Yesterday we had an impromptu chat with GS. They offer us ToG in exchange for getting Medicine in 11 turns and giving them coal in case they don't have any.
Session Start: Mon Feb 23 12:42:10 2004
Session Ident: #gow_cofa
[12:42] * Now talking in #gow_cofa
[12:42] * changes topic to 'The Glory of Diplomacy'
[12:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr
[12:45] * MasterZen is now known as MZ[GoW]
[14:16] * MZ[GoW] is now known as MZ[SuperMarket]
[14:54] * MZ[SuperMarket] is now known as MZ[Haircut]
[15:52] * MZ[Haircut] is now known as MasterZen
[20:02] * Cort has joined #GoW_CoFA
[20:02] [Cort] Hi MZ
[20:05] * Cort has left #GoW_CoFA
[20:06] [MasterZen] doh
[20:40] * Cort has joined #GoW_CoFa
[20:40] -Cort- "Hello"
[20:40] [MasterZen] hey
[20:40] [MasterZen] see, it worked!
[20:41] [Cort]![Smile](
[20:41] [Cort] OK, here's the deal ...
[20:42] [Cort] 1. We give you ToG
[20:42] [Cort] 2. You agree to research medicine within 11 turns
[20:43] [Cort] 3. If we have no coal, and you have two or more, you supply us with 20 turns of coal
[20:43] [MasterZen] interesting...![Wink](
[20:44] * UnOrthOdOx has joined #GoW_CoFA
[20:44] [MasterZen] sounds highly tempting
[20:44] [Cort] if we have coal, or you don't have a second, then no obligation
[20:44] [UnOrthOdOx] Greetings CortHaus
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:41] [Cort] OK, here's the deal ...
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:42] [Cort] 1. We give you ToG
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:42] [Cort] 2. You agree to research medicine within 11 turns
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:43] [Cort] 3. If we have no coal, and you have two or more, you supply us with 20 turns of coal
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:43] [MasterZen] interesting...![Wink](
[20:44] [UnOrthOdOx] Fine by me.
[20:44] [Cort] Can you do Medice in 11 turns?
[20:44] [Cort] Medicine
[20:45] [UnOrthOdOx] MZ?
[20:45] [MasterZen] probably yes
[20:45] [UnOrthOdOx] Sorry, I just got my PC back, been out of it.
[20:45] [Cort] 200 bpt is 12 turns, so a bit more should do it
[20:45] [Cort] another thing - out#r tech strategy
[20:46] [MasterZen] go ahead
[20:46] [Cort] We're going for the ToE
[20:46] [Cort] and maybe Hoov - but it'll be tight with Lego
[20:47] [Cort] Very tight, but we think we can pip them by one turn.
[20:47] [Cort] More free info ...
[20:47] [Cort] we're closing - very close - on both science wonders. We don't want you to waste any shields missing them
[20:48] [Cort] Do you want Uni Suff?
[20:48] [MasterZen] GoW, by nature, does not suffer WW :P
[20:49] [Cort] Yes, you suffer Peace-Weariness - we've heard. Can you hold out till Marines, UnO![Wink](
[20:49] [UnOrthOdOx] lol
[20:49] [Cort] Lego have switched 'Sistine' to Smiths
[20:50] [MasterZen] we noticed
[20:51] [Cort] Do you still want to let them keep using the 600s prebuild? It's more than any team thought they were offering Lego when the Sistine deals were signed
[20:51] [MasterZen] we can both write them a very stern letter saying that they cheated us out of it
[20:52] [UnOrthOdOx] Damn builders
[20:52] * UnOrthOdOx shakes fist in frustration
[20:52] [MasterZen] that we did not sign to give them a prebuild for another wonder
[20:52] [UnOrthOdOx] I swear, if they win, i'm gonna...
[20:52] [MasterZen] ...nuke 'em!
[20:53] [Cort] Any idea what ND think of the Sistine thing?
[20:55] [Cort] No...
[20:55] [Cort] How about a Public Statement?
[20:55] [UnOrthOdOx] ND can bite me.
[20:55] [Cort] ?
[20:55] * UnOrthOdOx is in a foul mood tonight.
[20:56] [MasterZen] lol
[20:56] [MasterZen] no, no idea about sistine
[20:56] [MasterZen] but you know...
[20:56] [UnOrthOdOx] f8ck you all, war on everyone!
[20:56] [MasterZen] this could actually be our excuse to embargo them
[20:56] [Cort] hmmm...
[20:56] [Cort] lux embargo?
[20:56] [MasterZen] everything-embargo
[20:56] [UnOrthOdOx] Everything.
[20:57] [MasterZen] hell, GoW's gonna have some galleons off Zenophobia, that should spook 'em a bit![Wink](
[20:57] [Cort] cool
[20:57] [MasterZen] "The Black Peril is coming!"
[20:57] [Cort] we've seen a Vox Caravel off their coast. We're about to start checking Lego's Western pickets
[20:58] [MasterZen] btw, just out of curiosity: how long do you think it could've taken GS to build a sizeable invasion force?
[20:58] [UnOrthOdOx] I sure wish you guys woulda snuffed Vox...
[20:58] [Cort] Yeah, UnO, so are some of us
[20:58] [MasterZen] because for us it wouldn't take that long... just a couple of turns for a mass upgrade
[20:58] [UnOrthOdOx] I was the only advocate off your team, though.
[20:59] [UnOrthOdOx] GS could build HORSE still, though, right?
[20:59] [UnOrthOdOx] That should put numbers out quick...
[20:59] [Cort] It would have taken us a while to get a big force together.
[21:00] [MasterZen] we would obviously supply the saltpeter at no charge![Wink](
[21:00] [UnOrthOdOx] how much is a horse-calv upgrade in PTW?
[21:00] [Cort] Well, without ND it wouldn't be possible.
[21:01] [MasterZen] not so much as impossible, rather, I'd hate to leave my ass THAT unprotected
[21:01] [Cort] Exactly
[21:01] [Cort] Could ND be coming after you?
[21:01] [MasterZen] I mean, if GoW and Lego were neighbors, they'd be quite dead by now :P
[21:01] [MasterZen] Cort, we have to be paranoid of EVERYTHING... it's our nature![Wink](
[21:02] [Cort] GS didn't have the galleys, and we couldn't spare many units off our wall.
[21:02] [Cort] We have to think longer term noe
[21:02] [Cort] now
[21:02] [MasterZen] yep
[21:03] [Cort] Lego will be mega, but GoW, ND and GS could still get the job done.
[21:03] [Cort] We need 1) Science 2) Production 3) Alliance
[21:03] [MasterZen] and we'll have time to convince those Germans that invading is our best choice
[21:03] [Cort] GS is low on shields, but strong on science and planning to get stronger
[21:04] [Cort] Bob is full of shields
[21:04] [Cort] MZ - ND must be persuaded that Lego has to be hit eventually
[21:05] [Cort] unless ND's plan is 1) eat GoW 2) eat GS 3) eat Lego
[21:05] [MasterZen] the problem with ND is that they are in full REX stage and re-development cut-the-jungle phase also
[21:05] [Cort] rex - yes
[21:05] [MasterZen] which Is why I'm not that surprised that they refused
[21:06] [Cort] OK - we all needed to consolidate / regroup after the war. And they have, erm, rather a lot of land to fill. Could keep them a while. They shoudl hire some INdustrial workers
[21:06] [MasterZen] GoW's advantage is Leo's. We can upgrade our entire army faster than you can say "**** Lego". But ND and GS would find it a bit more difficult. But well, we can wait![Wink](
[21:07] [UnOrthOdOx] We can't cut their jungle, learned the hard way.
[21:07] [Cort] ?
[21:07] [MasterZen] yep
[21:07] [UnOrthOdOx] Game won't allow it.
[21:07] [UnOrthOdOx] Our workers cant cut anything in their territory.
[21:07] [MasterZen] we sent them some workers back then. Doesn't allow us to chop forest or jungle
[21:07] [Cort] Wierd.. slave workers in SP do anything
[21:08] [UnOrthOdOx] Yeah, that changed a few plans during the war.
[21:08] [Cort] What about paying gold for you to do it directly
[21:08] [MasterZen] that was the plan![Wink](
[21:08] [MasterZen] we sent them workers to no avail, they were GOW workers
[21:09] [Cort] don't like nasssty ssssticky jungle
[21:09] [UnOrthOdOx] We determined it had to do with the transfer of shields.
[21:09] [MasterZen] didn't work with forest either
[21:09] [MasterZen] apparently the game doesn't allow you to chop in the territory of another team, even if it's your ally and you have a RoP
[21:09] [UnOrthOdOx] It won't let us give their city shields basically.
[21:10] [Cort] better build some cities there, then![Wink](
[21:10] [UnOrthOdOx] Jungle is the same code as forrest but set to 0 shields.
[21:10] [UnOrthOdOx] Oh, sure, that'll start a war pretty quick.
[21:11] [Cort] oh dear
[21:11] [Cort] Question ...
[21:11] [UnOrthOdOx] shoot
[21:11] [Cort] do ND see Lego as their next target or not?
[21:12] [MasterZen] it better be them and not us :P
[21:12] [Cort] indeed
[21:12] [MasterZen] well, look at it this way
[21:12] [Cort] Mind you, if ND attacked you, Lego would have to help you
[21:12] [MasterZen] there was a time, and there have been occassions where ND could have butt ****ed us
[21:12] [MasterZen] there have also been times where GoW could have butt****ed ND
[21:12] [Cort] er, yes
[21:12] [MasterZen] (in fact, we could pretty much do it in, say 3 turns :P )
[21:13] [MasterZen] I think it is clear to both of us, that we're better off together against Lego than to fight amongst ourselves. The same can be said with GS at this stage of the game. Fighting amongs us 3 gets us nowhere
[21:14] [Cort] What about ND's luxury bonanza to Lego?
[21:14] [MasterZen] I will talk about that with them on thursday
[21:15] [Cort] If we want to lux embargo Lego, we need to sort each other out ...
[21:15] [MasterZen] yep
[21:15] [Cort] for example, GS has another lux it could supply GoW, and ND has, well...
[21:15] [MasterZen] we will have an extra Gem in the not-so-distant future
[21:16] [Cort] Woohoo!
[21:16] [MasterZen] we currently have only one
[21:17] [Cort] Our single lux trade with Lego is ready to drop at any time
[21:17] [Cort] If they get Sistine and Caths everywhere, they won't need the lux so much, but when they get to Metros ...
[21:18] [Cort] Metros are their big monster of the future. Loose build everywhere waiting to go supernova after hospitals. That's when the lux embargo would be most important
[21:19] * UnOrthOdOx breaks out singing along to "Little Shop of Horrors" on the tele
[21:20] [Cort] So - back to the grand plan ...
[21:20] [MasterZen] GAUL!
[21:20] [Cort]![Smile](
[21:20] [UnOrthOdOx] Great name, guys.
[21:21] [Cort] After the tech and the lux embargo, eventually would come the ACTION
[21:21] * MasterZen still forgets what the acronym means...
[21:21] [MasterZen] :blood:
[21:21] [UnOrthOdOx] Grand Alliance for Undermining Lego
[21:21] [MasterZen] ah true
[21:21] [Cort] Bombers, destroyers, marines, tanks
[21:21] [Cort] subs, conquistadors, arty
[21:22] [Cort] War Chariots
[21:22] [UnOrthOdOx] "take a breath and look around allot of folks DESERVE to die!"
[21:22] [MasterZen] Conscript Warriors!
[21:22] [MasterZen] lots and lots and lots of conscript warriors!
[21:22] [UnOrthOdOx] ?
[21:22] [UnOrthOdOx] Conscripts?
[21:22] [MasterZen] it's a joke :
[21:22] [MasterZen] :P
[21:23] [UnOrthOdOx] Would be interesting.
[21:23] [UnOrthOdOx] We'ld never have enough boats to haul anough to be usefull.
[21:23] [MasterZen] Dominae was telling me about a game he was playing where he only used warriors and artillery for attacking
[21:24] [MasterZen] obviously A LOT of artillery
[21:24] [Cort] Theseus was wondering abouut GS being a naval specialist - we have so many coastal cities
[21:24] [MasterZen] you guys could definitely be a Britain-like civ
[21:24] [Cort] exactly what T said!
[21:24] [MasterZen] highly industrialized small territroy naval power
[21:24] [MasterZen] GoW is more of a Germany type
[21:25] [MasterZen] Lego is like the USA
[21:25] [MasterZen] ND is like Russia
[21:25] [Cort] excellent
[21:25] [Cort] vast open spaces
[21:25] [MasterZen] Vox is like... Bahamas
[21:25] [MasterZen] lol
[21:25] [Cort] RP is the Vatican
[21:25] [UnOrthOdOx] Germany, huh?
[21:25] [MasterZen] Theseus said RP now lived in "tha ghetto"
[21:26] [Cort] It's OK up there. they have their own incense
[21:27] [MasterZen] yes
[21:28] [Cort] So, if GS can prevent Lego getting Hoover Dam, that will help, right?
[21:28] [MasterZen] i'd definitely prefer any civ rather than Lego from getting it
[21:28] [Cort] It's not so useful for us. We only have about three full-shield cities! They have about 30
[21:29] [Cort] So that'll be one plank of our contribution. Another can be science ...
[21:29] [Cort] especially if the blockheads don't beat us to Cope's and Newton
[21:29] [MasterZen] let's hope not
[21:30] [MasterZen] hey cort, did you read my bit about the ISDG?
[21:30] [Cort] So with GS science and naval potential, GoW's Leo's and ND's shields, we should lbe able to do something between us.
[21:30] [MasterZen] definitely
[21:31] [Cort] ISDG - yes, thanks. I was in two minds about getting involved in any other DG's...
[21:31] [Cort] ... is the ISDG fun?
[21:31] [MasterZen] well...
[21:31] [MasterZen] during the last week it has been hell.
[21:32] [Cort] oh dear
[21:32] [MasterZen] there was a huge exploit debate at the UN
[21:32] [UnOrthOdOx] Bah.
[21:32] [MasterZen] and there's a lot of discussion going on in our own forum
[21:32] [UnOrthOdOx] BAH!
[21:32] [MasterZen] but other than that, the game is very interesting, at least in my opinion
[21:32] [Cort] I had an idea for the Mercs in the MZOC3C game, btw
[21:33] [UnOrthOdOx] Ok.
[21:33] [MasterZen] very different than the PTWDG. Less evil planning, more raw power
[21:33] [Cort] Build Leo and Hire it out
[21:33] [UnOrthOdOx] IF we can, we've considered it.
[21:34] [UnOrthOdOx] That's one everyone will gun for though.
[21:34] [Cort] yes, it's a good'un
[21:34] [Cort] what stage in history is the ISDG?
[21:35] [MasterZen] 440 AD
[21:35] [MasterZen] mid medieval
[21:35] [Cort] how many teams?
[21:36] [MasterZen] 5 left, though only 4 are really relevant
[21:37] [Cort] how many active players the poly team?
[21:38] [MasterZen] a lot
[21:38] [MasterZen] about 30
[21:38] [MasterZen] well, 20-30
[21:39] [MasterZen] at least that's usually the turnout on votes
[21:39] [Cort] I'd be interested - at least to watch. Where do I go?
[21:39] [MasterZen] ok, first of all, PM Beta
[21:39] [UnOrthOdOx] either of you know a free program that'll edit tga files?
[21:40] [MasterZen] tell him you want to join
[21:40] [MasterZen] tga = graphic file?
[21:40] [MasterZen] he'll then authorize you to the forum
[21:40] [Cort] OK, thanks.![Smile](
[21:40] [UnOrthOdOx] yes.
[21:41] [MasterZen] try Paint Shop Pro, it has a 30 day trial period
[21:41] [MasterZen]
[21:41] [Cort] Sorry, haven't used tga's - but psp is worth a shot
[21:41] [MasterZen] psp is pretty good, I use it for all my graphical needs
[21:41] [MasterZen] Cort: you can also post here:
[21:41] [MasterZen]
[21:42] [MasterZen] that's the ISDG sign-up thread
[21:42] [MasterZen] Beta will see it and authorize you
[21:42] [Cort] OK thanks. Right, I gotta go and sleep soon ....
[21:42] [Cort] great talking with yas![Smile](
[21:42] [MasterZen] same here, cya
[21:43] [Cort] I'll get back to you with the wording on that deal, and we can get you ToG on our turn...
[21:44] [MasterZen] we still need to poll the deal
[21:44] [Cort] of course - that's why you'll need the wording![Smile](
[21:45] [MasterZen] ok, send it our way![Smile](
[21:45] [Cort] right, i'm off - bye
[21:45] [MasterZen] cya
[21:46] * Cort has quit IRC (Quit: )
[21:53] * UnOrthOdOx has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:05] * Trip has joined #gow_cofa
[22:05] [Trip] am I late? :P
[22:05] [MasterZen] as usuall, yes
Session Ident: #gow_cofa
[12:42] * Now talking in #gow_cofa
[12:42] * changes topic to 'The Glory of Diplomacy'
[12:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr
[12:45] * MasterZen is now known as MZ[GoW]
[14:16] * MZ[GoW] is now known as MZ[SuperMarket]
[14:54] * MZ[SuperMarket] is now known as MZ[Haircut]
[15:52] * MZ[Haircut] is now known as MasterZen
[20:02] * Cort has joined #GoW_CoFA
[20:02] [Cort] Hi MZ
[20:05] * Cort has left #GoW_CoFA
[20:06] [MasterZen] doh
[20:40] * Cort has joined #GoW_CoFa
[20:40] -Cort- "Hello"
[20:40] [MasterZen] hey
[20:40] [MasterZen] see, it worked!
[20:41] [Cort]
[20:41] [Cort] OK, here's the deal ...
[20:42] [Cort] 1. We give you ToG
[20:42] [Cort] 2. You agree to research medicine within 11 turns
[20:43] [Cort] 3. If we have no coal, and you have two or more, you supply us with 20 turns of coal
[20:43] [MasterZen] interesting...
[20:44] * UnOrthOdOx has joined #GoW_CoFA
[20:44] [MasterZen] sounds highly tempting
[20:44] [Cort] if we have coal, or you don't have a second, then no obligation
[20:44] [UnOrthOdOx] Greetings CortHaus
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:41] [Cort] OK, here's the deal ...
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:42] [Cort] 1. We give you ToG
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:42] [Cort] 2. You agree to research medicine within 11 turns
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:43] [Cort] 3. If we have no coal, and you have two or more, you supply us with 20 turns of coal
[20:44] [MasterZen] [20:43] [MasterZen] interesting...
[20:44] [UnOrthOdOx] Fine by me.
[20:44] [Cort] Can you do Medice in 11 turns?
[20:44] [Cort] Medicine
[20:45] [UnOrthOdOx] MZ?
[20:45] [MasterZen] probably yes
[20:45] [UnOrthOdOx] Sorry, I just got my PC back, been out of it.
[20:45] [Cort] 200 bpt is 12 turns, so a bit more should do it
[20:45] [Cort] another thing - out#r tech strategy
[20:46] [MasterZen] go ahead
[20:46] [Cort] We're going for the ToE
[20:46] [Cort] and maybe Hoov - but it'll be tight with Lego
[20:47] [Cort] Very tight, but we think we can pip them by one turn.
[20:47] [Cort] More free info ...
[20:47] [Cort] we're closing - very close - on both science wonders. We don't want you to waste any shields missing them
[20:48] [Cort] Do you want Uni Suff?
[20:48] [MasterZen] GoW, by nature, does not suffer WW :P
[20:49] [Cort] Yes, you suffer Peace-Weariness - we've heard. Can you hold out till Marines, UnO
[20:49] [UnOrthOdOx] lol
[20:49] [Cort] Lego have switched 'Sistine' to Smiths
[20:50] [MasterZen] we noticed
[20:51] [Cort] Do you still want to let them keep using the 600s prebuild? It's more than any team thought they were offering Lego when the Sistine deals were signed
[20:51] [MasterZen] we can both write them a very stern letter saying that they cheated us out of it
[20:52] [UnOrthOdOx] Damn builders
[20:52] * UnOrthOdOx shakes fist in frustration
[20:52] [MasterZen] that we did not sign to give them a prebuild for another wonder
[20:52] [UnOrthOdOx] I swear, if they win, i'm gonna...
[20:52] [MasterZen] ...nuke 'em!
[20:53] [Cort] Any idea what ND think of the Sistine thing?
[20:55] [Cort] No...
[20:55] [Cort] How about a Public Statement?
[20:55] [UnOrthOdOx] ND can bite me.
[20:55] [Cort] ?
[20:55] * UnOrthOdOx is in a foul mood tonight.
[20:56] [MasterZen] lol
[20:56] [MasterZen] no, no idea about sistine
[20:56] [MasterZen] but you know...
[20:56] [UnOrthOdOx] f8ck you all, war on everyone!
[20:56] [MasterZen] this could actually be our excuse to embargo them
[20:56] [Cort] hmmm...
[20:56] [Cort] lux embargo?
[20:56] [MasterZen] everything-embargo
[20:56] [UnOrthOdOx] Everything.
[20:57] [MasterZen] hell, GoW's gonna have some galleons off Zenophobia, that should spook 'em a bit
[20:57] [Cort] cool
[20:57] [MasterZen] "The Black Peril is coming!"
[20:57] [Cort] we've seen a Vox Caravel off their coast. We're about to start checking Lego's Western pickets
[20:58] [MasterZen] btw, just out of curiosity: how long do you think it could've taken GS to build a sizeable invasion force?
[20:58] [UnOrthOdOx] I sure wish you guys woulda snuffed Vox...
[20:58] [Cort] Yeah, UnO, so are some of us
[20:58] [MasterZen] because for us it wouldn't take that long... just a couple of turns for a mass upgrade
[20:58] [UnOrthOdOx] I was the only advocate off your team, though.
[20:59] [UnOrthOdOx] GS could build HORSE still, though, right?
[20:59] [UnOrthOdOx] That should put numbers out quick...
[20:59] [Cort] It would have taken us a while to get a big force together.
[21:00] [MasterZen] we would obviously supply the saltpeter at no charge
[21:00] [UnOrthOdOx] how much is a horse-calv upgrade in PTW?
[21:00] [Cort] Well, without ND it wouldn't be possible.
[21:01] [MasterZen] not so much as impossible, rather, I'd hate to leave my ass THAT unprotected
[21:01] [Cort] Exactly
[21:01] [Cort] Could ND be coming after you?
[21:01] [MasterZen] I mean, if GoW and Lego were neighbors, they'd be quite dead by now :P
[21:01] [MasterZen] Cort, we have to be paranoid of EVERYTHING... it's our nature
[21:02] [Cort] GS didn't have the galleys, and we couldn't spare many units off our wall.
[21:02] [Cort] We have to think longer term noe
[21:02] [Cort] now
[21:02] [MasterZen] yep
[21:03] [Cort] Lego will be mega, but GoW, ND and GS could still get the job done.
[21:03] [Cort] We need 1) Science 2) Production 3) Alliance
[21:03] [MasterZen] and we'll have time to convince those Germans that invading is our best choice
[21:03] [Cort] GS is low on shields, but strong on science and planning to get stronger
[21:04] [Cort] Bob is full of shields
[21:04] [Cort] MZ - ND must be persuaded that Lego has to be hit eventually
[21:05] [Cort] unless ND's plan is 1) eat GoW 2) eat GS 3) eat Lego
[21:05] [MasterZen] the problem with ND is that they are in full REX stage and re-development cut-the-jungle phase also
[21:05] [Cort] rex - yes
[21:05] [MasterZen] which Is why I'm not that surprised that they refused
[21:06] [Cort] OK - we all needed to consolidate / regroup after the war. And they have, erm, rather a lot of land to fill. Could keep them a while. They shoudl hire some INdustrial workers
[21:06] [MasterZen] GoW's advantage is Leo's. We can upgrade our entire army faster than you can say "**** Lego". But ND and GS would find it a bit more difficult. But well, we can wait
[21:07] [UnOrthOdOx] We can't cut their jungle, learned the hard way.
[21:07] [Cort] ?
[21:07] [MasterZen] yep
[21:07] [UnOrthOdOx] Game won't allow it.
[21:07] [UnOrthOdOx] Our workers cant cut anything in their territory.
[21:07] [MasterZen] we sent them some workers back then. Doesn't allow us to chop forest or jungle
[21:07] [Cort] Wierd.. slave workers in SP do anything
[21:08] [UnOrthOdOx] Yeah, that changed a few plans during the war.
[21:08] [Cort] What about paying gold for you to do it directly
[21:08] [MasterZen] that was the plan
[21:08] [MasterZen] we sent them workers to no avail, they were GOW workers
[21:09] [Cort] don't like nasssty ssssticky jungle
[21:09] [UnOrthOdOx] We determined it had to do with the transfer of shields.
[21:09] [MasterZen] didn't work with forest either
[21:09] [MasterZen] apparently the game doesn't allow you to chop in the territory of another team, even if it's your ally and you have a RoP
[21:09] [UnOrthOdOx] It won't let us give their city shields basically.
[21:10] [Cort] better build some cities there, then
[21:10] [UnOrthOdOx] Jungle is the same code as forrest but set to 0 shields.
[21:10] [UnOrthOdOx] Oh, sure, that'll start a war pretty quick.
[21:11] [Cort] oh dear
[21:11] [Cort] Question ...
[21:11] [UnOrthOdOx] shoot
[21:11] [Cort] do ND see Lego as their next target or not?
[21:12] [MasterZen] it better be them and not us :P
[21:12] [Cort] indeed
[21:12] [MasterZen] well, look at it this way
[21:12] [Cort] Mind you, if ND attacked you, Lego would have to help you
[21:12] [MasterZen] there was a time, and there have been occassions where ND could have butt ****ed us
[21:12] [MasterZen] there have also been times where GoW could have butt****ed ND
[21:12] [Cort] er, yes
[21:12] [MasterZen] (in fact, we could pretty much do it in, say 3 turns :P )
[21:13] [MasterZen] I think it is clear to both of us, that we're better off together against Lego than to fight amongst ourselves. The same can be said with GS at this stage of the game. Fighting amongs us 3 gets us nowhere
[21:14] [Cort] What about ND's luxury bonanza to Lego?
[21:14] [MasterZen] I will talk about that with them on thursday
[21:15] [Cort] If we want to lux embargo Lego, we need to sort each other out ...
[21:15] [MasterZen] yep
[21:15] [Cort] for example, GS has another lux it could supply GoW, and ND has, well...
[21:15] [MasterZen] we will have an extra Gem in the not-so-distant future
[21:16] [Cort] Woohoo!
[21:16] [MasterZen] we currently have only one
[21:17] [Cort] Our single lux trade with Lego is ready to drop at any time
[21:17] [Cort] If they get Sistine and Caths everywhere, they won't need the lux so much, but when they get to Metros ...
[21:18] [Cort] Metros are their big monster of the future. Loose build everywhere waiting to go supernova after hospitals. That's when the lux embargo would be most important
[21:19] * UnOrthOdOx breaks out singing along to "Little Shop of Horrors" on the tele
[21:20] [Cort] So - back to the grand plan ...
[21:20] [MasterZen] GAUL!
[21:20] [Cort]
[21:20] [UnOrthOdOx] Great name, guys.
[21:21] [Cort] After the tech and the lux embargo, eventually would come the ACTION
[21:21] * MasterZen still forgets what the acronym means...
[21:21] [MasterZen] :blood:
[21:21] [UnOrthOdOx] Grand Alliance for Undermining Lego
[21:21] [MasterZen] ah true
[21:21] [Cort] Bombers, destroyers, marines, tanks
[21:21] [Cort] subs, conquistadors, arty
[21:22] [Cort] War Chariots
[21:22] [UnOrthOdOx] "take a breath and look around allot of folks DESERVE to die!"
[21:22] [MasterZen] Conscript Warriors!
[21:22] [MasterZen] lots and lots and lots of conscript warriors!
[21:22] [UnOrthOdOx] ?
[21:22] [UnOrthOdOx] Conscripts?
[21:22] [MasterZen] it's a joke :
[21:22] [MasterZen] :P
[21:23] [UnOrthOdOx] Would be interesting.
[21:23] [UnOrthOdOx] We'ld never have enough boats to haul anough to be usefull.
[21:23] [MasterZen] Dominae was telling me about a game he was playing where he only used warriors and artillery for attacking
[21:24] [MasterZen] obviously A LOT of artillery
[21:24] [Cort] Theseus was wondering abouut GS being a naval specialist - we have so many coastal cities
[21:24] [MasterZen] you guys could definitely be a Britain-like civ
[21:24] [Cort] exactly what T said!
[21:24] [MasterZen] highly industrialized small territroy naval power
[21:24] [MasterZen] GoW is more of a Germany type
[21:25] [MasterZen] Lego is like the USA
[21:25] [MasterZen] ND is like Russia
[21:25] [Cort] excellent
[21:25] [Cort] vast open spaces
[21:25] [MasterZen] Vox is like... Bahamas
[21:25] [MasterZen] lol
[21:25] [Cort] RP is the Vatican
[21:25] [UnOrthOdOx] Germany, huh?
[21:25] [MasterZen] Theseus said RP now lived in "tha ghetto"
[21:26] [Cort] It's OK up there. they have their own incense
[21:27] [MasterZen] yes
[21:28] [Cort] So, if GS can prevent Lego getting Hoover Dam, that will help, right?
[21:28] [MasterZen] i'd definitely prefer any civ rather than Lego from getting it
[21:28] [Cort] It's not so useful for us. We only have about three full-shield cities! They have about 30
[21:29] [Cort] So that'll be one plank of our contribution. Another can be science ...
[21:29] [Cort] especially if the blockheads don't beat us to Cope's and Newton
[21:29] [MasterZen] let's hope not
[21:30] [MasterZen] hey cort, did you read my bit about the ISDG?
[21:30] [Cort] So with GS science and naval potential, GoW's Leo's and ND's shields, we should lbe able to do something between us.
[21:30] [MasterZen] definitely
[21:31] [Cort] ISDG - yes, thanks. I was in two minds about getting involved in any other DG's...
[21:31] [Cort] ... is the ISDG fun?
[21:31] [MasterZen] well...
[21:31] [MasterZen] during the last week it has been hell.
[21:32] [Cort] oh dear
[21:32] [MasterZen] there was a huge exploit debate at the UN
[21:32] [UnOrthOdOx] Bah.
[21:32] [MasterZen] and there's a lot of discussion going on in our own forum
[21:32] [UnOrthOdOx] BAH!
[21:32] [MasterZen] but other than that, the game is very interesting, at least in my opinion
[21:32] [Cort] I had an idea for the Mercs in the MZOC3C game, btw
[21:33] [UnOrthOdOx] Ok.
[21:33] [MasterZen] very different than the PTWDG. Less evil planning, more raw power
[21:33] [Cort] Build Leo and Hire it out
[21:33] [UnOrthOdOx] IF we can, we've considered it.
[21:34] [UnOrthOdOx] That's one everyone will gun for though.
[21:34] [Cort] yes, it's a good'un
[21:34] [Cort] what stage in history is the ISDG?
[21:35] [MasterZen] 440 AD
[21:35] [MasterZen] mid medieval
[21:35] [Cort] how many teams?
[21:36] [MasterZen] 5 left, though only 4 are really relevant
[21:37] [Cort] how many active players the poly team?
[21:38] [MasterZen] a lot
[21:38] [MasterZen] about 30
[21:38] [MasterZen] well, 20-30
[21:39] [MasterZen] at least that's usually the turnout on votes
[21:39] [Cort] I'd be interested - at least to watch. Where do I go?
[21:39] [MasterZen] ok, first of all, PM Beta
[21:39] [UnOrthOdOx] either of you know a free program that'll edit tga files?
[21:40] [MasterZen] tell him you want to join
[21:40] [MasterZen] tga = graphic file?
[21:40] [MasterZen] he'll then authorize you to the forum
[21:40] [Cort] OK, thanks.
[21:40] [UnOrthOdOx] yes.
[21:41] [MasterZen] try Paint Shop Pro, it has a 30 day trial period
[21:41] [MasterZen]
[21:41] [Cort] Sorry, haven't used tga's - but psp is worth a shot
[21:41] [MasterZen] psp is pretty good, I use it for all my graphical needs
[21:41] [MasterZen] Cort: you can also post here:
[21:41] [MasterZen]
[21:42] [MasterZen] that's the ISDG sign-up thread
[21:42] [MasterZen] Beta will see it and authorize you
[21:42] [Cort] OK thanks. Right, I gotta go and sleep soon ....
[21:42] [Cort] great talking with yas
[21:42] [MasterZen] same here, cya
[21:43] [Cort] I'll get back to you with the wording on that deal, and we can get you ToG on our turn...
[21:44] [MasterZen] we still need to poll the deal
[21:44] [Cort] of course - that's why you'll need the wording
[21:45] [MasterZen] ok, send it our way
[21:45] [Cort] right, i'm off - bye
[21:45] [MasterZen] cya
[21:46] * Cort has quit IRC (Quit: )
[21:53] * UnOrthOdOx has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:05] * Trip has joined #gow_cofa
[22:05] [Trip] am I late? :P
[22:05] [MasterZen] as usuall, yes