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Current situation

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  • Current situation

    It seems that GS has moved Knights into such a position as to make an attack on Pamploma unwise the turn.
    However I did a recon and discovered that there is a force of 3Pike,5MI,4workers in the desert(1s of the mountain). clearly they are building a road right to themountain so they can quickly move forces to that safe location. I suggest we attack this force and destroy it. We should be able to defend alamo well.
    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.

  • #2

    What happened to razing both Alamo and Pamplona?

    Leave naught in our wake but smoke and ashes!
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      Sadly I can't do screenshot with the comp am at at this moment.
      The problem with razing pamploma/alamo is that to take pamploma we'd need to use most of our riders on the south. then they would be exposed to a 16 Knight attack. I don't mind razing the cities, its the forces I don't want to lose.
      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


      • #4
        I don't think we can take Pamplona or the Knight Stack but we can take Pamplona out of the immediate picture by pillaging that roaded forest and then minimizing the risk by doing max damage to the Knight stack.


        • #5
          Vox has sent us pics of Pamplona:

          I doubt it would survive a ~15 unit assault. Consider though that this might not include forces which have reached the city after the gifting to GS. I honestly think they lost A LOT of troops when they attacked us either that or their army is elsewhere which I doubt it.

          right side of the slider:

          A true ally stabs you in the front.

          Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Master Zen
            Consider though that this might not include forces which have reached the city after the gifting to GS.
            GS controls Pamplona?


            • #7
              Is someone going to tell us what happened this turn?


              • #8
                I played last night and was too tired to post turn report.
                But to tide you over here's the important points.
                In deference to you concern that the MI/Pike stack could be a trap, I decided to only attack with the 11riders that were stationed there.

                We got lucky and defeated the stack with only one loss. Sadly Ghengis, you were the loss. But I renamed a rider to you again so that nobody can gloat. All forces except for 1 rider retreated out of range. We disbanded the workers since they couldn't get out of range for the Knights.

                We ended up with 8(4/4) riders+a 2/5rider+8catapults defending Alamo. So there is no real chance of it falling. If they did attack they would end up losing that stack and we could attack pamploma.

                We upgraded 7 horse to rider. ND sent us 83 gold. I suspect that this was because they think we sent the whole 166. So I probably should have forwarded it, but we needed the riders. We'll plead ignorane and then when requested will try to send the money.

                Those are the high points.
                The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                • #9
                  So I died in the one attack I pleaded not to happen?

                  Oh the humanity!

                  Couldn't we have moved the Workers in a way that offered a juicy counter target for the Knight stack? Scatter them all over so they would have had to send multiple Knights to claim them?


                  • #10
                    Doooh, I knew there was something I could do with those workers to make them useful. I thought of using them as bait but for some STUPID reason I never considered splitting them up.(we could have moved w or sw).

                    To be honest I had tunnel vision and was afraid that they could get the workers and then move them back, cover them with a million pike/Knights and then complete the road to the mountain. But still it could have been really useful if we had weakened those knights. Oh well they still might send a knight to get the last rider(who got promoted by the way). But your right, I missed the boat on this one.

                    Actually this all could have been made easier if ND had done a recon and seen the stack. They could use the ansars(i think) without risking any cities.
                    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                    • #11
                      Correct me if I am wrong, but did we no just allow RP the possibility to gift a large city to GS, and GS to have a large stack capable of moving in to defend it?

                      The hell with the losses, we should have razed both cities. Damn it, I want to see a smoldering pile where Pamplona was, now I fear we will see a change of colors and a garrison.
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #12
                        Unortho, I just tested if you can gift the capital. Good news, it's not allowed. Imagine, the palace jump implications. However, after thinking more and longer it is always possible to retreat from your capital and let the other side move in. If we ever wanted to do that we could build up an easterncity real big while building an FP at a neaby location to imperial city, then we let nd take Imperial city(maybe they use it for a giant upgrade), then we take it back.

                        As for as should be have razed alamo and pamploma. That was a great option. However, we did not have enough troops to overwhelm pamploma(especially since through gifting they got quite a few units in there I suspect) and rush to the coast like I had hoped. Also ND has commited many ansars to the south so they could not do the damage required.

                        The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                        • #13
                          Is ND planning an offensive in the south? That might be a good distraction
                          A true ally stabs you in the front.

                          Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                          • #14
                            We were fairly disorganized for this turn's gameplay and a lot of that was my fault. I have a Command Inspection monday and have been concentrating on that so I apologize. Hopefully we can capitalize on something GS/Roleplay does next turn.


                            • #15
                              Part of the problem is that I was traveling the day the tun was sent, also I was so intent on taking pamploma thats where the conversation was centered. The other posibilities weren't discussed. To be honest I didn't think GS would go to the mountain, for the very reason we saw. I didn't think they would leave those forces in the open like they did. I admit it SCREAMS "trap". But if it was they seriouslly underestimated our forces or they have a plan I can't see. If its a trap it is aimed at the Alamo, and that seems secure. On the other hand we got very lucky with the rng this attack. Out of 11 atatcks we had 2 retreats, 1 loss, and 2promotions. so it is possible that by getting lucky we avoided a trap. Luckily GS has no idea we got lucky and maybe will assume we have few forces in Alamo.
                              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.

