I know we have a plan to use Imperial city as a settler/Unit pump. But maybe we should rethink that amd instead mine all the irrigated lands and use it as Wonder Creater.
Example in 16 turns we could have Caprenicus Observatory or 24 turns for 600 shield wonders. With our lack of size as a nation we could use another 100% science added to Imperial city. Or perhaps we use that as the prebuild for Adam Smiths. Either way we need to start. IMHO.
After university we can start a Palace in Tralfalgar and make it a wonder. Also we can join some workers and work the hills and really make this a monster producer. also once we don't need growth we can work the Gems and really get a gold boost. Its possible we could get two major science wonders, but at least we should get at least 1 of The 2 science and Adam smith and maybe luck out and get 2 of the 3.
Example in 16 turns we could have Caprenicus Observatory or 24 turns for 600 shield wonders. With our lack of size as a nation we could use another 100% science added to Imperial city. Or perhaps we use that as the prebuild for Adam Smiths. Either way we need to start. IMHO.
After university we can start a Palace in Tralfalgar and make it a wonder. Also we can join some workers and work the hills and really make this a monster producer. also once we don't need growth we can work the Gems and really get a gold boost. Its possible we could get two major science wonders, but at least we should get at least 1 of The 2 science and Adam smith and maybe luck out and get 2 of the 3.