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Help Master Zen find excuses to give to Roleplay re: Chivalry

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  • Help Master Zen find excuses to give to Roleplay re: Chivalry

    I'm REALLY starting to get pissed off (and a bit worried) about RP's constand nagging me about Chivalry and NAPs and Alliances and what not. I say this is the only excuse we need to wipe them off of the face of the world..

    But in the sake of maintaining our ruse, I have to act nice which I'm starting to find very difficult to do... I'm especially finding it very difficult to find convincing excuses about why we're not selling them, etc etc. And trust me, once they find out the price dropped, AGAIN, (us selling to Lego) they'll come back and start *****ing to me .... AAAARGHH!! I hate this job!

    (nah, seriously I love it, but it gets frustrating)

    So, please people, start coming up with excuses I can use.

    So far, I didn't confirm or deny we sold it to ND, nor do we confirm or deny it's actually ND who has it... I don't like playing the "no comments, I don't know bla bla bla" because it's WAAAAY too suspicious. So, i'd actually tell them a bit of stuff but not enough so they might perhaps think we're really telling them the truth.

    here's the chat log of a little discussion I had with BF. I hope I didn't screw it up. Frankly, I honestly think they already suspect something is up (not necessarily against them though). Oh well, it's pretty hard to find convincing excuses in the think of it. Read and judge thyselves:

    Session Start: Sun Jul 06 17:35:06 2003
    Session Ident: #PTWDGConference
    [17:35] * Now talking in #PTWDGConference
    [17:35] * Topic is 'Conference Room For ND-RP-GoW'
    [17:35] * Set by BigFree on Sun Jul 06 15:53:40
    [17:35] [MasterZen] what? no ND?
    [17:35] [BigFree] hey
    [17:35] [BigFree] nope
    * Retrieving #PTWDGConference info...
    [17:35] [BigFree] we detected that ND has Chiv
    [17:36] [BigFree] they had the cash?
    [17:36] [MasterZen] haven't seen the save, what year?
    [17:36] [BigFree] 150 BC
    [17:36] [MasterZen] and how do you know ND has it?
    [17:36] [BigFree] can't say right now
    [17:36] [BigFree] but power ratings went up
    [17:36] [BigFree] and militayr strngth changed
    [17:37] [MasterZen] they went up?
    [17:37] [BigFree] yep
    [17:37] [BigFree] to us they did
    [17:37] [BigFree] and cost for Chiv wnet down
    [17:37] [BigFree] it all adds up to ND having Chiv
    [17:38] [BigFree] we can only assume that GoW sold it to them
    [17:38] [BigFree] or they researched it
    [17:38] [MasterZen] we did some upgrades... not much, like 4
    [17:38] [MasterZen] "just in case"
    [17:38] [BigFree] right
    [17:38] [BigFree] I'm taling about ND though
    [17:39] [BigFree] they must have done some too
    [17:39] [MasterZen] hmm... I'll have to check their power rating in the last save
    [17:39] [BigFree] did you seel to ND
    [17:40] [MasterZen] if we'd be 500g richer we'd have upgraded much more than 4

    [censored for "other demo game" reasons]

    [17:43] [BigFree] they keep more forces to their South than their Nortt
    [17:43] [BigFree] I'm talikng of ND here
    [17:44] [MasterZen] are you sure? we got some ND horsies sitting on mountains up there
    [17:44] [BigFree] If you get ND to concentrate on its South, you can swoop into the North
    [17:44] [MasterZen] we'd do that anyway
    [17:44] [MasterZen] what we DON'T want them is to attack
    [17:44] [BigFree] Yes, I know you would
    [17:45] [MasterZen] and if we're still "weak" to them, with Ansars... you get the picture
    [17:45] [BigFree] but would GoW tell RP when it plans to attack ND?
    [17:45] [MasterZen] "when" and "if"
    [17:45] [BigFree] sure
    [17:46] [MasterZen] next ~10 turns will be vital...we'll see if **** breaks loose
    [17:46] [BigFree] You know that that I know that if ND and GoW has their respective UU's; they will be used
    [17:46] [MasterZen] if they have Chiv and start upgrading, we'll do too, and we'll sell you Chiv real damn cheap if war breaks out
    [17:47] [MasterZen] so keep your horsies near your barracks
    [17:47] [BigFree] do we have your word on that?
    [17:47] [MasterZen] unless you plan on using it to gang up on us too... :P
    [17:47] [BigFree] LOL
    [17:47] [BigFree] no
    [17:47] [BigFree] we plan on helping you
    [17:47] [BigFree] but we need to plan
    [17:47] [BigFree] We need to formalize an alliance
    [17:47] [MasterZen] if nothing happens in 10 turns, we start planning...
    [17:48] [BigFree] in 10 turns our NAp is already expired
    [17:48] [BigFree] we want something before then
    [17:48] [MasterZen] really? when does it expire..
    [17:48] [BigFree] turn 109 I think
    [17:48] [MasterZen] hmm... need to check. we track turns by the year, not the turn. I think we should change that :P
    [17:49] [BigFree] excuse 129
    [17:49] [BigFree] or 128
    [17:49] [BigFree] which is 7-8 turns from now
    [17:49] [MasterZen] wait, do you have panag's IP?
    [17:49] [MasterZen] (that was tottally off-topic
    [17:49] [BigFree] 150 BC is turn 121
    [17:50] [BigFree] no, I don't
    [17:51] [BigFree] So, GoW is syaing that you did not sell Chiv to ND?
    [17:51] [BigFree] or anyone else?
    [17:52] [MasterZen] if we sold it, where the hell would ND get the $$$ for upgrading??
    [17:52] [BigFree] I do not control their finances, maybe they have been hording gold for a long while
    [17:52] [BigFree] you are skirting the question though
    [17:53] [MasterZen] well they haven't been tech whoring either
    [17:53] [BigFree] can you answer yes or no?
    [17:53] [MasterZen] I said no, but you will still think it's a yes
    [17:53] [BigFree] no, I take your word
    [17:54] [MasterZen] and if we did?
    [17:54] [BigFree] if you did not sell to them, then they researche dit
    [17:54] [BigFree] if you did, no biggie
    [17:54] [MasterZen] if anyone had 500g we'd sell it, we told you that
    [17:54] [BigFree] we just wnat to know if we can buy it too
    [17:54] [MasterZen] and we WILL sell it if only to avoid a future re-sell
    [17:54] [MasterZen] the legacy of GF...
    [17:54] [BigFree] right
    [17:55] [MasterZen] you'd do the same
    [17:55] [BigFree] we'd be willing not to trade it or sell it
    [17:55] [MasterZen] look, I'm going to tell you the truth
    [17:55] [BigFree] since more than one Civ has it we thought you'd drop the price now
    [17:55] [BigFree] ok
    [17:55] [MasterZen] I'm not at liberty to really say for the following reasons:
    [17:56] [MasterZen] and by saying this I KNOW you'll suspect we did sell i...
    [17:56] [MasterZen] Chivalry is a touchy tech
    [17:56] [MasterZen] especially now, and especially when the 2 civs which stand most to benefit from it are right besides one another (and potentially hostile)
    [17:57] [MasterZen] now, assuming we DID sell it, you'd find it very very suspicious that we sold it to our suppossed enemy
    [17:58] [MasterZen] when on the other hand we'd have a pretty good excuse to leech them dry before an attack
    [17:58] [BigFree] I'd rather think it was the latter
    [17:59] [BigFree] truly, I believe that
    [17:59] [MasterZen] on the other hand they could have reaserached it themselves
    [17:59] [MasterZen] which means they have spent turns on science and not on $$
    [17:59] [BigFree] not unless they did the 40 turn thing
    [17:59] [MasterZen] now also look at it this way, our upgrades are expensive
    [17:59] [MasterZen] 80g per upgrade
    [17:59] [MasterZen] that's 800g just to have 10 riders
    [17:59] [BigFree] right
    [18:00] [MasterZen] we reasearched Chiv, so we didn't spend all those turns financing ourselves
    [18:00] [BigFree] right
    [18:00] [MasterZen] and despite the fact we whored Feud, how much did that net us? no more than 200
    [18:00] [MasterZen] that's 3 upgrades
    [18:00] [BigFree] but with 500 gold....
    [18:00] [MasterZen] THAT's a lot
    [18:01] [MasterZen] and if ND did not reasearch, that means they've been hoarding gold
    [18:01] [BigFree] not for someone, like ND who may have went the 40 turn route
    [18:01] [MasterZen] they couldn't
    [18:01] [BigFree] why not
    [18:01] [MasterZen] they like everone else needs Feud for Chivalry
    [18:02] [MasterZen] and everyone got Feud not that long ago
    [18:02] [MasterZen] hasn't been 40 turns since that
    [18:02] [BigFree] then they did not reaseach it!
    [18:02] [BigFree] you sold to thme
    [18:02] [BigFree] that the only way
    [18:02] [MasterZen] of course not! how did we reasearch it?
    [18:02] [BigFree] maybe they are researching ENg
    [18:02] [MasterZen] we didn't go the 40 turn route
    [18:02] [BigFree] no, you didn't
    [18:03] [BigFree] you went straight for it
    [18:03] [MasterZen] so, that's my point. Why wouldn't they?
    [18:03] [MasterZen] neither of us could do the 40 turn route, we had to research it
    [18:03] [BigFree] ok,
    [18:03] [MasterZen] we got Feud before they did
    [18:03] [MasterZen] but they are a bigger empire
    [18:03] [BigFree] sure
    [18:03] [MasterZen] should be no surprise if we got a head start but still only beat them by say 2 turns
    [18:03] [BigFree] i'm saying that ND went to 40 turn route to Eng
    [18:04] [BigFree] and spent the cahs on Chiv
    [18:04] [BigFree] split cost with you
    [18:04] [MasterZen] let me put it this way. If we sold you Chiv right now, would we tell ND about it?
    [18:05] [BigFree] no, I suppose not
    [18:05] [BigFree] but they would find out
    [18:05] [MasterZen] then what makes you think we'd tell you? In both cases the one that has most to lose diplomatically speaking is us
    [18:05] [MasterZen] because the other team, be it ND or be it you, will think we're deceiving you by selling it to the enemy
    [18:06] [BigFree] MZ, if they gave you 500 gold for it, you did well and RP would not think bad of it
    [18:06] [BigFree] you recouped your costs, thats it
    [18:06] [BigFree] the only thinkg that concerns me
    [18:06] [MasterZen] that's what I'm trying to re-assure you: my "offical" answer is I am not at liberty to disclose if we did or if we didn't.
    [18:07] [BigFree] is that we don't have an alliance and our NAp expires in 8 turrns
    [18:07] [MasterZen] but please understand our reasons we would've and why we wouldn't have
    [18:07] [BigFree] I understand your points
    [18:07] [MasterZen] As i said, if the **** breaks loose, you'll get Chiv
    [18:08] [MasterZen] and if it doesn't, you'll get it pretty soon either (and cheap)
    [18:09] [MasterZen] btw, are we ever having the GoW-ND-RP chat?
    [18:10] [BigFree] sure, we need to
    [18:10] [MasterZen] we should
    [18:10] [MasterZen] and soon
    [18:11] [MasterZen] I want to see what all three of us have to say with each other present
    [18:11] [BigFree] how soon would we get Chiv now?
    [18:11] [BigFree] what do you mean MZ?
    [18:11] [BigFree] you want to seee if we say we want to join you in attacking ND in front of them?
    [18:11] [MasterZen] hell no
    [18:12] [BigFree] I don't get it
    [18:12] [MasterZen] I want to see their "attitude"
    [18:12] [BigFree] please explain
    [18:12] [MasterZen] 6 months and you still don't get my psycho ploys against the other teams...
    [18:12] [BigFree] LOL
    [18:13] [BigFree] perhaps if we had an alliance I would feel better about your psycho ploys
    [18:13] [MasterZen] we have had chats with ND, mostly regarding GS, but they kinda shy away when talking about Bobian power politics
    [18:13] [BigFree] Is Gow ready for that?
    [18:13] [MasterZen] I don't know, the team would have to decide
    [18:13] [BigFree] for an alliance with RP?
    [18:13] [MasterZen] I'm already going off on a limb saying some the things I've said today
    [18:13] [BigFree] ok
    [18:13] [MasterZen] I'm not a 1-man GoW you know..
    [18:14] [BigFree] but what about extending the NAP?
    [18:14] [MasterZen] we can start working on that perhaps
    [18:14] [BigFree] niether am I one man for Rp
    [18:14] [BigFree] what if we jsut sign an extension of perhaps 20 truns
    [18:14] [BigFree] then work on an alliance
    [18:15] [BigFree] that would assure you of RP stance, would it not?
    [18:15] [MasterZen] I don't mind the 30 turns
    [18:15] [MasterZen] you were the ones that wanted 100 :P
    [18:15] [BigFree] 30 turns ontop of the one we have to extend it to turn 159?
    [18:16] [MasterZen] I'll have to tell the team first you know
    [18:16] [BigFree] 159= 430 AD
    [18:16] [BigFree] I will send a proposal
    [18:16] [MasterZen] ok
    [18:16] [BigFree] just an extension
    [18:16] [MasterZen] but we should have that chat soon though
    [18:16] [BigFree] with the curretn one exopirring soonm, we want it to be expedited
    [18:17] [MasterZen] [GS_mode]
    [18:17] [MasterZen] it is against team policy to have NAPs
    [18:17] [MasterZen] [/GS_mode]
    [18:17] [BigFree] LOL
    [18:17] [BigFree] yes, we have to get GS to agree to
    [18:18] [BigFree] as a condition for the lux deals
    [18:18] [BigFree] do you agree in taking that approach
    [18:18] [MasterZen] ok, I have to go
    [18:18] [BigFree] ok
    [18:18] [MasterZen] we'll keep on talking next week ok?
    [18:18] [BigFree] ok
    [18:18] [BigFree] tommorow
    [18:18] [MasterZen] sure
    [18:18] [BigFree] is next week
    [18:18] [MasterZen] exactly
    [18:18] [BigFree] 12:4)1
    [18:19] [MasterZen] and sorry for ****ing your chain at first... but you know who I am
    [18:19] [BigFree] sure
    [18:19] [BigFree] its alll good
    [18:19] [MasterZen] although I find it awkward sometimes
    [18:19] [BigFree] it is 12:4(1
    [18:20] [BigFree] sorry about that
    [18:20] [MasterZen] how we all get along personally and for the ISDG... but let's be honest here. We all want to win the PTWDG
    [18:20] [BigFree] true
    [18:20] [BigFree] it is only a game
    [18:20] [BigFree] nothing personal for me though
    [18:20] [MasterZen] me neither
    [18:20] [MasterZen] oh well, cya later
    [18:20] [BigFree] adios
    [18:20] [BigFree] 12:4)1
    [18:20] * Disconnected
    Session Close: Sun Jul 06 18:21:02 2003
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)

  • #2
    Are we then attacking BEFORE or AFTER the..contract...IT IS NOT A FRIGGIN NAP, IDIOTS.... is expired? I would really like to know, personally, for GS discussions in the future.

    Basically what turn do WE attack? What turn does ND attack? If ND DOES NOT ATTACK UNTIL AFTER THE MPP, WE DID NOT VIOLATE IT, EITHER.

    May I ask what they have OFFERED for the tech?

    We cannot delay this much longer, period. Have ND claim to have researched it and begin to negotiate BOTH A POSSIBLE ALLIANCE AGAINST US AND THE TRADE OF CHIVALRY This should throw RP off...
    Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; July 7, 2003, 09:25.
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


    • #3
      Could we send the chat log to ND, and then do what Unortho suggested?

      I can't read through the whole thing currently, but did they actually tell us if they would have 300-400 gold? Maybe their potential inability to pay is our delay excuse.

      Uno: We declare war in 30bc, ND declares in 10bc.
      Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
      King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
      May God Bless.


      • #4
        How many turns away is that? (how many ypt are we at?)

        Also, what is the status of the Wine-for-Silk trade? (will we be breaking that one?)

        If my math holds up, we should delay exactly one turn to clear the MPP agreement (10BC is the last year of the deal assuming his 7-8 turns is correct) If ND attacks on after 10BC we are fine. We can attack whenever.

        Or we can claim a miscalculation/missunderstanding on the exact Turn # the deal started. (1 turn difference)

        I'll look up the silk/wine trade this evening.
        Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; July 7, 2003, 13:45.
        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
        You're wierd. - Krill

        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


        • #5
          Here's an idea. RP WILL get chivilary from someone. Let us sell it to them the turn before we declare war. Tell them to offer every turn and accept it then. Then use the money to create a rider or 2 that can offset the very few knights they can produce. To account for the delay tell them elements in GOW that dislike rp are making us vote on it.
          Also a military request idea. We label the units attacking toldeo I corp with a number like this Icorp1/10 and the bilboa units IIcorp1/10. This will make them think we have 2 groups of ten. Also we label any other forces III corp1/10, to give the impression that we have another 10 group coming. Of course the units can keep their other names too. These can just be added on. If we delay 1 turn we probably could get another rider or 2 and this would give the illsuion of 30 riders bearing down on them. Also MZ complain that the COW wants over 2000 gold total for upgrades and that is why the price is so high. Don't mention my name as the change in COW might tip them off.
          Last edited by Aggie; July 7, 2003, 14:09.
          The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


          • #6
            The timing is, I think, more important that we don't sell RP chivalry. The way things stand now, RP won't get chivalry until 5 or so turns into our attack. This is crucial, as they won't be able to counterattack as effectivly. Also, ND will work to cut off their iron, so once they get chivalry, they can't upgrade to riders. If we sell chivalry to them now, they can upgrade now and start building some new ones. If ND cuts off iron early, then RP can buy chivalry from somewhere else, they still won't be able to make riders.
            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
            May God Bless.


            • #7
              With this title, this would have been a good thread to accidentally post in the main forum.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Trip
                With this title, this would have been a good thread to accidentally post in the main forum.
                I always double check
                A true ally stabs you in the front.

                Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                • #9
                  You should post it after we declare war.
                  One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                  You're wierd. - Krill

                  An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Aggie
                    Here's an idea. RP WILL get chivilary from someone. Let us sell it to them the turn before we declare war. Tell them to offer every turn and accept it then. Then use the money to create a rider or 2 that can offset the very few knights they can produce.
                    Why I dont want to sell RP chivalry, is that they will get financial help from Lego, and probably GS.
                    This will be undetectable, but those two giant civs will do it just to give RP a chance of weakening us as much as possible.
                    With Chivalry, RO will be able to rush more than a few knight after all the cash they can borrow.

                    Originally posted by Aggie
                    If we delay 1 turn we probably could get another rider or 2 and this would give the illsuion of 30 riders bearing down on them.
                    I also have no problems with declaring war on the same turn as ND. (1 extra turn).
                    "No Comment"


                    • #11
                      It is actually ND that needs to delay. (to be free of the MPP)
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #12
                        I say offer it to them for 250 gold and a guarantee that they are with us in the war on ND. (HeHeHe)


                        • #13
                          Can you begin negotiations for Iron ?

                          Tell them we "suspect" our iron source will be unavailable very soon, and we want RP iron.

                          They will think we plan on attacking ND (losing our iron).
                          "No Comment"

