My fellow Warmongers, it is my duty to report the current state of the Empire now that we have finished the Forbidden Palace and entered the Industrial Age. The FP has given our economy a massive boost and we definitely enter this new era in a much more comptetitive position than we have in the past.
Below are some pictures:
1 - Zen-Camul Island
2 - Western GoW
3 - Eastern GoW
4 - Neu Demogyptica
5 - F11 Screen
6 - Histograph
The FP has now made GoW the 2nd largest Industrial nation (and also the 2nd largest in size for some strange reason) ahead of even the Gathering Storm. Our GNP, though in 4th place will likely get a significant boost once our population increases with the workers being added to cities, hopefully bringing us up to the 3rd place. Currently our surplus at 0% science went from 141gpt to 215gpt.
In the score graph, we are currently in 4th place but rising, ND's score has been growing at a particularly impressive rate due to the building of new cities. On the other hand, with respects to Power, we are the 2nd most powerful empire only behind Lego.
Using pixel count:
199 - Legoland
119 - Neu Demogyptica
114 - Glory of War
109 - Gathering Storm
39 - Vox Controli
23 - Roleplay
177 - Legoland
130 - Glory of War
115 - Neu Demogyptica
114 - Gathering Storm
47 - Vox Controli
20 - Roleplay
With regards to our military, GoW has now taken 2nd place vs. Lego which has apparently been building up its army during the last number of turns. This can also be due to the fact that Lego might have a far larger number of defensive units. It is unlikely that at this point any other country has more mobile units that GoW has.
Against other empires, our military compares as follows:
Strong vs. Gathering Storm, Vox Controli, Roleplay
Average vs. Neu Demogyptica
Weak vs. Lego
Our current order of battle is:
35 - Workers
2 - Spearmen
2 - Pikemen
3 - Medieval Infantry
13 - Musketmen
16 - Catapults
24 - Cavalry
19 - Riders
4 - Horsemen
2 - Galleys
2 - Galleons
Well, that's basically it, let's see how fortune smiles upon us in the Industrial Age.
My fellow Warmongers, it is my duty to report the current state of the Empire now that we have finished the Forbidden Palace and entered the Industrial Age. The FP has given our economy a massive boost and we definitely enter this new era in a much more comptetitive position than we have in the past.
Below are some pictures:
1 - Zen-Camul Island
2 - Western GoW
3 - Eastern GoW
4 - Neu Demogyptica
5 - F11 Screen
6 - Histograph
The FP has now made GoW the 2nd largest Industrial nation (and also the 2nd largest in size for some strange reason) ahead of even the Gathering Storm. Our GNP, though in 4th place will likely get a significant boost once our population increases with the workers being added to cities, hopefully bringing us up to the 3rd place. Currently our surplus at 0% science went from 141gpt to 215gpt.
In the score graph, we are currently in 4th place but rising, ND's score has been growing at a particularly impressive rate due to the building of new cities. On the other hand, with respects to Power, we are the 2nd most powerful empire only behind Lego.
Using pixel count:
199 - Legoland
119 - Neu Demogyptica
114 - Glory of War
109 - Gathering Storm
39 - Vox Controli
23 - Roleplay
177 - Legoland
130 - Glory of War
115 - Neu Demogyptica
114 - Gathering Storm
47 - Vox Controli
20 - Roleplay
With regards to our military, GoW has now taken 2nd place vs. Lego which has apparently been building up its army during the last number of turns. This can also be due to the fact that Lego might have a far larger number of defensive units. It is unlikely that at this point any other country has more mobile units that GoW has.
Against other empires, our military compares as follows:
Strong vs. Gathering Storm, Vox Controli, Roleplay
Average vs. Neu Demogyptica
Weak vs. Lego
Our current order of battle is:
35 - Workers
2 - Spearmen
2 - Pikemen
3 - Medieval Infantry
13 - Musketmen
16 - Catapults
24 - Cavalry
19 - Riders
4 - Horsemen
2 - Galleys
2 - Galleons
Well, that's basically it, let's see how fortune smiles upon us in the Industrial Age.