July
    [13:33] [MasterZen] what part of Germany are you guys from?
    [13:33] [Zayxus] middle
    [13:33] [Darekill] South west.
    [13:34] [MasterZen] near Switzerland?
    [13:34] [Darekill] but compared to the distances in Mexico we are all rather close
    [13:35] [MasterZen] yeah, that's the good thing about Europe, everything is so close
    [13:35] [Zayxus] Right. Germany on seems rather small, but Germany can be big, if
    traveling around.
    [13:35] [Darekill] Not so close. About 400km away from swiss
    [13:35] [MasterZen] driving from here in Puebla to Cancun is like 16 hours :S
    [13:35] [MasterZen] or more
    [13:36] [MasterZen] there are many Germans here in Puebla. There is a Volkswagen
    factory here
    [13:36] [Darekill] whoa.
    [13:36] [Darekill] 16 hours I'd be in Madrid or close to Moscow...
    [13:38] [Darekill] Now if we have nothing important to talk about anymore I'd like to
    [13:38] [MasterZen] ok
    [13:38] * Darekill waves goodby.
    [13:38] [MasterZen] hasta luego
    [13:39] * Darekill has quit IRC (Quit: )
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)

  • #2
    So, 'not trading with lego'?

    Does that = "will declare war on lego"?

    If not, hippie ND still needs to die.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

