Urgent Business
- ND is helping us with Replaceable Parts. I have given them a choice on how much to send and how quick we can get it, basically from 100gpt in 8 turns, to 200gpt in only 6 turns. I hope they agree on 200 since RepP. can give our workers a 50% speed boost.
- I agreed with ND in our last chat to "release" our northern stack of workers back to the homeland to build railroads. 4 of the 5 workers are now in Killdaria (formerly Dar-El-Killam) and can begin RRing next turn.
- Railroad priorities: 1) Parts of Core, 2) The Skulgaria-Irongard Area, 3) the Yellowknife Area, 4) everywhere else. Our workers are currently arranged in stacks of 3 to build 1 turn RRs on flat terrain. After RepP. we can turn them into stacks of 2.
- All Riders south towards GS are returning home due to the lack of an inminent GS threat. Riders facing Lego remain on station.
- ND is helping us with Replaceable Parts. I have given them a choice on how much to send and how quick we can get it, basically from 100gpt in 8 turns, to 200gpt in only 6 turns. I hope they agree on 200 since RepP. can give our workers a 50% speed boost.
- I agreed with ND in our last chat to "release" our northern stack of workers back to the homeland to build railroads. 4 of the 5 workers are now in Killdaria (formerly Dar-El-Killam) and can begin RRing next turn.
- Railroad priorities: 1) Parts of Core, 2) The Skulgaria-Irongard Area, 3) the Yellowknife Area, 4) everywhere else. Our workers are currently arranged in stacks of 3 to build 1 turn RRs on flat terrain. After RepP. we can turn them into stacks of 2.
- All Riders south towards GS are returning home due to the lack of an inminent GS threat. Riders facing Lego remain on station.