Well, now that I am Emperor, it is time to reshuffle the leadership positions on this team since there are two consulships which are now empty. Those are the Consul of War, and the Consul of Foreign Affairs.
Being "the diplomat" I don't mind continuing diplomatic work even as Emperor however I would very much like someone to hold the postition of CoFA as I cannot do everything. Personally, I nominate UnOrthOdOx for this spot but it is open to anyone else. Also the world-famous CoW position is also vacant, again, I wouldn't mind it if Aggie stayed in that slot, there is really not much to do since we are not war nor will we be in the short term future.
I would also like there to be ambassadors to the following teams: Lego, GS and Vox with the ND ambassorship held by myself. I am uncertain how our post-war relationship with RP will be, if it ends up being ok, we can appoint someone for them too.
So, step right up if you want a spot
Being "the diplomat" I don't mind continuing diplomatic work even as Emperor however I would very much like someone to hold the postition of CoFA as I cannot do everything. Personally, I nominate UnOrthOdOx for this spot but it is open to anyone else. Also the world-famous CoW position is also vacant, again, I wouldn't mind it if Aggie stayed in that slot, there is really not much to do since we are not war nor will we be in the short term future.
I would also like there to be ambassadors to the following teams: Lego, GS and Vox with the ND ambassorship held by myself. I am uncertain how our post-war relationship with RP will be, if it ends up being ok, we can appoint someone for them too.
So, step right up if you want a spot
