Session Start: Sun Dec 28 13:44:20 2003
Session Ident: #gow_cofa
* Now talking in #gow_cofa
* Topic is 'The Glory of Diplomacy'
* Set by MasterZen on Sat Nov 22 16:15:41
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Panzer32
* MasterZen is now known as MZ[Shower]
* Zayxus has joined #gow_cofa
* Retrieving #gow_cofa info...
[Zayxus> got here...
* Panzer32 sets mode: +k victory
[Panzer32> do we wait for others?
* Panzer32 sets mode: +o Zayxus
[Zayxus> yes
[Zayxus> I just did set keyword in our forum
* Darekill has joined #gow_cofa
[Darekill> Hi
[Zayxus> hi
* Panzer32 sets mode: +o Darekill
[Panzer32> hi Darekill
[Panzer32> should we start?
[Zayxus> yes
[Zayxus> Did you get the save?
[Panzer32> yes
[Panzer32> with Thordoba + 80g
[Zayxus> that is as wished by ND
[Panzer32> thank you
[Panzer32> Please realise I am not here to discuss the tech situation
[Panzer32> talk with Aggie or MZ about that
[Panzer32> I would like to get this territory deal straightened out
[Zayxus> yes.
[Panzer32> please let us refresh our memory by looking here:
[Panzer32> That division is fair considering # of tiles and resources
[Panzer32> However, I can understand ND's situation since it would mean giving up a few cities and having a few more jungle/mountains.
[Zayxus> ND has to talk about the wish to keep Dar-el-killam, because it has a good production and expensive improvements - in exchange for tiles in the south at New Madrid and Barcelona
[Zayxus> at least for some more turns
[Panzer32> GoW hopes to counter that by offering some help for you
[Panzer32> just a minute, let me think of Dar-el-killam
[Zayxus> yes
[Panzer32> I was thinking about sending you down some worker teams to help clear the jungle quickly
[Panzer32> maybe we can clear and improve one jungle tile for each pop point you give us.
[Zayxus> A city like Trippolis could be as good as Dar-el-killam
[Panzer32> also some money for lost improvements
[Zayxus> but since centuries it was blocked by jungle
[Panzer32> yes
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam got a marketplace, a courthouse, barracks and of cause a temple.
[Panzer32> I am working on the GoW workers plan now, I can set aside some for you to clear the jungles
[Panzer32> how long does it take to clear with one of your workers
[Zayxus> there are really many workers chopping the jungle, but it takes decades of years to finish one tile
* MRex has joined #gow_cofa
[MRex> hi
Session Start: Sun Dec 28 14:29:23 2003
Session Ident: #gow_cofa
* Now talking in #gow_cofa
* Topic is 'The Glory of Diplomacy'
* Set by MasterZen on Sat Nov 22 16:15:41
* MasterZen sets mode: +oo MRex Panzer32
-> *nickserv* identify phizix
[Panzer32> nuts, computer froze
[Darekill> Hi Friends, beeing busy means not beeing able to chat a lot
[Panzer32> ok where were we
[MasterZen> workers :P
[Panzer32> yes
[Panzer32> 1 jungle tile cleared & roaded & mined/irrigated per pop point gifted to us (excluding Thordoba/Irongard)
[Zayxus> That is the situation: Trippolis, just next to the capitol NeuTheben, is stuck in the jungle, and Dar-el-killam is grown up to 9, one of the biggest cities of ND and has many very expensive imoprovements.
[Panzer32> how many improvements in Dar?
[MasterZen> [Zayxus> Dar-el-killam got a marketplace, a courthouse, barracks and of cause a temple.
[Panzer32> ok
[Panzer32> culture creating improvements get destroyed when the city gets traded
[Panzer32> you guys can sell the temple before the gift takes place
[Zayxus> culture...yes
[Panzer32> How about we gift you the sell value gold for the improvements?
[Zayxus> the price would be only less of the really price
[Panzer32> you mean for rush-buying?
[Zayxus> that is the point for Trippolis
[Panzer32> We cannot possibly gift you the full rush-buying price for each improvement
[MasterZen> the selling price of improvements is vastly underrated, while the rush-buying price is vastly OVERrrated
[Panzer32> however, I would suggest you build units or something in Dar then disband in Trippolis for extra shields
[MasterZen> maybe we can average them out...
[Panzer32> btw, always wait a turn before rushbuying
[MasterZen> say, the cost of rush-buying+cost of selling / 2
[Panzer32> anyone know the # of turns for jungle clearing for 1 ind worker?
[MasterZen> nope
[Zayxus> in usually: 16
[MRex> what gov?
[Panzer32> Rep
[Zayxus> what means base turns? with 100% worker?
[Panzer32> I think is 12
[Panzer32> because it is 24 for non-ind
[MRex> It is 16/8 according to the editor.
[Zayxus> Trippolis needs 6 more fields to be cleared
[Panzer32> MRex - PTW editor?
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam *is* the biggest city of ND.
[MRex> doh, sorry, lemme check that
[MasterZen> it is 12, I just remembered from the isdg
[MRex> yep
[MasterZen> 16 in C3C
[Zayxus> clear jungle : in my PTW-civ3editor: 16
[Panzer32> ok, with 6 workers we can clear in 2 turns, road/mine/irr in 1, and move to next tile
[MRex> moving to the next tile would take an additional turn or no?
[Zayxus> yes?
[Panzer32> yeah, 1 tile cleared every 4 turn
[Panzer32> I'll have to check but we may be able to get 12 workers there soon
[MasterZen> hmm, checked editor, it is 16
[MasterZen> that means 8 for industrial?
[Panzer32> what is it for the other stuff, like mining on a hill? That takes 12 turns non-ind
[Zayxus> does it take longer on a mountian?
[MasterZen> yes
[Panzer32> I can'
[Panzer32> erm, never mind
[Panzer32> please could this be confirmed it takes 12 turns industrious? I can't atm
[MasterZen> 12 turns to mine hill confirmed
[MasterZen> err wait...
[Zayxus> on plains: 12, I suppose
[Zayxus> for mine
[MasterZen> isn't that too much?
[Panzer32> no, for clearing
[Panzer32> its 3 for mine for ind
[MasterZen> it might be 12 for mountain for ind?
[MRex> Clear Jungle takes 16 turns by default, 8 by industrious, before calculating any gov bonus...
[Panzer32> ok quit the mine thing, just test the clearing
[Panzer32> confirmed PTW, MRex?
[Panzer32> MZ says its 12 turns ind
[MRex> this time i'm in ptw
[Panzer32> I tested it and its 12 turns
[MRex> thats odd, i just tested it too and its 12 turns. doesn't make sense though, the editor says 16 (8)...
[Panzer32> editor * 1.5
[MRex> i guess so, though i don't see the logic in making the editor harder to understand
[MRex> ok, now that we know it is 12, what next?
[Zayxus> 1 turn to finish is gifted by the multiplayer-mode, but all together it is the same
[Zayxus> Trippolis needs 6 tiles of grasslands, there is no cow with 4 food/tile
[Zayxus> to get a fair exchange, there are needed 6 tiles of grassland around Neutheben in a short time of few turns
[Zayxus> Neutheben and the cities around are growing...
[Panzer32> 4ok I just calculated we can have 6 workers SW of Macao ready for orders in 440 AD
[Zayxus> by the way, to buy the improvements from ND of Dar-el-killam, GOW would have to slow down research to spare the Gold, contact Aggie.
[Zayxus> 12 6 workers of GOW would need 2 turns to clear jungle?
[Panzer32> yes
[Panzer32> we may have more in a few more turns to go too
[Zayxus> 12 6 * 2 = 12 turns for 6 tiles plus turns for mine
[Zayxus> sorry, to *replace* Dar-el-killam, ND needs 9 tiles of cleared jungle
[Zayxus> 12 9 * 2 = 18 turns for 9 tiles plus turns for mine
[Panzer32> as long as the pop of Dar doesn't go down (ie settlers workers)
[Panzer32> yeah, building is a long prospect, we don't expect you to give everything up at once
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam is not such corrut, to be producing settlers
[Panzer32> corrut?
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam is not such corrupt, to be producing settlers
[Panzer32> ok, now the next question. What of the cities GoW will give/gave to ND in the south?
[Zayxus> ND would like it to have Pamplona and TheAlamo it the culture of ND
[Zayxus> ... inside of the borders of ND - territory
[Panzer32> well, according to the map you would get Barcelona and New Madrid too if GoW captured them
[Panzer32> we could trade them for your lesser cities (not Dar-el-killam) on our side of the devide?
[Zayxus> like for Mavdad?
[Zayxus> like for Stonedina?
[Panzer32> yeah...
[Panzer32> Zayrut...
[Zayxus> yes that is the list.
[Zayxus> NewMadrid and Barcelona are rather far away from the center of south of Bob and thus quite corrupt for ND
[MasterZen> they are even more corrupt for us :S
[Panzer32> you will put a forbidden palace down there, yes? (It would be dumb not to)
[Zayxus> yes, but ND nedds some more decisions about the given cities
[Panzer32> what improvements do you have in each of those cities?
[Zayxus> Mavdad, Stonedina, Zayrut?
[Zayxus> at first barracks, and temple
[Panzer32> how about we give you the money for those cities but not the worker turns because you get improvements in the south also lots of new population?
[Panzer32> (you sell temple for $ too)
[Zayxus> The leader(Palace) is not part of the deal, because it is a result of the history and by risk or luck.
[Zayxus> The center of Neutheben would loose in Dar-el-killam and in Stonedina two productive cities with fewer corruption
[Panzer32> and we give you a very close productive centre in Trippolis as well as up to 4 cities with plenty of population for a new productive centre
[Zayxus> ND would give GOW in Dar-el-killam and Zayrut cities in range of center of GOW
[Panzer32> right now Zayrut is basically nothing
[Zayxus> the Deal Dar-el-killam for 9 tiles of grassland at Trippolis and around is one part of the deal.
[Zayxus> Thordoba and Stonedina could be the cities for the area of a second palace of GOW
[Panzer32> hmm... we're not putting it there
[Zayxus> Building a second palace far away would take to many turns for GOW
[Zayxus> where would GOW like to put a second palace: near Thordoba or near Mavdad?
[Panzer32> we build in Yellowknife, for some time now
[Zayxus> If ND has a second center the sooner, the more gold ND could spent on research to GOW
[Zayxus> the sooner ND gets more tiles of grassland, the sooner ND coould spent more Gold in research
[Panzer32> Pamplona might be a good city to build it in, should only have maybe 50% corruption
[Zayxus> calculating only tiles is not adequate for a decision of changing the owner of cities
[Panzer32> are you saying the system is not adequate? What do you need more?
[Zayxus> to be best prepared and improved for the war, Dar-el-killam was built up to the very productive and biggest city of ND
[Panzer32> we can clear jungle tiles for a while longer
[MasterZen> well, I have to go, my family needs to have the phone line open
[MasterZen> cya later
[Zayxus> bye
* MasterZen has quit IRC (Quit: )
[Panzer32> before or after it was agreed in principle to give it to us afterwards for compensation?
[Zayxus> after our chat about the borderlines , Dar-el-killam was improved to support the war by all means
[Zayxus> The terrain around center Neutheben is known.
[Zayxus> ND did built some rather foolish set cities like FortDreizack and FortLoewenmut to cope with RP and Pamplona
[Panzer32> When ND and GoW started this war, we both knew ND would shift somewhat to the South by giving GoW some of its northern cities. In return GoW fights with ND and gives up the land we help conquer, also giving some workers to help improve ND's new land.
[Panzer32> Some on GoW feels we helped ND conquer the land but now ND is not giving us our side
[Zayxus> That is all clear to me in my role as ambassador
[Zayxus> Some people of ND feel sick of giving away Dar-el-killam as biggest city, but I play here the ambassador to get a compromise (I'm still the turn-leader).
[Panzer32> you keep Dar-el-killam for a while anyways, until you get new very productive city, Trippolis
[Zayxus> Let us find a smooth solution, yes, that way it may be possible.
[Panzer32> I will see how soon it is until we can give you the Alamo and Pamplona.
[Panzer32> maybe you give Zayrut to begin with
[Zayxus> in 430AD GOW would like to be gifted Zayrut?
[Zayxus> this date? or before GOW gives Alamo and Pamplona?
* MRex has left #gow_cofa
[Panzer32> either that or when we gift you Alamo/Pamplona
[Zayxus> which would be more good for the mood of people of GOW?
[Panzer32> I do not think it matters, just either one
[Zayxus> I put it in my do-to-list of the next turn 430AD ...
[Zayxus> I put it in my to-do-list of the next turn 430AD ...
[Panzer32> is there anything more you wish to discuss?
[Darekill> Good by boys.
[Panzer32> by the way please contact Aggie with the moves for the workers
[Darekill> Sorry I had to be so quiet today but as I mentioned I was busy elsewhere
[Panzer32> (for 440)
[Zayxus> if you can, would you continue on thursday, if a tunr is done ?
[Panzer32> ok Darekill, see you later
[Darekill> cu
* Darekill has left #gow_cofa
[Panzer32> yes, Thursday is probably good
[Panzer32> btw, I go back to school next sunday so I get busy again
[Zayxus> You watch the mood of GOW
[Panzer32> ok
[Zayxus> I watch the mood of ND
I basically agreed to this out of necessity in the chat. If everyone doesn't like this then I guess we will have to change this however, that will take even more time and effort which you will have to give to this project.
When I put the new worker plan up there are 6 workers set aside for work in ND clearing jungle at Trippolis. I have not given them detailed orders only movements to a common point to gather them together and move into ND as ND instructs.
Session Ident: #gow_cofa
* Now talking in #gow_cofa
* Topic is 'The Glory of Diplomacy'
* Set by MasterZen on Sat Nov 22 16:15:41
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Panzer32
* MasterZen is now known as MZ[Shower]
* Zayxus has joined #gow_cofa
* Retrieving #gow_cofa info...
[Zayxus> got here...
* Panzer32 sets mode: +k victory
[Panzer32> do we wait for others?
* Panzer32 sets mode: +o Zayxus
[Zayxus> yes
[Zayxus> I just did set keyword in our forum
* Darekill has joined #gow_cofa
[Darekill> Hi
[Zayxus> hi
* Panzer32 sets mode: +o Darekill
[Panzer32> hi Darekill
[Panzer32> should we start?
[Zayxus> yes
[Zayxus> Did you get the save?
[Panzer32> yes
[Panzer32> with Thordoba + 80g
[Zayxus> that is as wished by ND
[Panzer32> thank you
[Panzer32> Please realise I am not here to discuss the tech situation
[Panzer32> talk with Aggie or MZ about that
[Panzer32> I would like to get this territory deal straightened out
[Zayxus> yes.
[Panzer32> please let us refresh our memory by looking here:
[Panzer32> That division is fair considering # of tiles and resources
[Panzer32> However, I can understand ND's situation since it would mean giving up a few cities and having a few more jungle/mountains.
[Zayxus> ND has to talk about the wish to keep Dar-el-killam, because it has a good production and expensive improvements - in exchange for tiles in the south at New Madrid and Barcelona
[Zayxus> at least for some more turns
[Panzer32> GoW hopes to counter that by offering some help for you
[Panzer32> just a minute, let me think of Dar-el-killam
[Zayxus> yes
[Panzer32> I was thinking about sending you down some worker teams to help clear the jungle quickly
[Panzer32> maybe we can clear and improve one jungle tile for each pop point you give us.
[Zayxus> A city like Trippolis could be as good as Dar-el-killam
[Panzer32> also some money for lost improvements
[Zayxus> but since centuries it was blocked by jungle
[Panzer32> yes
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam got a marketplace, a courthouse, barracks and of cause a temple.
[Panzer32> I am working on the GoW workers plan now, I can set aside some for you to clear the jungles
[Panzer32> how long does it take to clear with one of your workers
[Zayxus> there are really many workers chopping the jungle, but it takes decades of years to finish one tile
* MRex has joined #gow_cofa
[MRex> hi
Session Start: Sun Dec 28 14:29:23 2003
Session Ident: #gow_cofa
* Now talking in #gow_cofa
* Topic is 'The Glory of Diplomacy'
* Set by MasterZen on Sat Nov 22 16:15:41
* MasterZen sets mode: +oo MRex Panzer32
-> *nickserv* identify phizix
[Panzer32> nuts, computer froze
[Darekill> Hi Friends, beeing busy means not beeing able to chat a lot
[Panzer32> ok where were we
[MasterZen> workers :P
[Panzer32> yes
[Panzer32> 1 jungle tile cleared & roaded & mined/irrigated per pop point gifted to us (excluding Thordoba/Irongard)
[Zayxus> That is the situation: Trippolis, just next to the capitol NeuTheben, is stuck in the jungle, and Dar-el-killam is grown up to 9, one of the biggest cities of ND and has many very expensive imoprovements.
[Panzer32> how many improvements in Dar?
[MasterZen> [Zayxus> Dar-el-killam got a marketplace, a courthouse, barracks and of cause a temple.
[Panzer32> ok
[Panzer32> culture creating improvements get destroyed when the city gets traded
[Panzer32> you guys can sell the temple before the gift takes place
[Zayxus> culture...yes
[Panzer32> How about we gift you the sell value gold for the improvements?
[Zayxus> the price would be only less of the really price
[Panzer32> you mean for rush-buying?
[Zayxus> that is the point for Trippolis
[Panzer32> We cannot possibly gift you the full rush-buying price for each improvement
[MasterZen> the selling price of improvements is vastly underrated, while the rush-buying price is vastly OVERrrated
[Panzer32> however, I would suggest you build units or something in Dar then disband in Trippolis for extra shields
[MasterZen> maybe we can average them out...
[Panzer32> btw, always wait a turn before rushbuying
[MasterZen> say, the cost of rush-buying+cost of selling / 2
[Panzer32> anyone know the # of turns for jungle clearing for 1 ind worker?
[MasterZen> nope
[Zayxus> in usually: 16
[MRex> what gov?
[Panzer32> Rep
[Zayxus> what means base turns? with 100% worker?
[Panzer32> I think is 12
[Panzer32> because it is 24 for non-ind
[MRex> It is 16/8 according to the editor.
[Zayxus> Trippolis needs 6 more fields to be cleared
[Panzer32> MRex - PTW editor?
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam *is* the biggest city of ND.
[MRex> doh, sorry, lemme check that
[MasterZen> it is 12, I just remembered from the isdg
[MRex> yep
[MasterZen> 16 in C3C
[Zayxus> clear jungle : in my PTW-civ3editor: 16
[Panzer32> ok, with 6 workers we can clear in 2 turns, road/mine/irr in 1, and move to next tile
[MRex> moving to the next tile would take an additional turn or no?
[Zayxus> yes?
[Panzer32> yeah, 1 tile cleared every 4 turn
[Panzer32> I'll have to check but we may be able to get 12 workers there soon
[MasterZen> hmm, checked editor, it is 16
[MasterZen> that means 8 for industrial?
[Panzer32> what is it for the other stuff, like mining on a hill? That takes 12 turns non-ind
[Zayxus> does it take longer on a mountian?
[MasterZen> yes
[Panzer32> I can'
[Panzer32> erm, never mind
[Panzer32> please could this be confirmed it takes 12 turns industrious? I can't atm
[MasterZen> 12 turns to mine hill confirmed
[MasterZen> err wait...
[Zayxus> on plains: 12, I suppose
[Zayxus> for mine
[MasterZen> isn't that too much?
[Panzer32> no, for clearing
[Panzer32> its 3 for mine for ind
[MasterZen> it might be 12 for mountain for ind?
[MRex> Clear Jungle takes 16 turns by default, 8 by industrious, before calculating any gov bonus...
[Panzer32> ok quit the mine thing, just test the clearing
[Panzer32> confirmed PTW, MRex?
[Panzer32> MZ says its 12 turns ind
[MRex> this time i'm in ptw
[Panzer32> I tested it and its 12 turns
[MRex> thats odd, i just tested it too and its 12 turns. doesn't make sense though, the editor says 16 (8)...
[Panzer32> editor * 1.5
[MRex> i guess so, though i don't see the logic in making the editor harder to understand
[MRex> ok, now that we know it is 12, what next?
[Zayxus> 1 turn to finish is gifted by the multiplayer-mode, but all together it is the same
[Zayxus> Trippolis needs 6 tiles of grasslands, there is no cow with 4 food/tile
[Zayxus> to get a fair exchange, there are needed 6 tiles of grassland around Neutheben in a short time of few turns
[Zayxus> Neutheben and the cities around are growing...
[Panzer32> 4ok I just calculated we can have 6 workers SW of Macao ready for orders in 440 AD
[Zayxus> by the way, to buy the improvements from ND of Dar-el-killam, GOW would have to slow down research to spare the Gold, contact Aggie.
[Zayxus> 12 6 workers of GOW would need 2 turns to clear jungle?
[Panzer32> yes
[Panzer32> we may have more in a few more turns to go too
[Zayxus> 12 6 * 2 = 12 turns for 6 tiles plus turns for mine
[Zayxus> sorry, to *replace* Dar-el-killam, ND needs 9 tiles of cleared jungle
[Zayxus> 12 9 * 2 = 18 turns for 9 tiles plus turns for mine
[Panzer32> as long as the pop of Dar doesn't go down (ie settlers workers)
[Panzer32> yeah, building is a long prospect, we don't expect you to give everything up at once
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam is not such corrut, to be producing settlers
[Panzer32> corrut?
[Zayxus> Dar-el-killam is not such corrupt, to be producing settlers
[Panzer32> ok, now the next question. What of the cities GoW will give/gave to ND in the south?
[Zayxus> ND would like it to have Pamplona and TheAlamo it the culture of ND
[Zayxus> ... inside of the borders of ND - territory
[Panzer32> well, according to the map you would get Barcelona and New Madrid too if GoW captured them
[Panzer32> we could trade them for your lesser cities (not Dar-el-killam) on our side of the devide?
[Zayxus> like for Mavdad?
[Zayxus> like for Stonedina?
[Panzer32> yeah...
[Panzer32> Zayrut...
[Zayxus> yes that is the list.
[Zayxus> NewMadrid and Barcelona are rather far away from the center of south of Bob and thus quite corrupt for ND
[MasterZen> they are even more corrupt for us :S
[Panzer32> you will put a forbidden palace down there, yes? (It would be dumb not to)
[Zayxus> yes, but ND nedds some more decisions about the given cities
[Panzer32> what improvements do you have in each of those cities?
[Zayxus> Mavdad, Stonedina, Zayrut?
[Zayxus> at first barracks, and temple
[Panzer32> how about we give you the money for those cities but not the worker turns because you get improvements in the south also lots of new population?
[Panzer32> (you sell temple for $ too)
[Zayxus> The leader(Palace) is not part of the deal, because it is a result of the history and by risk or luck.
[Zayxus> The center of Neutheben would loose in Dar-el-killam and in Stonedina two productive cities with fewer corruption
[Panzer32> and we give you a very close productive centre in Trippolis as well as up to 4 cities with plenty of population for a new productive centre
[Zayxus> ND would give GOW in Dar-el-killam and Zayrut cities in range of center of GOW
[Panzer32> right now Zayrut is basically nothing
[Zayxus> the Deal Dar-el-killam for 9 tiles of grassland at Trippolis and around is one part of the deal.
[Zayxus> Thordoba and Stonedina could be the cities for the area of a second palace of GOW
[Panzer32> hmm... we're not putting it there
[Zayxus> Building a second palace far away would take to many turns for GOW
[Zayxus> where would GOW like to put a second palace: near Thordoba or near Mavdad?
[Panzer32> we build in Yellowknife, for some time now
[Zayxus> If ND has a second center the sooner, the more gold ND could spent on research to GOW
[Zayxus> the sooner ND gets more tiles of grassland, the sooner ND coould spent more Gold in research
[Panzer32> Pamplona might be a good city to build it in, should only have maybe 50% corruption
[Zayxus> calculating only tiles is not adequate for a decision of changing the owner of cities
[Panzer32> are you saying the system is not adequate? What do you need more?
[Zayxus> to be best prepared and improved for the war, Dar-el-killam was built up to the very productive and biggest city of ND
[Panzer32> we can clear jungle tiles for a while longer
[MasterZen> well, I have to go, my family needs to have the phone line open
[MasterZen> cya later
[Zayxus> bye
* MasterZen has quit IRC (Quit: )
[Panzer32> before or after it was agreed in principle to give it to us afterwards for compensation?
[Zayxus> after our chat about the borderlines , Dar-el-killam was improved to support the war by all means
[Zayxus> The terrain around center Neutheben is known.
[Zayxus> ND did built some rather foolish set cities like FortDreizack and FortLoewenmut to cope with RP and Pamplona
[Panzer32> When ND and GoW started this war, we both knew ND would shift somewhat to the South by giving GoW some of its northern cities. In return GoW fights with ND and gives up the land we help conquer, also giving some workers to help improve ND's new land.
[Panzer32> Some on GoW feels we helped ND conquer the land but now ND is not giving us our side
[Zayxus> That is all clear to me in my role as ambassador
[Zayxus> Some people of ND feel sick of giving away Dar-el-killam as biggest city, but I play here the ambassador to get a compromise (I'm still the turn-leader).
[Panzer32> you keep Dar-el-killam for a while anyways, until you get new very productive city, Trippolis
[Zayxus> Let us find a smooth solution, yes, that way it may be possible.
[Panzer32> I will see how soon it is until we can give you the Alamo and Pamplona.
[Panzer32> maybe you give Zayrut to begin with
[Zayxus> in 430AD GOW would like to be gifted Zayrut?
[Zayxus> this date? or before GOW gives Alamo and Pamplona?
* MRex has left #gow_cofa
[Panzer32> either that or when we gift you Alamo/Pamplona
[Zayxus> which would be more good for the mood of people of GOW?
[Panzer32> I do not think it matters, just either one
[Zayxus> I put it in my do-to-list of the next turn 430AD ...
[Zayxus> I put it in my to-do-list of the next turn 430AD ...
[Panzer32> is there anything more you wish to discuss?
[Darekill> Good by boys.
[Panzer32> by the way please contact Aggie with the moves for the workers
[Darekill> Sorry I had to be so quiet today but as I mentioned I was busy elsewhere
[Panzer32> (for 440)
[Zayxus> if you can, would you continue on thursday, if a tunr is done ?
[Panzer32> ok Darekill, see you later
[Darekill> cu
* Darekill has left #gow_cofa
[Panzer32> yes, Thursday is probably good
[Panzer32> btw, I go back to school next sunday so I get busy again
[Zayxus> You watch the mood of GOW
[Panzer32> ok
[Zayxus> I watch the mood of ND
I basically agreed to this out of necessity in the chat. If everyone doesn't like this then I guess we will have to change this however, that will take even more time and effort which you will have to give to this project.
When I put the new worker plan up there are 6 workers set aside for work in ND clearing jungle at Trippolis. I have not given them detailed orders only movements to a common point to gather them together and move into ND as ND instructs.