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Chatlog from ND chat

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  • Chatlog from ND chat

    Session Start: Fri Jul 25 12:40:46 2003
    Session Ident: #gow_cofa
    * Now talking in #gow_cofa
    * [ND]Darekill has joined #gow_cofa
    * Retrieving #gow_cofa info...
    [[ND]Darekill] here i am.
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +s
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +k dtrategy
    [Panzer32] hi DK
    [[ND]Darekill] You've seen it.
    [Panzer32] ok... so Toledo is now GS. Is there any other cities that are now GS?
    [[ND]Darekill] no.
    [[ND]Darekill] They just try to block you.
    [Panzer32] ok, they've figured out that you are just going to take the western ones
    [Panzer32] I have an idea
    * Guesty has joined #gow_cofa
    * Guesty is now known as [ND]Zayxus
    [Panzer32] what you do is to take Toledo while our riders stay on top of the mountain N-NE of it. Then when you take it we move South-south and threaten N. Madrid
    * [ND]Essigeimer has joined #gow_cofa
    [[ND]Essigeimer] Hi all
    [Panzer32] hi
    * UnOrthOdOx has joined #GoW_cofa
    [[ND]Darekill] Your plan will take time.
    [[ND]Darekill] To much time for my taste
    [UnOrthOdOx] Which plan?
    [Panzer32] [Panzer32] what you do is to take Toledo while our riders stay on top of the mountain N-NE of it. Then when you take it we move South-south and threaten N. Madrid
    [Panzer32] what do we do then?
    [UnOrthOdOx] No, I say we move directly south, attack madrid in 4 turns...
    [[ND]Darekill] Can you move through GS territory?
    [Panzer32] no
    [Panzer32] thats why I was saying that
    [UnOrthOdOx] I say do it anyway
    [UnOrthOdOx] We can't continue to delay like this.
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +ooo UnOrthOdOx [ND]Darekill [ND]Essigeimer
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o [ND]Zayxus
    [[ND]Darekill] If we try to tkae toledo and we make it then Spain will gift the next city to GS. That strategy will lead to desaster.
    [Panzer32] just a minute
    [Panzer32] my plan takes less time to get to Madrid then just going through GS territory
    [[ND]Darekill] GoW would never be able to take a spanish city and NF can'T do it all alone.
    [UnOrthOdOx] They are prepared to defend Toledo, there is a big stack. If we move south, on turn three, we threaten BOTH Toledo AND madrid.
    [[ND]Darekill] ND
    [Panzer32] well you can if they keep being GS undefended cities
    [Panzer32] Toledo is GS though, Unortho
    [[ND]Darekill] they wont be for long and it takes the troops we need in the west
    [UnOrthOdOx] It is?
    [[ND]Essigeimer] i think you can diplomatically argue that the GS cities on Borconia are hidden RP Cities
    [Panzer32] Unortho, see 10AD thread. this is why we have the chat
    [[ND]Darekill] uortho it is now!
    * Aggiegow has joined #gow_cofa
    [Aggiegow] hello all
    [[ND]Essigeimer] hi
    [[ND]Darekill] hi.
    [Panzer32] hi Aggie, heard the news?
    [Aggiegow] i see what that asswhole togas has done
    [UnOrthOdOx] Forgive my lack of knowledge, then.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Oh, and greetings to our ND friends.
    [[ND]Darekill] your welcome
    [UnOrthOdOx] Or, should I say: Guten tag, wie heist? (been 6 years forgive any spelling...)
    [Aggiegow] pardon my language
    [[ND]Darekill] never mind. just keep it in english.
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o Aggiegow
    [Aggiegow] ok i have an idea
    [Aggiegow] darekill can you spare a few answar say 2/3
    [[ND]Darekill] If i could what would they have to do?
    [Aggiegow] just follow us and take the free cities rp is giving gs
    [Aggiegow] since they are immediately undefended
    [Aggiegow] then with us owning the rops would speed the attacks
    [Aggiegow] this would stop rp doing this crap
    [[ND]Darekill] It will need time to get them there.
    [Panzer32] this is sort of what I suggested (but with your infantrie): [Panzer32] what you do is to take Toledo while our riders stay on top of the mountain N-NE of it. Then when you take it we move South-south and threaten N. Madrid
    [[ND]Darekill] BTW. There is a spanish Vessel heading North on the West coast. beware!
    [Aggiegow] thats fine we can move in the mean time
    [Aggiegow] i saw it
    [Panzer32] yes we know.
    [Panzer32] we think it has one warrior in it
    [[ND]Darekill] We have an idea too.
    [Aggiegow] lets hear it
    [[ND]Darekill] We would consider these giftetd citys not be part of a NAP. We know not if there is a NAP but if there was one it should not include those citys.
    [[ND]Zayxus] Also, GS had no right to posses cities on our continent.
    [[ND]Darekill] This is spanish teritorry and it ridiculous what they are doing.
    [[ND]Essigeimer] I think it's a fundamental decision now to show all nations in game, that these foully gifts can't be a part of the game
    [Panzer32] the problem with that is it might give them an excuse to invade us (yes it is a poor excuse but one they might use anyways)
    [[ND]Darekill] they already have an excuse since Santiago and I think they will use it anyway.
    [[ND]Zayxus] These gifts of cities are not serious.
    [[ND]Darekill] They don'T talk to us anymore.
    [Panzer32] I mean us, GoW
    [Aggiegow] i agree, it warps the whole game if teams are allowed to do this
    [[ND]Darekill] What if you claim to have a MPP with us witch is activated by the war between us and them.
    [[ND]Darekill] We did not poke on it because we wanted to find a peacefull solution.
    [Aggiegow] the problem honestly is this, we are to exposed owing to vox territory in gs hands. It is concievable they have a force waiting to attack now
    [UnOrthOdOx] We think they are even trying to provoke US into starting it
    [UnOrthOdOx] So they can remain 'honorable'
    [UnOrthOdOx] I think we just need to finish RP as quick as possible then jointly decide how best to deal with GS.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Ironically, the gifting of cities accomplishes this as well.
    [[ND]Darekill] I see.
    [Panzer32] My plan doesn't involve us going into GS territory, so it is good in that way
    [UnOrthOdOx] It's better to keep it all on one front for now than to split our fronts.
    [[ND]Darekill] But i don't see how we can finish Spain quickly if we are forced to take all the citys.
    [Aggiegow] qusestion can gs tell who takes their cities(i have never paly mp before) or do they jyst turn sides between turns
    [UnOrthOdOx] They would see us declare war...
    [Panzer32] Darekill, they can't gift Pamplona, maybe GoW can threaten that
    * GhengisFarb has joined #gow_cofa
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o GhengisFarb
    [GhengisFarb] Hi De Ho
    [[ND]Darekill] that would be great.
    [Panzer32] so we'd need a good way to Pamplona..
    [Panzer32] again, I think this is best accomplished by you taking Toledo then our riders moving through there
    [[ND]Darekill] Yes. We will try to take Bilbao and Toledo in about three to four turns while you nove to Pamplona.
    [[ND]Darekill] At this moment our western troops will be ready to co attack there.
    [GhengisFarb] We should take Madrid while its easy and then assault Pamplona when the second wave arrives and we have double the troops
    [Panzer32] Darekill, if you move your infantrie the way you have in the picture then that would be the best for us
    [Panzer32] Ghengis, I'll draw a picture of my proposal
    [[ND]Darekill] I thought that when i saw your stack.
    [GhengisFarb] ALL of the units that were in Toledo are now in Pamplona, they probably have 20+ units in Pamplona right now
    [Aggiegow] eatong lunck be right back
    [GhengisFarb] If we take Madrid and cut off their luxuries they have no trade or money to keep paying GS
    [GhengisFarb] They become worthess to everyone
    [Panzer32] Ghengis, all we have to do is threaten New Madrid and they gift it
    [[ND]Darekill] do you think that GS could land troops in the south of spain to take their citys with force if they are no longer gifted?
    [Panzer32] just a minute... uploading a plan
    [GhengisFarb] Once they gift Madrid we declare war on GS and sack both cities as GS won't have had time to reinforce them.
    [Panzer32] this is what I think it best
    [Panzer32] note it uses old map since that's all I had
    * Borc has joined #GoW_cofa
    * Borc is now known as [ND]Borc
    [[ND]Essigeimer] hi Borc
    [[ND]Borc] what a surprise chat on froiday!
    [Panzer32] Borc... here's my plan
    [Aggiegow] hello borc
    [[ND]Darekill] BrB
    [Panzer32] Aggie, what do you think?
    [GhengisFarb] I think Panzer's plan is fine, we take Toledo, then Madrid, the gang up on Pamplona
    [[ND]Essigeimer] panzer, the link doesn't work?
    [Aggiegow] looking right now
    [Panzer32] btw, 4 riders start south this turn
    [Panzer32] can anybody else not see it?
    [Panzer32] I can email it if people can't see it
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o [ND]Borc
    [Aggiegow] i can see it just on slow connection
    [[ND]Essigeimer], thx
    [GhengisFarb] Does ND still have the save?
    * [ND]Borc has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
    [[ND]Essigeimer] yes, we just got it 3 hours ago
    [Panzer32] 4pic sent
    [GhengisFarb] DId you forward a copy to Panzer? How is he able to make these pics?
    [Aggiegow] but from what i've heard it sounds good. Since they are gifting cites miliary tactics hardly matter. We jsut say boo and they give. maybe we should send 3 riders to scare the other cites to death
    Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
    King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
    May God Bless.

  • #2
    * Borc has joined #GoW_cofa
    [[ND]Essigeimer] i think he uses old picks
    [[ND]Essigeimer] thx panzer
    * Borc is now known as [ND]Borc
    [GhengisFarb] We need to take Toledo and Madrid. They need to be out of GS hands in case GS regifts them behind our back
    [Panzer32] yeah, I'm using the 10bc pic. just imagine Toleo is GSian
    [Panzer32] Ghengis, thats what ND does with their Infantrie
    [[ND]Essigeimer] BrB (phone)
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o [ND]Borc
    [Aggiegow] i must go and get ready, later
    * Aggiegow has quit IRC (Quit: )
    [Panzer32] just for reference, the light blue on my proposal is 110AD
    [[ND]Darekill] Uh Borc, can you take over . will be bacl in about half an hour
    [[ND]Borc] have to read first the log here
    [[ND]Borc] so you will need ~7 turns to attack Pamplona?
    [[ND]Borc] and will you take Toledo from GS this turn?
    [Panzer32] huh? no
    [Panzer32] you take Toledo, with your infantrie
    [Panzer32] do you see the proposal?
    [[ND]Borc] sorry i did not gfollow your discussion... yes i see panzers map
    [Panzer32] yeah. We can't get there any sooner than your infantrie anyways
    [[ND]Borc] the light blue is 110 AD (=5 turnd from now)
    [Panzer32] yes
    [GhengisFarb] GOW should take Toledo, we need to start pulling our weight in this war, ND shouldn't be forced to do everything
    [Panzer32] ghengis, do you WANT GS to attack GoW??
    [GhengisFarb] YES YES YES
    [Panzer32] go back to your cave crazyghengis
    [GhengisFarb] They can't hold Toledo and their gonna fight us eventually, ND is our ally, I don't think we should sell them out when we agreed to fight this war by their side
    [Panzer32] now, if ND were to take Toledo then gift it to US, then that could be good
    [GhengisFarb] It would be an obvious technicality
    [GhengisFarb] GS would demand us to turn it over or they would declare war
    [Panzer32] and that is worse then us attacking GS??
    [UnOrthOdOx] No, its about damn time we entered this war.
    [GhengisFarb] We have and obligation and we should fulfill it
    [UnOrthOdOx] This gifting **** is an exploit of the game mechanics.
    [Panzer32] we will! Thats why were going to Pamplona!
    [Panzer32] the more cities we get RP to gift away then ND takes them the better!
    [GhengisFarb] Pamplona first is idiotic strategy, we take Toledo, Madrid THEN Pamplona
    [UnOrthOdOx] Pamplona cannot be taken by our stack. That huge one in Toledo was transferred with the gifting of the city
    [Panzer32] we have taken 2 cities away from RP and not lost any troops
    [UnOrthOdOx] Toledo, Madrid. From madrid we can take a city/turn down the coast
    [Panzer32] 4They will probably gift Madrid and all those other cities too!
    [GhengisFarb] Do you seriously expect Roleplay to give away ALL OF THEIR cities to GS and then GS happily giving them to us?
    [GhengisFarb] We are going to have to take them from someone!
    [UnOrthOdOx] If we show we will attack GS's UNDEFENDED cities, GS will not BUY any more cities.
    [GhengisFarb] Agreed
    [Panzer32] yes, they will invade us and take them!
    [UnOrthOdOx] Use those new riders in the north to defend against invasions.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Rush some if needed.
    [[ND]Borc] will GS allow you to go through Toledo territoy?
    [GhengisFarb] They won't take Madrid.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Gs can kiss my ass
    [UnOrthOdOx] Go through, take the damn city.
    [GhengisFarb] Can I quote you
    [Panzer32] 4Unortho, we don't have $ for rushing. Rushing is not the answer
    [[ND]Essigeimer] but they will also invade if they see that we overrun RP
    [GhengisFarb] But its OUR HOME land, they have to ship everything by boat
    [UnOrthOdOx] They have 8 boats that we know of.
    [UnOrthOdOx] 16 knights.
    [Panzer32] we only have 4 riders up north
    [UnOrthOdOx] maybe some cats/pikes mixed in.
    [UnOrthOdOx] We have SOME cash, we COULD rush some, and the sooner we start a GA the better.
    [Panzer32] I'm going to put a poll up in the forum
    [GhengisFarb] You do that
    [[ND]Borc] you need ships to defend the coast also...
    [UnOrthOdOx] ND, please forgive our infighting...
    [UnOrthOdOx] GF, you can quote me.
    [[ND]Borc] no problem. its a hard decision.
    [[ND]Essigeimer] I think the only chance is, if you go against GS now, and overrun RP territory, so we have more time for GS. They will attack Borconia anyway if we'll go too strong
    [UnOrthOdOx] RP is done. That is apparant by this last move.
    [UnOrthOdOx] They are holing up in Pamplona for a final stand it seems
    [GhengisFarb] Yes, they are
    [UnOrthOdOx] We can LEAVE pamplona to deal with the GS invasion.
    [GhengisFarb] They are all holed up in Pampers
    [[ND]Zayxus] indeed
    [Panzer32] GoWers:
    [UnOrthOdOx] take the surrounding towns, and Pamplona can only make archers and spears. let them.
    [[ND]Zayxus] GS will attack. If RP is spared, it would be even harder.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Just guard them until the initial GS wave is dealt with.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Focus on the initial GS attack.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Once the first one or two waves are gone, GS wont have much offense left.
    [[ND]Essigeimer] Sorry, doorbell is ringing. I have to go now. Cu
    * [ND]Essigeimer has quit IRC (Quit: )
    [[ND]Borc] what can we do to help? maybe we should send at least 1-2 ansars to the east to take the GS cities. did you already discuss this with darekill?
    [[ND]Borc] but i am afraid we need them for zaragossa
    [Panzer32] I think that we can take the cities with our 14 riders, it was just a question of whether we were going to take them or not
    [Panzer32] I am polling but I think the answer is that we are going to take them
    [UnOrthOdOx] With me shifting...I know donegeal and HE are leaning that direction, GF is here too...
    [GhengisFarb] and there was much rejoicing........
    [[ND]Borc] would be great. the we should discuss if you stop attacking rp cities (after taking toledo and bilbao) to only defend the long oast with riders and shis
    [UnOrthOdOx] Yeah, I think it's likely how that poll will go.
    [UnOrthOdOx] We want madrid too, I think
    [UnOrthOdOx] From there a small force can ransack the coastal citis.
    [GhengisFarb] Those Riders would make an excellent counter attack group on the GS coast
    [UnOrthOdOx] Yes, the south is fairly secure, its the north I would worry about.
    [GhengisFarb] .ANd we will have cut off Roleplay from ANY source of Iron
    [UnOrthOdOx] and the middle...
    [[ND]Borc] right... the southern cities are not a probelm four us and you (small task force
    [GhengisFarb] We need to start assembling a northern army for defense and counterattacks
    [UnOrthOdOx] Let RP hole up in pamplona for a while, deal with GS.
    [UnOrthOdOx] Then finish RP
    [GhengisFarb] besides it will be fun to watch RP grumble with only one city
    [GhengisFarb] We could always build catapults and bombard them.......
    [Panzer32] also if they have alot of units in Pamplona they will have to disband because they can't support them
    [Panzer32] Ghengis, that would take away from our northern forces
    [GhengisFarb] I HADN"T THOUGHT OF THAT
    [[ND]Borc] hm we are able now to bring catapults through the jungle... maybe we need them for zaragossa and pamplona?
    * MasterZen has joined #GoW_CoFA
    [Panzer32] hey MZ
    [GhengisFarb] HeHeHe, disband units or go bancrupt
    [MasterZen] gutenabend
    [[ND]Borc] guten abend auch dir, mz :-)
    [Panzer32] it appears that popular opinion says were attacking GS cities on Bob now
    [MasterZen] oh oh...
    [Panzer32] you saw what happened?
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o MasterZen
    [MasterZen] I just read darekill's e-mail
    [MasterZen] I'm loading up the save right now
    [Panzer32] have you read the forums?
    [MasterZen] Ah, no save, just an image... hehe
    [MasterZen] no, I just got online right now
    [Panzer32] ok... read the do we attack GS poll
    [MasterZen] I'm obviously against. We're falling into their trap and doing what they want us to do...
    [MasterZen] btw, has GS made any official war declaration to ND?
    [[ND]Borc] no we have no official war declaration.
    [[ND]Zayxus] GS will attack. If we spare RP (and GS now), it will be even harder.
    [[ND]Borc] i think the also did not answer to darekills last message 1 turn ago
    [GhengisFarb] Do we want to do a Joint Declaration of War?
    [GhengisFarb] OR just wait for their reaction.
    [UnOrthOdOx] 'spare' RP by leaving them ONE city with no resources and focusing on GS.
    [GhengisFarb] We could always say our attack on Toledo was made with faulty and old maps.....
    [UnOrthOdOx] I say wait for their reaction.
    [MasterZen] me too
    [Panzer32] I say that we just tell them that we don't support the city gifting stuff (ie Hot_Enamel) and let them declare war
    [UnOrthOdOx] Offer peace after we take it, even
    [MasterZen] which will probably see a huge stack of troops landing in port isolation next turn...
    [GhengisFarb] Hey, maybe I can get GS to raze all those cities I didn't like the postion of.............
    [Panzer32] MZ, we can counterattack them with 4 riders if need be
    [UnOrthOdOx] It's a few turns before we CAN attack.
    [[ND]Zayxus] GS had no right to have cities on the continent. The cities of GS on the continent are not accepted as part of GS.
    [MasterZen] wow.... 4 riders...
    [UnOrthOdOx] We will have a few more riders.
    [Panzer32] no we won't
    [GhengisFarb] I think Panzer is trying disinformation on ND
    [Panzer32] look at the save!
    [UnOrthOdOx] Im at work.
    [UnOrthOdOx] How about a map?
    [GhengisFarb] Why, I don't know
    [[ND]Borc] so take toledo and bilbao and go back with some riders to the north
    [Panzer32] we can make more shortly I mean, but not for next turn
    [GhengisFarb] I don't think we should take Bibao
    [[ND]Borc] take only 6 riders to new madrid
    [UnOrthOdOx] From Toledo, it's only one turn to Madrid.
    [UnOrthOdOx] We can sack it with as few as needed.
    [[ND]Zayxus] In Barcelona is a harbor to be taken to cut off their deals.
    [[ND]Borc] @war declaratin to GS -] ND and GoW only have to declare that they will not accept GS-cities on bob...
    [GhengisFarb] Works for me
    [Panzer32] yes, we can take that pretty easily
    [Panzer32] (Barcelona)
    [GhengisFarb] Gotta go, my soldiers need me
    [Panzer32] just a minute. GoWers, what about one of Hot_Enamel's suggestions
    [GhengisFarb] ?
    [GhengisFarb] GoW takes Toledo, New Madrid, then Barcelona (harbor)
    [Panzer32] just let me get one...
    [MasterZen] 4we need riders and pikes!!!
    [[ND]Borc] ****we will attack vigo soon****
    [[ND]Darekill] Hi I'm back.
    [[ND]Darekill] Hello fellow Brabarian
    [GhengisFarb] Darekill can take over for me
    [[ND]Borc] we have a NAP wirth Lego and a not landing pact with lego, so we soon can also can help a bit to defend our part of the east
    [GhengisFarb] I gotta remember to join the Barbarians
    [MasterZen] I have a feeling they'll go after us first...
    [MasterZen] we're closer
    [[ND]Darekill] Would you be so kind and help us?
    * GhengisFarb is now known as GhengisFarb_atUnit
    [[ND]Zayxus] support us
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] Help with what?
    [[ND]Darekill] We realy can'T take all the spanish or GS citys all alone.
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] Oh, we just went through all that, read the log.
    [[ND]Darekill] We cann move up to three Ansar to Port isolation in the nexr two turns.
    [[ND]Zayxus] support us by attacking Toledo, Bilbao, NewM., Barcelona, doing that part.
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] Gonna happen
    [[ND]Darekill] GS can atack and take maybe Port isolation butthen we will have some effective defenses there.
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] Take em all
    [MasterZen] yeah, you all convinced me... screw GS
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] VOTWE!
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] VOTE!
    [MasterZen] **** 'em up their stupid cocky arrogant asses
    [UnOrthOdOx] Talk to lego
    [[ND]Darekill] Go GOW Go!
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] Hey I have a new article for my paper, I shoudl post it after we finish our turn
    [MasterZen] we can always gift cities to Lego
    [UnOrthOdOx] Perhaps there are some Immortals that would like a second chance floating around as well?
    [MasterZen] hmmm.... we could gift Port Isolation...
    [UnOrthOdOx] 6-7 immortals could be really helpfull....
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] We could give it back to Vox, and tell them thanks but we're done with it
    [MasterZen] hehehe
    [MasterZen] where does Vox have 6-7 immortals?
    [GhengisFarb_atUnit] In heaven
    [UnOrthOdOx] Anything they can send will help is what I a msaying.
    [UnOrthOdOx] 5 pikes from lego...X whatever from Vox....
    [UnOrthOdOx] The world tells GS to **** off
    [MasterZen] yeah, that would be nice
    [MasterZen] 4power to the people!
    [UnOrthOdOx] Stay on your own island *******s!
    [[ND]Darekill] If GS and RP face GS GOW VOX and LEGO in unison they will start to be in trouble.
    [Panzer32] watch as we piss on your ### tile counts
    [MasterZen] 4we need riders and soon!!
    [UnOrthOdOx] I gotta go guys.
    * UnOrthOdOx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
    [Panzer32] uh yeah... I know
    [[ND]Zayxus] If you do your part at RP, ND can di a part at GS in the North. GS will attack.
    [[ND]Darekill] As i said we have some Ansar in the que in two turns at least three new one can move North.
    [[ND]Zayxus] GS has 8 ships, you told, RP has 20+ units, you counted, so that is it.
    [Panzer32] yes... good thing Ansars are a bit cheaper than Riders
    [MasterZen] GS has 8 ships??
    [Panzer32] apparently
    [MasterZen] that's a size 16 stack...
    [MasterZen] coming soon to a beachhead near you
    [[ND]Zayxus] indeed, Master Zen.
    [Panzer32] I don't think there in the same places though
    [Panzer32] arg... Its unortho that said they have 8 boats that we know of... can't get his sources
    [[ND]Darekill] What we realy don'T know is if there atre maybe already 16 on the way. Maybe to south Spain. to atack us?
    [MasterZen] well we have most of our troops south, it would actually be better if they landed south...
    * jdd2007 has joined #GoW_CoFA
    [MasterZen] if they land north we're dead
    [Panzer32] hey jdd
    [[ND]Darekill] they may belive that you will not take their citys.
    * Panzer32 sets mode: +o jdd2007
    [Panzer32] ok, Darekill, I guess it doesn't matter where you move your infantrie
    [[ND]Borc] have to leave now... shopping tour in vigo ;-) bye and make a good choice my friends from GoW!
    [[ND]Borc] bye
    [Panzer32] except maybe not southeast just in case
    [Panzer32] bye Borc
    * [ND]Borc has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
    [MasterZen] so,where do we move?
    [[ND]Darekill] I'd say we move like on the map with the infantry anyway. no?
    [Panzer32] just a minute
    [Panzer32] once you are on the mountain do not move south onto the grassland
    [Panzer32] then GoW can't move there and take Toledo
    [[ND]Darekill] Well stay there and shout for you!
    [Panzer32] I think what GoW will probably do is move everything into the Bilbao hill
    [Panzer32] then we move SW-SW onto mountain
    [Panzer32] then W-SW to get Bilbao
    [[ND]Darekill] Move West with all Riders?
    [Panzer32] *Toledp
    [Panzer32] Darekill, the next turn
    [Panzer32] from Bilbao
    [Panzer32] do you understand?
    [[ND]Darekill] You move W to bilbao this turn then you take it aoutoraze it and go on to toledo?
    [Panzer32] Bilbao is East
    [MasterZen] Panzer, I don't understand a word you're saying...
    [MasterZen] we are currently NW-NW of Bilbao
    [[ND]Darekill] Ah of course.
    [Panzer32] ok here's the plan:
    [[ND]Darekill] I ment you move east to Bilbao.
    [Panzer32] 410AD: move E-S and get Bilbao (autoraze)
    [MasterZen] yes
    [Panzer32] thats 10ad
    [[ND]Darekill] Perfect.
    [Panzer32] 430AD: move SW-SW onto mountain
    [Panzer32] thats 30...
    [Panzer32] 4 50AD: take Toledo
    [[ND]Darekill] I see it thats a good plan.
    [[ND]Darekill] So we don'T leave the mountain not to be in your way.
    [Panzer32] ok, great
    [[ND]Darekill] + ewe keep the coast guard on the coust to see if GS lands near Mavdad.
    [Panzer32] ewe = we?
    * Trip has joined #gow_cofa
    * Panzer32 pokes the eye
    [[ND]Zayxus] ewe = ND
    [MasterZen] yes, we should also move our galleys as lookouts
    [Panzer32] ok
    [Trip] this save will never move fast again :P
    [Panzer32] if Roleplay doesn't sink them first
    * MasterZen pokes the eye with an icepick
    [Panzer32] Get RP to stop gifting cities then it will move alot quicker
    [MasterZen] yeah
    [Trip] LoL
    [Trip] that's for you to deal with, not me
    [MasterZen] ah, didn't the eye say he was omnipotent?
    [[ND]Darekill] You get the save in about 9hours.
    [Panzer32] oh, Darekill... is Miller Town a GS city again?
    [Trip] only when I want to be
    [[ND]Darekill] We have a poll running here.
    [[ND]Darekill] yes.
    [Panzer32] is the poll about the war? What happens if it doesn't pass?
    [Panzer32] 9 hours = bedtime for Panzer
    [[ND]Darekill] don't worry it's got nothing to do with this plans here.
    [Panzer32] ok, good
    [[ND]Darekill] We want to send two Ansar to the south.
    [[ND]Darekill] in the two Vessels of operation Zahnartzt.
    [MasterZen] Zahnartzt = dentist?
    [[ND]Darekill] an idea of Borc and we have t opoll about that first.
    [Panzer32] Sevilla? Or another city?
    [[ND]Darekill] yes Zahnarzt = Dentist.
    [MasterZen] hehe, I remember...
    [[ND]Darekill] Dreizack = Trident.
    [[ND]Darekill] so it's Tridentist
    [Trip] how clever
    [Trip] I bet if you told RP that they'd surrender :P
    [[ND]Zayxus] Zahnarzt = tooth pulling man
    [[ND]Darekill] Sevilla yes.
    [[ND]Darekill] We hope it is weackly defended
    [[ND]Zayxus] let's cap the tooth
    [[ND]Darekill] Dentist was already a success it was to take the iron of spain.
    [Panzer32] anything else to chat about?
    [MasterZen] describe GS in three words
    [MasterZen] 4arrogant, cocky, *******s
    [[ND]Darekill] ACA.
    [[ND]Darekill] no i think we are clear to go.
    [Panzer32] ok. I'm making another map to go with the plan I said earlier.
    [[ND]Darekill] Ok. we go then.
    [[ND]Darekill] Rhat was a historical chat boys.
    [[ND]Darekill] That
    [MasterZen] yep
    [Panzer32] GoWers (and NDers too) here's the new plan:
    [[ND]Darekill] I'll take a look.
    [MasterZen] well, hopefully we won't get our butts kicked. If not, well, I'll have to get involved in Die Barbarentruppen!!!
    [Trip] so you're going to attack GS?
    [MasterZen] yep
    [Panzer32] well the RP - GS cities
    [MasterZen] unlike RP, 4WE HAVE BALLS
    [Trip] what, you expected RP to attack GS? :P
    [MasterZen] no, we expected them to attack UIS
    [MasterZen] *US
    [[ND]Darekill] Fine Plan.
    [[ND]Darekill] I like it.
    [[ND]Darekill] I'll look that our Infantry stays out of the path.
    [MasterZen] ok, I have to shower... see you guys later
    [MasterZen] btw, Zayxus, I opened the save and it worked perfectly
    [Trip] so play the save now and let the real fireworks begin
    [Panzer32] ND's delaying another 9 hours
    [Trip] x_x
    [[ND]Darekill] I will play the turn in about eight hours....
    [Trip] at least the ISDG is still moving :P
    [[ND]Darekill] O.K. I have to get some sleep
    [Panzer32] good night!
    [[ND]Darekill] bye
    [[ND]Darekill] can someone send the logfile to ?
    [[ND]Zayxus] Gute Nacht.
    * [ND]Darekill has left #gow_cofa
    Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
    King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
    May God Bless.

