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The Christmas Chat

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  • The Christmas Chat

    Chat with ND today ( I just happened to be on mirc when Zayxus dropped in).

    Anyway, aggie, we need to clear up the tech deal with ND because they th ink Lego is in it too and that is why they haven't sent us the gold (or so they say).

    Also, I suggest next week we deal almost exclusively with the border agreement I hope Panzer can make it:

    Start of #gow buffer: Thu Dec 25 15:16:11 2003
    [13:40] * Now talking in #gow
    [13:40] * changes topic to 'GoW Chat: assimilating the
    recently conquered Pamplonan savages'
    [13:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr
    [14:20] * Zayxus has joined #gow
    [14:20] [Zayxus] hello
    [14:21] [MasterZen] hello
    [14:21] * MasterZen sets mode: +o Zayxus
    [14:21] [MasterZen] merry christmas
    [14:23] [Zayxus] merry christmas
    [14:23] [Zayxus] just got connected from another computer as usually
    [14:23] [MasterZen] hehe
    [14:24] [MasterZen] anyone else coming?
    [14:24] [Zayxus] I don't know
    [14:25] [MasterZen] hmm
    [14:25] [Zayxus] Today is one of the days with family...
    [14:25] [MasterZen] yep
    [14:25] [MasterZen] although I have a terrible cold
    [14:25] [MasterZen] and fever
    [14:26] [MasterZen] anything you want to discuss?
    [14:26] [Zayxus] what are the plans of GOW about NewMadrid or Barcelona?
    [14:27] [MasterZen] we have talked to GS about gifting it to one of us
    [14:27] [MasterZen] but we are still not sure if they will
    [14:27] [Zayxus] why are there doubts?
    [14:28] [MasterZen] because GS says those cities are still RolePlay's
    [14:29] [Zayxus] , GS could give them to RP...
    [14:29] [MasterZen] and then RP could raze them
    [14:29] [MasterZen] which is what we DON'T want
    [14:29] [Zayxus] right, and GS would NOT raze then?
    [14:30] [MasterZen] maybe, but I find it more likely that RP will than GS
    [14:31] [Zayxus] GS could just leave the cities and let other's units march in?
    [14:31] [MasterZen] that would be fine IMO
    [14:32] [MasterZen] but I still suspect they will gift to RP and raze
    [14:32] [Zayxus] or by gifting cities to GOW , GS would jump the remaining
    units to Estonia.
    [14:33] [MasterZen] yes
    [14:33] [MasterZen] has ND made peace with GS yet?
    [14:33] [Zayxus] if GS gifts cities to RP, GOW could take them , because no
    units are inside?
    [14:33] [MasterZen] yes we would
    [14:34] [Zayxus] peace with GS by ND : not yet
    [14:34] [MasterZen] but I doubt RP would hold them, I don't think they'd want
    us to have them so they'll likely raze
    [14:35] [Zayxus] GS could raze the cities?
    [14:35] [MasterZen] no, RP, after GS gifts it to them
    [14:36] [Zayxus] oh , I understand, if GS gifts to RP , ND or GOW would see it,
    after the turn of RP.
    [14:37] [Zayxus] how may units could be in these cities?
    [14:37] [MasterZen] not many
    [14:37] [MasterZen] unless GS is hoarding its army there for a warp to their
    [14:38] [Zayxus] how succesful could GOW be at taking them? (ND can't this
    turn.)..... GS could still hort a big group of troops?
    [14:39] [MasterZen] well we had an agreement whereby we would not interrupt
    GS's evacuation, so we really wouldn't attack them
    [14:39] [Zayxus] It is difficult: there is no information about, how many
    troops of GS are in these cities... there is a risk .
    [14:40] [MasterZen] I honestly don't think GS wants to continue fighting
    [14:40] [MasterZen] neither with GoW nor ND
    [14:40] [Zayxus] it is not possible to decide about it, if information is
    [14:41] [Zayxus] about Pamplona there was some information about the number of
    troops ...
    [14:42] [Zayxus] ...where may land the troops of GS of the north?
    [14:42] [MasterZen] I have no idea
    [14:43] [Zayxus] me either, there is no prove, they are gone to
    [14:43] [Zayxus] Estonia.
    [14:44] [Zayxus] (if)
    [14:44] [MasterZen] well they aren't in Bob, that's for sure
    [14:44] [Zayxus]
    [14:44] [MasterZen] btw, we need to talk about our border agreement
    [14:46] [Zayxus] right, me too
    [14:46] [MasterZen] aggie told me that ND was a bit uneasy at gifting the
    cities right now
    [14:47] [Zayxus] seeing it neutral, from outside, it would be so
    [14:48] [MasterZen] I am sure we can reach a compromise without breaking the
    spirit of the border proposal
    [14:48] [Zayxus] Aggie offered settlers and workers?
    [14:48] [MasterZen] I don't know what aggie offered but I have an idea of my own
    [14:48] [Zayxus] ND is building settlers... (just begun, could be changed)
    [14:49] [Zayxus] sorry.
    [14:49] [Zayxus] your opinion?
    [14:49] [MasterZen] maybe we can do the city gifting in stages
    [14:50] [Zayxus] in which kind of stages?
    [14:50] [MasterZen] for example gift one city now, then wait some turns, then
    gift the other... like that
    [14:51] [MasterZen] gives time to make settlers
    [14:51] [Zayxus] hmmm, which city first?
    [14:51] [MasterZen] Thordoba, that was going to be our Irongard
    [14:53] [Zayxus] ...brb...
    [14:54] [MasterZen] me too brb
    [14:55] [Zayxus] (translating into English)
    [14:56] [MasterZen] back
    [14:57] [Zayxus] - playing the role as ambassador of I can now only answer, may
    be possible, but The parlament of ND would have to decide it
    [14:59] [MasterZen] ok
    [14:59] [MasterZen] we should discuss the whole border issue next week
    [15:01] [MasterZen] also one more thing:
    [15:02] [Zayxus] I did create the thread in the Forum of ND about Thordoba.
    [15:02] [MasterZen] why hasn't ND sent us the gold for Chemistry?
    [15:03] [Zayxus] Aggie told in his mail, it was a missunderstanding, if to pay
    for science once.
    [15:03] [Zayxus] Aggie offered also to set Lego as the main researching civ
    [15:04] [Zayxus] Would be good for you to get a copy of such mails from Aggie?
    [15:05] [Zayxus] or was there a discussion in the forum of GOW?
    [15:05] [MasterZen] hmm, not that I know of
    [15:06] [MasterZen] all I know is that ND agreed to give either 80gpt or 121gpt
    (i think) so we could get chemistry quickly
    [15:08] [Zayxus] if we are an alliance of three , it would be best, if all
    research for the same, what is your opinion? --- ND could pay Gold next turn,
    but again, it was a missunderstanding.
    [15:08] [MasterZen] It's just that I don't know if Lego is involved in this
    chemistry deal
    [15:09] [Zayxus] To his Topic, also the decision of the parlament is asked (if
    I do not rule as an despot)
    [15:09] [MasterZen] I'll ask aggie to e-mail you and get things straight
    [15:10] [Zayxus] Please, the turn is near to ND...
    [15:10] [MasterZen] ok
    [15:11] [Zayxus] There was a question at the forum: where would place GOW the
    forbidden palace for GOW ?
    [15:11] [MasterZen] in Eye of the Storm
    [15:12] [Zayxus]
    [15:12] [Zayxus] ... or near Yellowstone?
    [15:13] [MasterZen] likely
    [15:14] [MasterZen] anyway, I have to go
    [15:14] [MasterZen] I feel really bad and have to eat
    [15:14] * Darekill has joined #gow
    [15:14] [MasterZen] hey
    [15:14] [Darekill] Hi!
    [15:15] [MasterZen] you came just when I was about to leave :S
    [15:15] [Darekill] Oh, never mind I don't have to much time anyhow
    [15:15] [MasterZen] ok
    [15:16] [Darekill] Merry christmess to you.
    End of #gow buffer Thu Dec 25 15:16:11 2003
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)

  • #2
    I told them in the initial email that I wanted to keep it between us and them without lego. This way when Lego finishes research they can give it to us straight up. Otherwise I fear they will feel we owe them in some way. I was very clear that I wanted it between us.

    The other thing about settlers/workers was from the post where I said their complaints and possible responses. I said the same to them in chat last week.

    Here is an except from my email to him.
    "On the Science front I though Lego would do the upper research and we'd both
    > do the lower research. I see us in many ways as one team for production
    > puposes so thats why I kept just you or us doing Chem and then give it to
    > Lego for the tech they research(since they can reserach faster along). "

    Here is from his response

    Agreed, Lego would do the upper research. Which details?

    Seems straightforward to me. But, perhaps in all the communications and translations things get misunderstood.

    Last edited by Aggie; December 25, 2003, 18:31.
    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


    • #3
      Anyway I just emailed him with the ideas again. Basically I said;
      1) GOW/ND do lower path
      2) Lego does the uper path
      3) We are willing to help with the development of the south, but details are best dealt with by Panzer since he is our COIA(see 410 turn thread).

      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


      • #4
        btw, I'd appreciate if someone could handle any diplomacy for the next couple of days, for the last 48 hours I've been one of the unlucky bastards with the flu and have had up to 102F fever what's worse is that there seems to be no end to this. Thanks.
        A true ally stabs you in the front.

        Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


        • #5
          You too? I got the flu on the 22. Had it beaten by the 24 only to come down with a sevre cold. I now haven't had a normal temp for 5 days.
          Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
          '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


          • #6
            sorry I couldn't be there, I have other priorities on christmas day...

            (like watching LoTR TTT extended version & features )

            Anyways, I'll try to think about the land division stuff. Remind me of the chat next week or else I will forget about it, and that will probably be the last time I can come for a while as school will start up again soon after.

            ps - I've been battling a cold too... can sickness travel through internet forums?
            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
            May God Bless.


            • #7
              Well I just got an email from Zayxus. He said he was thinking about a chat on sunday at around 20GMT.

              Yah, I probably infected all ya'll through the forum. I got sick on the 8th and then it probably went through some intermediaries.

              Then again I just had a cold and not the flu.

              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


              • #8
                Is the chat at 20:00 GMT still going on? Is that ~3:00 PM EST? I might be able to make it.
                Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                May God Bless.


                • #9
                  To Darekill and me it would be nice to meet you today,
                  would you like to chat with us today at 19 GMT, in about 2 hours?
                  (The time is one hour earlier as used on Thursday.)

                  - Research
                  - Cities
                  - Defence

                  I'll be there; it will be in an hour from this post.
                  Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                  King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                  May God Bless.


                  • #10
                    #gow_cofa victory currently
                    Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                    King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                    May God Bless.

