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The ND chat thread

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  • The ND chat thread

    we have too many ND chat threads... so this is the one from now on.

    we have one every thursday at 2:00 PM EDT, so there is one in about 3 hours.
    Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
    King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
    May God Bless.

  • #2
    Thursdays, I don't have access to chat until a couple of hours after that.


    • #3
      I NEVER have access till well after that. Try 5 hours or so...(no chatting at work)
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        Tommorrow, same time, same place.
        Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
        King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
        May God Bless.


        • #5
          Here's the log:

          Session Start: Thu Jul 10 13:05:54 2003
          Session Ident: #GoW_CoFA
          [13:05] * Now talking in #GoW_CoFA
          [13:05] [MasterZen] hey
          [13:06] [[ND]Darekill] hello!
          [13:06] [Panzer32] [[ND]Darekill] I had just a chat with Togas.
          [13:06] [Panzer32] [[ND]Darekill] I had to lie a lot...
          [13:06] [Panzer32] [[ND]Darekill] I told them we would build up against you and we had gotten the chiv only because we would have taken away the iron otherwise
          [13:06] [Panzer32] just for MZ's sake
          [13:06] * Panzer32 sets mode: +o MasterZen
          [13:06] [[ND]Darekill] i was about to do the same
          [13:06] [Panzer32]
          [13:06] [MasterZen] hehe
          [13:07] [MasterZen] did he sound convinced?
          [13:08] [[ND]Darekill] Yes i think i got him. the Chatlog was never said to be confident so i gues i'll send it to you
          [13:08] [MasterZen] ok
          [13:08] [[ND]Darekill] and just to go sure this here is confident of course!
          [13:09] [MasterZen] it always is
          [13:09] [MasterZen] RP has been pressuring me all week...
          [13:09] [MasterZen] I've run out of excuses to tell them..
          [13:10] [[ND]Darekill] so i just sent you the chatlog.
          [13:11] [[ND]Darekill] The shall think now that we are builduing up against you.
          [13:11] [[ND]Darekill] They
          [13:11] [[ND]Darekill] building
          [13:11] [MasterZen] I also told them we were going to backstab you
          [13:12] [MasterZen] I want them to have NO idea of what's going on, that each of us tells them of some wierd plan out there
          [13:12] [[ND]Darekill] We have to formulate a pact the next few days.
          [13:13] [[ND]Darekill] A pact with Spain that is they want to have a NAP with us and ND shall write it up. So we must formulate very clever.
          [13:13] [[ND]Darekill] We need your help here.
          [13:15] [Panzer32] Darekill, we were going to ask you if ND could delay their attack for one turn (until 10 AD)
          [13:16] [Panzer32] thats when our MPP against you ends, and RP can't complain about anything
          [13:17] [MasterZen] I honestly think we shouldn't delay
          [13:17] [MasterZen] RP suspects something, and they're building up, even Togas told me
          [13:18] [MasterZen] 1 turns can perhaps mean we'll be facing more pikemen or med inf
          [13:18] [[ND]Darekill] No it will be a hard time to delay the pact with RP long enough already.
          [13:18] [Panzer32] MZ, its not GoW who delays.
          [13:19] [[ND]Darekill] I think we get a lot of bad publicity for this war as we deserve and that is a lot...
          [13:20] [MasterZen] honestly I only think the bad publicity will be from Lego
          [13:20] [MasterZen] which btw, I suspect is helping RP...
          [13:21] [MasterZen] yesterday in the ISDG chat Zargon told togas he had sent a PM to him, and then Togas was like "oh! thanks a lot!"
          [13:21] [[ND]Darekill] Hmm we have a long term NAP with Lego so they can not intervenve without breacking a pact.
          [13:22] [MasterZen] we don't... but our relationship is very good
          [13:22] [MasterZen] at least it seems
          [13:24] [MasterZen] btw, I have a gift to our valiant allies ND
          [13:24] [[ND]Darekill] I'm listening.
          [13:30] [Panzer32] MZ has appeared to have perished lugging the grand gift here...
          [13:30] [[ND]Darekill] i see
          [13:30] [MasterZen] back
          [13:30] [MasterZen] sorry
          [13:30] [MasterZen] well, basically we made a simultor
          [13:31] [MasterZen] of all of bob
          [13:31] [MasterZen] with our three civs, with all cities in the correct sizes
          [13:31] [[ND]Darekill] sound nice
          [13:32] [MasterZen] during the war it might be usefull to practice each turn, we'd need to update it
          [13:32] [[ND]Darekill] :top:
          [13:32] [Panzer32] Currently it has GoW units as they are at the start of 90bc
          [13:33] [[ND]Darekill] during war we should try to have war chats since your turn comes after ours that can be efficient i think.
          [13:33] [MasterZen] yes
          [13:34] [MasterZen] and we can use the simulator to practice before actually moving in the game
          [13:34] [[ND]Darekill] i like that.
          [13:34] [MasterZen] problem is of course, we have to guess what RP has...
          [13:35] [[ND]Darekill] yes but i don't know how to avoid this.
          [13:35] [Panzer32] maybe ask Togas?
          [13:35] [MasterZen] hahahaha
          [13:35] [MasterZen] their cities probably have pikes, defending catapults and counteattackin med infs
          [13:35] [[ND]Darekill] We can ask them as a bonus for the pact we will work out to tell us where their Troops are but i think thats to dangerous.
          [13:36] [MasterZen] he'll never believe it... :P
          [13:36] [[ND]Darekill] i think ha wouldnt trust anyone i wouldn't for sur!
          [13:36] [MasterZen] Togas is clever, he'll suspect
          [13:38] [Panzer32] If you get anything, it is worth something... like ask how many of what type of units do you think you could help attack GoW?
          [13:38] [MasterZen] hmm... perhaps YOU can offer Chivalry, at around 30 BC...
          [13:38] [Panzer32] he probably won't give you a straight answer, but maybe an indication would help.
          [13:39] [[ND]Darekill] I already did that in the chat
          [13:39] [MasterZen] tell them if they have mobile units, if not aprox. how many upgreadable horses or med infs
          [13:39] [[ND]Darekill] offer him Chiv.
          [13:39] [[ND]Darekill] i told him i can't give him chiv as long as the pact with you is in tact...
          [13:40] [[ND]Darekill] that is why it is important that we keep our tinmeschedule
          [13:41] [Panzer32] ok then
          [13:41] [Panzer32] BUT, we can't attack in 30bc
          [13:42] [Panzer32] so 10bc is the start of the war for both of us I guess
          [13:43] [[ND]Darekill] Stop. GOW was to attakc first it was planed for 30bc you then 10 bc us.
          [13:43] [MasterZen] yes, why can't we attack?
          [13:44] [MasterZen] they're asking us to renew the MPP but who cares? we can still declare war
          [13:45] [[ND]Darekill] I think they wont ask you to prolong
          [13:45] [Panzer32] we can't attack in 30bc because we can't get there in time
          [13:45] [MasterZen] they did
          [13:45] [MasterZen] in 30 bc we'll be just north of the mountain, right?
          [13:46] [[ND]Darekill] would it help to have a ROP
          [13:46] [Panzer32] yes, and we'll move onto the mountain
          [13:47] [Panzer32] Darekill, not for this wave, but for our reinforcements, yes.
          [13:48] [[ND]Darekill] Waht about the task force in the Boats? Are the y in position in time?
          [13:49] [Panzer32] no, I moved a rider wrong a couple turns ago and they can't attack until 10bc.
          [13:50] [Panzer32] But, RP will see that we are attacking as early as 50bc.
          [13:50] [Panzer32] we'll try and convince them that we're going around trying to invade you though
          [13:50] [[ND]Darekill] Not good.
          [13:50] [[ND]Darekill] better.
          [13:51] [Panzer32] can't do much about it... jungle and mountains don't mean fast riders
          [13:51] [[ND]Darekill] I know...
          [13:51] [[ND]Darekill] that is our problem too.
          [13:52] [[ND]Darekill] They will see our Boats about 30 bs i guess and our Operation "Dreizack" "Trident" in 30bc
          [13:53] [[ND]Darekill] So we can stop playing theater in 30 BC i guess.
          [13:53] [MasterZen] playing theater is fun :P
          [13:54] [[ND]Darekill] That will be the time we can tell them everything but they won't be fooled any longer than that date.
          [13:54] [MasterZen] true
          [13:55] [[ND]Darekill] so what if you declare war 30 BC anyways and we come the turnm later.
          [13:55] [[ND]Darekill] Just like it was planed.
          [13:55] [MasterZen] Panzer: exactly where will our Riders be in 30 BC?
          [13:57] [Panzer32] they will start on the jungle N of mountain, and will be moved onto the mountain in RP territory (there might be an RP unit there though; hope its not a spear or pike)
          [13:57] [MasterZen] there probably will be if they're any smart...
          [13:57] [[ND]Darekill] until now there is no Unit there.
          [13:58] * MasterZen wonders who their military commander is...
          [13:58] [[ND]Darekill] Arnelos?
          [13:59] [MasterZen] btw, there's another thing I wanted to chat with you guys today
          [14:01] [[ND]Darekill] let us first fix the datething
          [14:01] [[ND]Darekill] You declare war in turn 30bc?
          [14:01] [MasterZen] I think we should... Panzer?
          [14:01] [Panzer32] sure, why not
          [14:01] [MasterZen] if we do, we can still negotiate an extension of the MPP since it would not mean anything at all
          [14:02] [[ND]Darekill] good. Then we join in at 10 BC.
          [14:03] [[ND]Darekill] prolong it, it gives us an argument not to have a NAP with RP.
          [14:04] [MasterZen] good
          [14:04] [MasterZen] I'll tell Togas it was approved tonight
          [14:04] [Panzer32] just one minute
          [14:04] [Panzer32] tell Togas the MPP was approved??
          [14:05] [MasterZen] yep
          [14:05] [Panzer32] we need to argue some, they added GS into it without consulting us
          [14:06] [MasterZen] ah yes don't worry, I'll tell him the ND part is approved and we should put GS in a separate agreement
          [14:06] [Panzer32] The way it reads currently, if GS attacks RP, we have to attack ND!!
          [14:06] [MasterZen] I know, I just told him about that a few minutes ago, he says it's no problem if we re-word it
          [14:07] [[ND]Darekill] Ah yes and if we attack GS you attack RP?
          [14:08] [Panzer32] Darekill, nope
          [14:09] [[ND]Darekill] We should look to keep GS out of war as long as we can
          [14:09] [MasterZen] we're working on that... have you?
          [14:11] [[ND]Darekill] we tried. The wont have a NAP with us they said they would like to keep out of the Borconian buissiness.
          [14:11] [[ND]Darekill] im typing a whole lot of crap today i hope you can read it anyway...
          [14:12] [MasterZen] we can
          [14:13] [Panzer32] MZ, what was that other thing you wanted to talk about
          [14:13] [MasterZen] ahh... the really-really-really-really-long-term evil plan...
          [14:14] [[ND]Darekill] go ahead i like evil plans...
          [14:14] [MasterZen] well, basically, it's simple
          [14:14] [MasterZen] how do you guys plan on winning the game?
          [14:15] [MasterZen] (ok, don't answer)
          [14:15] [[ND]Darekill] ah thats easy. We want to take over the world!
          [14:15] [MasterZen] obviously everyone is probably thinking about war...
          [14:15] [MasterZen] but think about this, after railroads are discovered, it's going to be pretty impossible to destroy Lego or GS
          [14:16] [MasterZen] and looking at their land, it's most likely Lego who will win (space race)
          [14:17] [Panzer32] therefore we attack legos
          [14:17] [[ND]Darekill] i agree.
          [14:17] [[ND]Darekill] But this can happen only after we took spain.
          [14:17] [MasterZen] yep
          [14:17] [MasterZen] but, here's the problem
          [14:18] [[ND]Darekill] I talked about this with Ghengis a few months ago.
          [14:18] [MasterZen] GS might well be impossible to defeat after that too...
          [14:18] [[ND]Darekill] We take GS while you take Lego right?
          [14:18] [MasterZen] you think we'll be strong enough? I don't think so...
          [14:19] [[ND]Darekill] And after that we have a fair space race that we will win..
          [14:19] [[ND]Darekill] i joking
          [14:19] [MasterZen] we'll send some modern armor to your capital and destroy your spaceship... :P
          [14:20] [Panzer32] I think we should have a 3 way alliance with GS to get lego, then both of us attacks GS. Then we have a good fight on Bob with guns and tanks and ships and stuff over who wins the game.
          [14:20] [[ND]Darekill] how can you build an armor if we do not give you the iron
          [14:20] [MasterZen] we'll have conquered Lego
          [14:20] [MasterZen] they have a lot of iron
          [14:20] [[ND]Darekill] oh ****...
          [14:21] [Panzer32] youre giving us Irongard, remember
          [14:21] [MasterZen] wait, maybe they're planning to backstab us!!!
          [14:21] [[ND]Darekill] of course we are! Wait till you reach Mavdad
          [14:22] [MasterZen] ah, what you don't know is our second Rider force is ready...
          [14:22] [MasterZen] and third..and fourth...
          [14:22] [MasterZen] it's endless
          [14:22] [MasterZen] hahahahaha
          [14:22] [Panzer32] We have an alliance with Vox to crush the entire world!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!
          [14:22] [[ND]Darekill] uhoh now i'm scared!
          [14:22] [Panzer32] oops
          [14:22] * MasterZen slaps Panzer32 around a bit with a large trout
          [14:22] [MasterZen] damn you panzer! that was our secret!
          [14:22] [Panzer32]
          [14:23] [MasterZen] ok now seriously... that's one opion (the whole lego then GS)
          [14:23] [[ND]Darekill] Lux will rise up out of the grave and stab you!
          [14:23] [MasterZen] the problem is that that won't likely happen before one of them gets RR
          [14:23] [[ND]Darekill] ok serious mode on!
          [14:24] [MasterZen] so option #2 is a cooperative space race victory
          [14:24] [[ND]Darekill]
          [14:24] [MasterZen] should either GS and Lego survive by the time they get RR, we work towards a space race together...
          [14:24] [MasterZen] how you ask? simple
          [14:24] [MasterZen] we go full-builder mode (both of us)
          [14:25] [MasterZen] if any of them tries to invade us, we kick their ass here on bob, but mostly we try and build up our cities
          [14:25] [MasterZen] when the space race comes, we do the following:
          [14:25] [MasterZen] we cooperate on research (something Lego and GS will never do)
          [14:26] [MasterZen] and if necessary we gift our most productive cities to the other so that one of us is guaranteed to win the race. Then we declare it was a joint plan and we both win.
          [14:27] [[ND]Darekill] sounds cool
          [14:27] [[ND]Darekill] Two bastards of war that win jointly and peacefully the space race!
          [14:28] [[ND]Darekill] as long as the crew is 50% ND and 50% GoW i agree with that! seriusly.
          [14:28] [MasterZen] frankly we're content to think of ourselves as the winning Apolyton team
          [14:28] [MasterZen] we can prove who's better in the ISDG
          [14:28] [MasterZen] we wouldn't mind sharing victory with you
          [14:28] [[ND]Darekill] *g* That would make us the winning Webring team
          [14:29] [MasterZen] hahahaha
          [14:30] [[ND]Darekill] in the ISDG we had a good headstart
          [14:30] [MasterZen] by your points, that is pretty obvious
          [14:31] [[ND]Darekill] the PTWDG II is interesting too i'm with some GS giants there
          [14:32] [MasterZen] you should have joined Latin Lover... we rule your women :P
          [14:33] [[ND]Darekill] my spanish is worse than my french and i do not speak french
          [14:33] [MasterZen] hahahahaha
          searching quote.irc for "[ND]Darekill" ... 1 matches found
          [14:33] [MasterZen] (07/10/2003) [[ND]Darekill] my spanish is worse than my french and i do not speak french [quote.irc]
          [14:34] [[ND]Darekill] so where will i find this quote?
          [14:34] [MasterZen] someday in my signature :P
          [14:35] [[ND]Darekill] ah yes...
          [14:35] [[ND]Darekill] it's o.k.
          [14:36] [MasterZen] I'm building a collection of funny and irrelevant quotes from people
          [14:38] [[ND]Darekill] is there anything else on the agenda for today?
          [14:38] [Panzer32] what about the simulation?
          [14:38] [[ND]Darekill] right how will it work?
          [14:38] [Panzer32] MZ?
          [14:39] [MasterZen] ok
          [14:39] [MasterZen] Panzer, you have the latest version, can you send it to them?
          [14:40] [Panzer32] sure
          [14:40] [MasterZen] open it up in the editor, we have all of our offensive units to be used in the first wave on the map and in the correct position
          [14:40] [Panzer32] sent
          [14:41] [MasterZen] I did not add defensive units in detail. There is just one vet pikeman in every city on the continent
          [14:41] [Panzer32] MZ, I edited it to do it
          [14:41] [MasterZen] do what?
          [14:41] [Panzer32] I even have workers too
          [14:41] [MasterZen] ah ok
          [14:41] [Panzer32] have defense in detail
          [14:41] [[ND]Darekill] You mean the editor of CIV III.
          [14:41] [Panzer32] yes
          [14:41] [MasterZen] yes
          [14:41] [Panzer32] yesyes
          [14:41] [[ND]Darekill] I have the CD in my office.
          [14:42] [Panzer32] don't need to CD for the editor if you have it installed
          [14:42] [[ND]Darekill] so i can'T test it now, but i will tomorrow.
          [14:42] [MasterZen] ok
          [14:42] [[ND]Darekill] i'll try it.
          [14:42] [MasterZen] we were wondering if you could add your own offensive units so we can have this as realistic as possible
          [14:42] [Panzer32] we were wondering if ND could put their units they plan to use against RP on it
          [14:43] [Panzer32] x post
          [14:43] [MasterZen] then we would update it every turn according to what RP units we see
          [14:43] [Panzer32] actually, wait
          [14:43] [Panzer32] I can update the units to start of 70bc.
          [14:43] [Panzer32] then resend it
          [14:44] [MasterZen] ok
          [14:44] [MasterZen] I am planning to later add Lego and GS to the map
          [14:44] [MasterZen] so we can keep using it to plan EVIL THINGS
          [14:44] * UnOrthOdOx has joined #GoW_cofa
          [14:44] * MasterZen sets mode: +o UnOrthOdOx
          [14:45] [Panzer32] hi Unortho
          [14:45] [[ND]Darekill] O.K. i have to check this with my people and play a little around with it but i think it'll do.
          [14:46] [Panzer32] wait for one sec
          [14:46] [MasterZen] cool
          [14:46] [Panzer32] just updating GoW units for a minute
          [14:46] [MasterZen] I stayed up until 5am that night making the stupid map...
          [14:46] [MasterZen] btw, it's actually correctly placed, north-south it is accurate, east-west it should be only about 1 or 2 tiles off
          [14:48] [Panzer32] And I started one earlier that MZ didn't know about (also as correct as possible)
          [14:48] [MasterZen] I should've known...
          [14:49] [[ND]Darekill] *g*
          [14:49] [MasterZen] moral of the story: if you make a simulator, TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IT :P
          [14:49] [MasterZen] (or at least your team)
          [14:50] [[ND]Darekill] and the friends of your Team.
          [14:51] [Panzer32] Sim sent to MZ and Darekill... uploading to poly now to post
          [14:52] [[ND]Darekill] got it.
          [14:53] * UnOrthOdOx has left #GoW_cofa
          [14:56] [[ND]Darekill] i have to go now.
          [14:56] [[ND]Darekill] is there anything else?
          [14:56] [MasterZen] nope
          [14:56] [Panzer32] oh, we will want to start an embassy sometime soon for an ROP
          [14:57] [Panzer32] but we can talk about that later
          [14:57] [MasterZen] tell the long-long-long-long-long-term-evil plan to your team
          [14:59] [[ND]Darekill] of course. we'll do that.
          [14:59] [MasterZen] and play with that simulator
          [14:59] [[ND]Darekill] of cours i think you'll get an updatet Version with our troops soon.
          [15:00] [Panzer32] thanks
          [15:00] [MasterZen] great
          [15:00] [MasterZen] may GoW and ND ride forever to victory!
          [15:01] [[ND]Darekill] Pease send the Log file
          [15:02] [[ND]Darekill] may they ride!
          [15:02] [Panzer32] ok, see you later!
          [15:02] [MasterZen] ok
          [15:02] [[ND]Darekill] till then!
          [15:02] * [ND]Darekill has left #gow_cofa
          A true ally stabs you in the front.

          Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


          • #6
            Do we have a chat with ND and GS today at 2 PM EDT? Or was it simply discussed that that might be a possible time? If it is a chat time, who has contacted ND?
            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
            May God Bless.


            • #7
              NO one to my knowledge, I have no contacts with them.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #8
                Is GS expecting a chat? I can contact ND to see if they can chat then if GS is going to come.
                Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                May God Bless.


                • #9
                  I guess there is no chat today.
                  Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                  King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                  May God Bless.


                  • #10

                    NYE and Darekill showed up, none of us.

                    We need to reschedule ASAP.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #11
                      btw, one little question, do we have a NAP with ND?? Was that ever written in our old old old evil pacts with them?
                      A true ally stabs you in the front.

                      Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                      • #12
                        We have an NAP for the duration of the alliance about Roleplay.

                        edit: Darekill and NYE were there? I would have come... I had mailed DK that there might be a chat but then since no one had replied in this thread I emailed him back (just before chat time) that I thought the chat was off

                        I would have come in the chat if I knew GS knew about it.
                        Last edited by Panzer32; July 13, 2003, 20:07.
                        Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                        King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                        May God Bless.


                        • #13
                          I got busy being president this morning myself...
                          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                          You're wierd. - Krill

                          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

