Well here it is the GS formal offer.
We, the peoples of the Glory of War and the Gathering Storm, in recognizing the threat posed to both of our glorious nations by Neu Demogyptia, agree this nation must be removed from the face of the earth. Therefore, we agree to put our lives, fortunes, and honor to risk in our chance to eliminate this threat once and for all. We pledge to unleash the great power of our Riders and War Chickens for the sake of returning this world to peace!
ARTICLE I - Objective
1. The two nations of Gathering Storm and Glory of War, whose sovereign interests have until recently been opposed in a titanic struggle for balance of power on the continent of Bob, have come to recognize that the stalemate in the Second Bobian War can serve the interests of neither side.
2. The source of the clash of interests - GS's MPP defense of Spain and GoW's contract to remove the RP Civ from Spanish soil must be honourably resolved.
3. A realignment of the balance of power is understood by both sides to be their only realistic chance of victory, with the ultimate need of both sides being to have enough productive land and access to resources to be able to eventually compete with the power to the west, Lego, enjoying a large productive continent to itself, and unimpeded in its economic development thus-far by conflict.
4. The primary obstacle to the aspirations of both GoW and GS, however, is recognized to be the Bobian power of Neu Demogyptia. This contract between the nations of Glory of War and Gathering Storm defines the terms and conditions of the hiring of the mercenary nation of GoW by GS to join and co-ordinate forces in a military and economic alliance to remove Neu Demogyptia from the game.
ARTICLE II - Honouring existing contractual obligations
1. GS agrees to respect the existing contract between GoW and ND requiring that RP to be removed from the continent of Bob.
2. GoW respects the existing alliance contract between GS and RP including Mutual Protection Pact.
3. GS shall clarify to RP that their continued protection and alliance with GS is dependent on RP making and maintaining peace with GoW as required by GS.
4. RP and GoW will mutually end all hostile and destructive intent and actions against the respective parties.
ARTICLE III - Conclusion of hostilities between GoW and GS
1. All Roleplay cities on Bob to be transferred to GS.
2. GS transfers selected cities on N.Stormia to RP.
3. Peace offered and accepted between all parties.
ARTICLE IV - Payment for Contract
1. Delivering the removal of RP from Bob, and enabling GoW to fulfil their existing contract with ND is seen as part payment from GS to GoW against the GS contract with GoW to eliminate ND from the game.
2. An agreement on land rights to make GoW the dominant landowner on Bob upon eventual defeat of ND will be made.
3. Allied participation between GS and GoW to defeat ND, with GoW taking the lion's share of the territorial spoils - giving them a large contiguous portion of Bob as far south as the jungle - would be seen as a substantial balance of the payment.
4. Once GS have Gunpowder, GoW can select a technology they would like GS to research for them as part payment of the contract. On completion, GS will deliver that technology to GoW.
5. GS is also able, in the medium and long tem, to deliver a majority portion of the overall research effort to also constitute a portion of the net payment.
6. For the final part of the payment, GoW are to be awarded the honour and glory of inflicting the final blow to ND.
ARTICLE V - Non Aggression
1. Neither nation shall attack the other during the duration of the contract unless it is mutually agreed to by both partners.
2. Neither nation shall declare war on the other during the duration of the contract unless it is mutually agreed to by both partners.
ARTICLE VI - Technology
1. At the time of the signing of this treaty, GS lags behind GoW in tech, but as soon as they are level, they will be able to contribute strongly to a shared, co-ordinated research program.
2. GS has partially researched Invention, but will need the remainder of that technology and Gunpowder to (a) be aware of the location of Saltpeter deposits, (b) deliver Musketmen to the battlefield, and (c) start contributing to a joint research program.
ARTICLE VII - Optional Rider Upgrade Program
1. In recognition of the unique battlefield abilities of the famed GoW Rider Regiments, developed in combination with the military productive power of Leonardo's Workshop, GS considers that the contract may be more swiftly completed by diverting a portion of its own commercial output to their partners GoW for the purposes of upgrading Horsemen/Chariots to Riders. For the purposes of concluding the contract, it makes more sense for GS gold to be spent on upgrading a 3-move knight at half price than a 2-move knight at full price. GS would continue to produce its own Knights, though less than it could otherwise produce.
2. GS would like to offer GoW the opportunity to benefit from this scheme, in appreciation of the efficient military machine that the GoW Civ has constructed, and to the mutual benefit of both parties.
3. Under the program, the transfer of GS economic power into GoW military power would be a firm indication of the trust and honour placed in GoW by GS. By strengthening their partners relative to themselves, GS is offering GoW a fail-safe security guarantee against a hypothetical GS 'backstab'.
4. The level of gpt transfer would be determined by the economic conditions, capabilities, and logistics on the ground, and thus beyond the scope of this document. It might also vary from turn to turn as is pragmatic, rather than fixed-rate deals. A rule of thumb would be 'to significantly strengthen GoW's capacity to fulfil the contract without significantly leaving GS vulnerable to a balance of power deficit in relation to their partner'.
5. Should GoW wish to take up this option, they will be enjoying an additional payment to the already-comprehensive renumeration package offered by GS in Article IV, and will also gain a security guarantee from GS. In a reciprocal gesture which would both honourably provide GS with a security guarantee from GoW, and serve the mutual interests of the fulfilment of the contract, GoW would deliver to GS the technologies of Invention and Gunpowder, with the benefits to both parties that would bring as described in Article VI
6. GS intends to deploy the economic potential of the RP refugees in protected northern Stormia to contribute to the ongoing struggle against ND, by making GPT payments to GS. It is apparent that this source of income could make a valuable net contribution to the proposed Rider Upgrade Program, thus assisting the contractual partners GoW and GS to fulfill their mission. It would be hoped that if GoW choose to partake in this program they would see the value of RP's alliance to GS in their contribution to the mutual cause.
Both parties agree to share available luxuries with each other as far as is reasonably possible.
ARTICLE IX - Strategic Resources
1. Ideally, full access by both parties should be arranged to all necessary resources - preferably under full urban control, but through trade if necessary.
2. In case of insufficient access to enough of each resource, parties with sole access should co-operate with temporary trade arrangements to allow the other side to upgrade / initiate builds.
ARTICLE X - Wonders of the World
The partners shall inform each other of what Great Wonders of the world they are planning to construct.
ARTICLE XI - Status of the Spanish nation of Roleplay
1. In addition to Article II para 3 above, GS will clarify to RP that their full co-operation with the GoW-GS contract is required under the terms of the existing protection arrangements offered to RP by GS. This co-operation will require the Spanish refugees in N.Stormia to undertake solely economic development work in their new home, with surplus commercial output being made available to GS so that it may contribute to the cause of eliminating ND.
2. Under these demilitarized conditions, RP will constitute no threat to GoW, but will instead be a net contributor to the goal of the contract.
3. Should the Spanish people not accept the terms of their continued protection by GS, perhaps for religious reasons, and given that GS has already paid a substantial price in the cause of their protection - they may elect to dissolve themselves as a nation and exit the game, delivering all holdings to GS.
4. Should the Spanish people accept the terms, and loyally demonstrate a commitment to the requirements of GS and their partners GoW, and if substantial political realignment were to take place in that nation to banish their hostile intent towards GoW, they should be allowed to return to a restricted portion of southern Spain, into areas not sharing a boundary with the intended southern borders of GoW upon completion of the contract.
ARTICLE XII - Envisioned Map and border agreements
After completion of the contract:
1. All lands north of the Bobian jungle to be GoW's
2. Land south of the jungle to be allocated to GS and other possible GoW allies in the fight against ND, in accordance with Article XI para 4.
3. Exact status of border area - tbd
ARTICLE XIII - Completion of Contract
1. Completion of contract shall be deemed to have occurred upon the delivery of the final blow to ND to remove them from the game. The satisfaction of this act shall be granted to GoW in accordance with the terms of payment above, unless both parties agree that the timing of the final act is essential for the necessary elimination of ND on that turn.
2. Upon completion, a mandatory 20 turns of peace shall exist between both parties to this contract.
3. In recognition that GS is not GoW's only potential customer, GS would seek to be given an option, prior to and close to the completion of contract, for the re-hiring of GoW in a subsequent assignment.
ARTICLE XIV - Ratification
1. Once this treaty has been signed by the representatives of each partner, those representatives are responsible for taking the contract back to be ratified by the appropriate consitutional bodies in each nation of Gathering Storm and Glory of War.
2. Upon ratification by the consitutional bodies or Glory of War and Gathering Storm and notification of this ratification in each case is sent to the other nation, this contract will go into effect and the partners will be bound by its terms.
ARTICLE XV - Amendments
This treaty may be amended if representatives of the two partners mutually agree to an amended version of the treaty and such an amended treaty is then ratified using the guidelines found in Article XIV.
Therefore, we, the representatives of the Generals of the Glory of War and the Senate of the Gathering Storm, recognizing and agreeing to abide by the above articles, here place our names, pledging our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour.
Annex 1: The War Chickens
The steps of the Stormian Senate building are stained with the tears of mothers weeping over their captured loved ones.
Reliable cleaners are difficult to find these days, and the marble is getting so badly stained that GS were wondering whether the captured War Chickens might be returned to them before the builders have to be called in.
We, the peoples of the Glory of War and the Gathering Storm, in recognizing the threat posed to both of our glorious nations by Neu Demogyptia, agree this nation must be removed from the face of the earth. Therefore, we agree to put our lives, fortunes, and honor to risk in our chance to eliminate this threat once and for all. We pledge to unleash the great power of our Riders and War Chickens for the sake of returning this world to peace!
ARTICLE I - Objective
1. The two nations of Gathering Storm and Glory of War, whose sovereign interests have until recently been opposed in a titanic struggle for balance of power on the continent of Bob, have come to recognize that the stalemate in the Second Bobian War can serve the interests of neither side.
2. The source of the clash of interests - GS's MPP defense of Spain and GoW's contract to remove the RP Civ from Spanish soil must be honourably resolved.
3. A realignment of the balance of power is understood by both sides to be their only realistic chance of victory, with the ultimate need of both sides being to have enough productive land and access to resources to be able to eventually compete with the power to the west, Lego, enjoying a large productive continent to itself, and unimpeded in its economic development thus-far by conflict.
4. The primary obstacle to the aspirations of both GoW and GS, however, is recognized to be the Bobian power of Neu Demogyptia. This contract between the nations of Glory of War and Gathering Storm defines the terms and conditions of the hiring of the mercenary nation of GoW by GS to join and co-ordinate forces in a military and economic alliance to remove Neu Demogyptia from the game.
ARTICLE II - Honouring existing contractual obligations
1. GS agrees to respect the existing contract between GoW and ND requiring that RP to be removed from the continent of Bob.
2. GoW respects the existing alliance contract between GS and RP including Mutual Protection Pact.
3. GS shall clarify to RP that their continued protection and alliance with GS is dependent on RP making and maintaining peace with GoW as required by GS.
4. RP and GoW will mutually end all hostile and destructive intent and actions against the respective parties.
ARTICLE III - Conclusion of hostilities between GoW and GS
1. All Roleplay cities on Bob to be transferred to GS.
2. GS transfers selected cities on N.Stormia to RP.
3. Peace offered and accepted between all parties.
ARTICLE IV - Payment for Contract
1. Delivering the removal of RP from Bob, and enabling GoW to fulfil their existing contract with ND is seen as part payment from GS to GoW against the GS contract with GoW to eliminate ND from the game.
2. An agreement on land rights to make GoW the dominant landowner on Bob upon eventual defeat of ND will be made.
3. Allied participation between GS and GoW to defeat ND, with GoW taking the lion's share of the territorial spoils - giving them a large contiguous portion of Bob as far south as the jungle - would be seen as a substantial balance of the payment.
4. Once GS have Gunpowder, GoW can select a technology they would like GS to research for them as part payment of the contract. On completion, GS will deliver that technology to GoW.
5. GS is also able, in the medium and long tem, to deliver a majority portion of the overall research effort to also constitute a portion of the net payment.
6. For the final part of the payment, GoW are to be awarded the honour and glory of inflicting the final blow to ND.
ARTICLE V - Non Aggression
1. Neither nation shall attack the other during the duration of the contract unless it is mutually agreed to by both partners.
2. Neither nation shall declare war on the other during the duration of the contract unless it is mutually agreed to by both partners.
ARTICLE VI - Technology
1. At the time of the signing of this treaty, GS lags behind GoW in tech, but as soon as they are level, they will be able to contribute strongly to a shared, co-ordinated research program.
2. GS has partially researched Invention, but will need the remainder of that technology and Gunpowder to (a) be aware of the location of Saltpeter deposits, (b) deliver Musketmen to the battlefield, and (c) start contributing to a joint research program.
ARTICLE VII - Optional Rider Upgrade Program
1. In recognition of the unique battlefield abilities of the famed GoW Rider Regiments, developed in combination with the military productive power of Leonardo's Workshop, GS considers that the contract may be more swiftly completed by diverting a portion of its own commercial output to their partners GoW for the purposes of upgrading Horsemen/Chariots to Riders. For the purposes of concluding the contract, it makes more sense for GS gold to be spent on upgrading a 3-move knight at half price than a 2-move knight at full price. GS would continue to produce its own Knights, though less than it could otherwise produce.
2. GS would like to offer GoW the opportunity to benefit from this scheme, in appreciation of the efficient military machine that the GoW Civ has constructed, and to the mutual benefit of both parties.
3. Under the program, the transfer of GS economic power into GoW military power would be a firm indication of the trust and honour placed in GoW by GS. By strengthening their partners relative to themselves, GS is offering GoW a fail-safe security guarantee against a hypothetical GS 'backstab'.
4. The level of gpt transfer would be determined by the economic conditions, capabilities, and logistics on the ground, and thus beyond the scope of this document. It might also vary from turn to turn as is pragmatic, rather than fixed-rate deals. A rule of thumb would be 'to significantly strengthen GoW's capacity to fulfil the contract without significantly leaving GS vulnerable to a balance of power deficit in relation to their partner'.
5. Should GoW wish to take up this option, they will be enjoying an additional payment to the already-comprehensive renumeration package offered by GS in Article IV, and will also gain a security guarantee from GS. In a reciprocal gesture which would both honourably provide GS with a security guarantee from GoW, and serve the mutual interests of the fulfilment of the contract, GoW would deliver to GS the technologies of Invention and Gunpowder, with the benefits to both parties that would bring as described in Article VI
6. GS intends to deploy the economic potential of the RP refugees in protected northern Stormia to contribute to the ongoing struggle against ND, by making GPT payments to GS. It is apparent that this source of income could make a valuable net contribution to the proposed Rider Upgrade Program, thus assisting the contractual partners GoW and GS to fulfill their mission. It would be hoped that if GoW choose to partake in this program they would see the value of RP's alliance to GS in their contribution to the mutual cause.
Both parties agree to share available luxuries with each other as far as is reasonably possible.
ARTICLE IX - Strategic Resources
1. Ideally, full access by both parties should be arranged to all necessary resources - preferably under full urban control, but through trade if necessary.
2. In case of insufficient access to enough of each resource, parties with sole access should co-operate with temporary trade arrangements to allow the other side to upgrade / initiate builds.
ARTICLE X - Wonders of the World
The partners shall inform each other of what Great Wonders of the world they are planning to construct.
ARTICLE XI - Status of the Spanish nation of Roleplay
1. In addition to Article II para 3 above, GS will clarify to RP that their full co-operation with the GoW-GS contract is required under the terms of the existing protection arrangements offered to RP by GS. This co-operation will require the Spanish refugees in N.Stormia to undertake solely economic development work in their new home, with surplus commercial output being made available to GS so that it may contribute to the cause of eliminating ND.
2. Under these demilitarized conditions, RP will constitute no threat to GoW, but will instead be a net contributor to the goal of the contract.
3. Should the Spanish people not accept the terms of their continued protection by GS, perhaps for religious reasons, and given that GS has already paid a substantial price in the cause of their protection - they may elect to dissolve themselves as a nation and exit the game, delivering all holdings to GS.
4. Should the Spanish people accept the terms, and loyally demonstrate a commitment to the requirements of GS and their partners GoW, and if substantial political realignment were to take place in that nation to banish their hostile intent towards GoW, they should be allowed to return to a restricted portion of southern Spain, into areas not sharing a boundary with the intended southern borders of GoW upon completion of the contract.
ARTICLE XII - Envisioned Map and border agreements
After completion of the contract:
1. All lands north of the Bobian jungle to be GoW's
2. Land south of the jungle to be allocated to GS and other possible GoW allies in the fight against ND, in accordance with Article XI para 4.
3. Exact status of border area - tbd
ARTICLE XIII - Completion of Contract
1. Completion of contract shall be deemed to have occurred upon the delivery of the final blow to ND to remove them from the game. The satisfaction of this act shall be granted to GoW in accordance with the terms of payment above, unless both parties agree that the timing of the final act is essential for the necessary elimination of ND on that turn.
2. Upon completion, a mandatory 20 turns of peace shall exist between both parties to this contract.
3. In recognition that GS is not GoW's only potential customer, GS would seek to be given an option, prior to and close to the completion of contract, for the re-hiring of GoW in a subsequent assignment.
ARTICLE XIV - Ratification
1. Once this treaty has been signed by the representatives of each partner, those representatives are responsible for taking the contract back to be ratified by the appropriate consitutional bodies in each nation of Gathering Storm and Glory of War.
2. Upon ratification by the consitutional bodies or Glory of War and Gathering Storm and notification of this ratification in each case is sent to the other nation, this contract will go into effect and the partners will be bound by its terms.
ARTICLE XV - Amendments
This treaty may be amended if representatives of the two partners mutually agree to an amended version of the treaty and such an amended treaty is then ratified using the guidelines found in Article XIV.
Therefore, we, the representatives of the Generals of the Glory of War and the Senate of the Gathering Storm, recognizing and agreeing to abide by the above articles, here place our names, pledging our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour.
Annex 1: The War Chickens
The steps of the Stormian Senate building are stained with the tears of mothers weeping over their captured loved ones.
Reliable cleaners are difficult to find these days, and the marble is getting so badly stained that GS were wondering whether the captured War Chickens might be returned to them before the builders have to be called in.