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Combat Chat

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  • Combat Chat

    It seems we will soon be engaged in combat against those squawking chickens. I am eager to see if they truly do run around in circles after we wring their neck. If you too want to find out such things please join me and others in a "combat chat". Date and time to be determined. I envision 2 of these. The first should occur when ND attacks. This way we can coordinate the attacks. The next will occur right after they have sent us the turn. Hopefully we can make good Dtrategy about our offesnive.
    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.

  • #2
    Name the day and name the time and I'll be there...
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


    • #3
      probbaly tomorrow, in the afternoon.
      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


      • #4
        its tommorrow in the afternoon and it still hasn't come from ND. This evening is probably fine for the most part for me.
        Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
        King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
        May God Bless.


        • #5
          That sounds good, this chat will decide much. I am very eager to see how ND did. I suspect the force will be weakened but not destroyed and we'll mop up. I also asked ND for money to upgrade the 7th horse this turn and also to do barracks in the alamo.
          The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


          • #6
            I'll be home all day after 4pm CST
            A true ally stabs you in the front.

            Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


            • #7
              I have the turn and will forward it to all and post it here.
              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


              • #8
                here's the save

                The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                • #9
                  Just looked at the save....


                  Hurray for ND!!!!

                  How many units did they loose?
                  Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                  '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


                  • #10
                    Can you give those of us without access for some time yet a pic?
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #11
                      I'm not sure but they must have had some great rolls. Unless we are supper unlucky it is going to be a bad day for GS. Can't wait to do the turn. Also ND sent us enough money for upgrade and Barracks.

                      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                      • #12
                        I should be able to open up and check it out in a few hours.

                        Question: Do we want to take the stack with the minimum force and move it back, or take it then move a lot of Riders to defend the stack taking shots with the catapults and fortifying all?


                        • #13
                          If I am reading that map properly, pulling back due east would mean no GS forces could strike us this turn.
                          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                          You're wierd. - Krill

                          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                          • #14
                            I'm not too fond of letting GS know how strong we really are. The more units we can hide from view the better.

                            And a big to ND. Luckier bastards I have never yet seen in a civ game.
                            A true ally stabs you in the front.

                            Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                            • #15
                              Ghengis, since I got the save that is the exact question that I have had.
                              It depends on alot. If w can win with 5 or less we will have 10 Riders to play with. The question is how much defense should we leave in "The Alamo". My gut instinct is that this is a huge victory in and of iteself and take the catapults and workers and retreat. We will be even strong next time and GS is this much weaker. On the other hand if we send,say 8 riders, to that hill and fortify all, it is unlikely they could be dislodged. But we were incredibly luckly so far, if they roll the dice and get lucky too it would be disaster. We know of the immediate MI and 2knights and more MI are surely nearby. I suggest we call of the dogs. We basically knocked out 19 units with a loss of 5+ whatever we lose this turn. So lets take this stack with minimal force and move the catapults to a safe place. Note also that we need to leave catapults or workers in a place for ND to take. We NEED them to do that BEFORE the next turn because we get GP next turn and if we have iron we will have all our horse changed to riders(the game automatically does this when you get a new tech, this would cost us 4 horse next turn).
                              Last edited by Aggie; September 19, 2003, 18:09.
                              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.

