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Another chat with ND

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  • Another chat with ND

    Chat with ND tommorrow (saturday) at 1500 GMT, 11:00 EST, and 10:00 CST.

    Be there or be square

    I just want Aggie to meet up with ND to discuss strategy, and for myself to discuss recent events. Whoever else comes is extra, but very welcome .
    Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
    King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
    May God Bless.

  • #2
    I'll be the "extra"
    A true ally stabs you in the front.

    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


    • #3
      That will be 2.00am for me ... so, although I am committed to the team, my wife has other idea's.

      Good Luck
      "No Comment"


      • #4
        From Darekill

        Hello it seems we can't make it today.
        How about tomorrow Sunday.
        same time same place.
        "No Comment"


        • #5
          I would like to have it an hour later on Sunday.

          1600 GMT, 12:00 noon EST, and 11:00 CST

          I'm emailing ND to see if its ok.
          Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
          King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
          May God Bless.


          • #6
            Who can be there at posted time? Because its sort of crazy if I have to do it alone again. Unfortunatly Aggie says he won't be there, but we do have a plan to talk about
            Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
            King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
            May God Bless.


            • #7
              I'll be there
              A true ally stabs you in the front.

              Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


              • #8
                I can probably make it. First thing in the morning.


                • #9
                  Due to circumstances that I was not aware of yesterday, I'll be half an hour to an hour late.
                  Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                  King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                  May God Bless.


                  • #10
                    Chat Log

                    Short but interesting:


                    - Attack plan delayed in accordance to Aggie's plan
                    - They're "pre-buying" Education from us, 100g now, and 5 gpt once we give it to them after the no-deal clause is through.

                    Next chat on thursday at 2 pm EST as usuall

                    Session Start: Sun Jun 22 10:51:43 2003
                    Session Ident: #GoW
                    [10:51] * Now talking in #GoW
                    [10:51] * changes topic to 'The Glory Of Chat'
                    [10:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr
                    * Retrieving #GoW info...
                    [11:12] * [ND]Darekill has joined #GoW
                    [11:13] [[ND]Darekill] Hi
                    [11:16] [[ND]Darekill] join #gow_CoFA Dtrategy
                    [11:18] [MasterZen] ok
                    [11:19] [MasterZen] I
                    [11:19] [MasterZen] I'm in.... but no-one's there :P
                    [11:19] [[ND]Darekill] ah yes i thoght there were more...
                    [11:20] [[ND]Darekill] so we may stay here?
                    [11:20] [MasterZen] of course
                    [11:21] [[ND]Darekill] borc is on the way
                    [11:21] [MasterZen] ok
                    [11:21] * Borc has joined #GoW
                    [11:21] * Borc is now known as [ND]Borc
                    [11:21] [[ND]Borc] hello!
                    [11:21] [MasterZen] hey
                    [11:22] [MasterZen] Panzer said he was going to be get in in about 10 min...
                    [11:22] [[ND]Darekill] fine.
                    [11:22] [[ND]Borc] ok, then i will be back in 10min also ... brb
                    [11:23] [MasterZen] me too then (Breakfast)
                    [11:37] [MasterZen] back
                    [11:38] [[ND]Darekill] so we wait voe Tank äh Panzer?
                    [11:38] [[ND]Darekill] for
                    [11:39] [[ND]Borc] panzer is the new emperor of GoW. what is your title, mz? :-)
                    [11:40] [MasterZen] I am Supreme Glorious Warmonger God
                    [11:41] [MasterZen]
                    [11:41] [MasterZen] nah, actually I'm Consul of Foreign Affairs like I've always been
                    [11:41] [[ND]Borc] hehe
                    [11:42] [MasterZen] and Ambassador to your holy islamic nation
                    [11:43] [[ND]Borc] *g*
                    [11:43] [[ND]Darekill] we are islamic?? Well yes we are the arabs but i still have only one wife...
                    [11:45] [MasterZen]
                    [11:45] [MasterZen] time to go find another one!
                    [11:45] [MasterZen] and another...
                    [11:45] [MasterZen] and another...
                    [11:45] [[ND]Darekill] no, no one is almost to much sometimes
                    [11:45] [MasterZen] hahah... I'm going to tell her that :P
                    [11:46] [[ND]Darekill] go ahead...
                    [11:47] [[ND]Darekill] after 16 years of marriage we know each other fairly good so she knows that i know that i'm a lucky man to have her
                    [11:48] [MasterZen] thats good
                    [11:48] [MasterZen] good solid marriages are hard to come by these days...
                    [11:49] [[ND]Darekill] indeed.
                    [11:49] * Panzer32 has joined #gow
                    [11:49] [Panzer32] hi
                    [11:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Panzer32
                    [11:49] [[ND]Darekill] hail to the emporer!
                    [11:49] [[ND]Darekill] the consuls are ready.
                    [11:49] [Panzer32] hows it going?
                    [11:49] [Panzer32] are we just starting?
                    [11:50] [MasterZen] we were talking about marriage
                    [11:50] [[ND]Darekill] while waiting for his excelency
                    [11:50] [Panzer32] ok... brb bathroom
                    [11:51] [[ND]Borc] .. i have not much time today sorry!
                    [11:51] [MasterZen] btw, I think we're going to have to re-model our Palace in Imperial City...
                    [11:52] [MasterZen] we have to make the doors bigger so that a Panzer can move around
                    [11:52] [Panzer32] back
                    [11:53] [[ND]Darekill] *g* but i'm short on time also so let us do this quick and dirty and fast ....
                    [11:53] [Panzer32] ok
                    [11:53] [MasterZen] good
                    [11:53] [[ND]Darekill] So, what is your Problem
                    [11:53] [Panzer32] MZ, do you want me to outline Aggie's strategy?
                    [11:53] [MasterZen] our problem is Roleplay
                    [11:53] [MasterZen] sure, go ahead
                    [11:54] [Panzer32] basically, we wait until 30bc to declare war
                    [11:55] [Panzer32] And, we attack Toledo first
                    [11:56] [Panzer32] we put research at 0% so we get more money and riders
                    [11:57] [Panzer32] until 210bc, when we finish chivalry
                    [11:58] [Panzer32] It might require us to sign an Right of Passage, but I'm not sure
                    [11:59] [MasterZen] I think the RoP would be best...
                    [11:59] [MasterZen] Riders can move 9 tiles on roads
                    [11:59] [MasterZen] and RP would never see them if they had a scout in the east
                    [12:01] [Panzer32] I don't think Aggie did incluse an RoP in the strategy
                    [12:01] [[ND]Darekill] They have no scout in the east. We would have seen it if it was there.
                    [12:01] [MasterZen] I'm loading the save right now to see if it were quicker
                    [12:01] [Panzer32] ok, good
                    [12:01] [Panzer32] here, I'm going to post the turn moves
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 210: Chivalry researched
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 130: Upgrade turn
                    [12:02] * MasterZen sets mode: +k Dtrategy
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 110: Attack force Toledo(AFT) moves to 2e,1s of Thordoba
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 90: AFT to 2n,1E of Mavdad, Attack Force Bilbao(AFB) to 2s of Shantung
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 70: ATF to 2ne of Mavdad; ATB loads onto ships 5 sof Shantung
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 50: ATF to 2n,1e of Toledo; ATB lands 2n of Bilbao
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 30: DECLARE WAR; AFT 1n,1ne of Toledo. ATB attacks
                    [12:02] [Panzer32] 10: AFT attacks Toledo
                    [12:03] [Panzer32] AFB is 4 riders on 2 galleys
                    [12:04] [[ND]Darekill] How much Riders in AFT?
                    [12:04] [Panzer32] 10 I think
                    [12:04] [[ND]Darekill] that would be 14 Riders?
                    [12:05] [Panzer32] yes
                    [12:06] [[ND]Borc] 14*80gc for upgrading?
                    [12:06] [[ND]Darekill] so you'd need 1120 G
                    [12:06] [Panzer32] we produce 2 riders
                    [12:06] [Panzer32] so 12*80
                    [12:07] [MasterZen] 960
                    [12:07] [Panzer32] Aggie said : Upgrade turn we currently have 517, we will get about 250 gold from no science. after deductions for units/lossed etc we have about 760. We need about 200 more to upgrade 12 riders(960).
                    [12:08] [Panzer32] ND can pay 100 if we delay, right?
                    [12:08] [[ND]Darekill] Yes we do that.
                    [12:08] [Panzer32] now the problem is GS
                    [12:08] [Panzer32] we can get 200 golf from them
                    [12:09] [Panzer32] BUT, they are reluctant to put a No trade clause on chivalry
                    [12:09] [Panzer32] and its 10 turns between chivalry and attack
                    [12:09] [[ND]Darekill] Hmmmm...... Can we sell it to lego or Vox?
                    [12:10] [Panzer32] we will need a 15 turn no trade clause
                    [12:10] [[ND]Borc] GS also dont want to make a NAP with us... we should not give them Chivalry!
                    [12:10] [Panzer32] we have an agreement with Lego already
                    [12:10] [Panzer32] chivalry for theo and edu = great deal
                    [12:10] [[ND]Borc] congratulations!
                    [12:10] [Panzer32] we have a no trade clause with them for 15 turns
                    [12:11] [[ND]Darekill] never mind we have theo.
                    [12:11] [[ND]Darekill] Arne made it possible
                    [12:11] [[ND]Borc] and we have a 50 turn NAP with Lego until 500 AD
                    [12:11] [Panzer32]
                    [12:11] [[ND]Borc] so GS is the problem
                    [12:12] [MasterZen] just checked, with a RoP we would be at Mavdad in only 3 turns
                    [12:12] [Panzer32] We have virtually committed to selling them chivalry for 200 gold. The problem is that they might not want a no trade clause
                    [12:12] [MasterZen] Macao-Dar-El-Killam-Stonedina-Mavdad
                    [12:12] [Panzer32] MZ - are you counting rivers?
                    [12:13] [MasterZen] ah! Rivers! :P
                    [12:13] * MasterZen re-counts
                    [12:13] [[ND]Darekill] No problem wit hthat as long as you don't mach unasked throug ND
                    [12:13] [[ND]Borc] Rop is not a problem
                    [12:14] [[ND]Borc] do you have a not trade clause for edu?
                    [12:14] [MasterZen] don't worry we ask first so that your citizens can watch the Rider army of your valiant ally parade through your streets!
                    [12:14] [MasterZen] yep
                    [12:14] [Panzer32] We can get to the mountain N-E of Mavdad by the overland route in 3 turns
                    [12:14] [[ND]Borc] we will enjoy the parade LOL... and we will clap our hands!
                    [12:15] [MasterZen] Parade canceled: it's easier through the mountains
                    [12:15] [[ND]Borc] what a pitty :-/
                    [12:15] [MasterZen] oh well, we'll have the parade on the way back
                    [12:15] [Panzer32] we'll parade in the streets of Toledo maybe ]
                    [12:16] [MasterZen] then Madrid
                    [12:16] [Panzer32] (New Madrid)
                    [12:16] [[ND]Borc] i think a 4 turn delay for the attack is not a problem
                    [12:16] [MasterZen] when we march into Madrid I'm going to post the picture of the Frenchman crying when the Germans invaded in WW2 in the public forum
                    [12:17] [[ND]Borc] :-))) but if you give chivalry NOT to Gs you need another 100gc for upgrading, right?
                    [12:17] [Panzer32] ]
                    [12:17] [Panzer32] Borc - yes
                    [12:18] [Panzer32] unless we cut back on AFToledo
                    [12:18] [[ND]Darekill] That could be given to you if we get Edu for it.
                    [12:18] [Panzer32] we have a NTA for edu for 15 turns
                    [12:18] [[ND]Darekill] We pay now you deliver after the Notrade clause runs out
                    [12:18] [Panzer32] ah... that could work
                    [12:18] [MasterZen] yes, that sounds nice
                    [12:19] [Panzer32] hmm... how do we break the news to Gathering storm?? [
                    [12:19] [[ND]Darekill] then it's settled lets summ it up
                    [12:19] [MasterZen] who says we ain't selling?
                    [12:19] [[ND]Darekill] what do we have to pay.
                    [12:19] [Panzer32] MZ - just later?
                    [12:19] [MasterZen] we'll just twist their arm until they accept no-trade
                    [12:19] [[ND]Borc] GS can give you a no trade clause and the have chivalry ;-)) very easy
                    [12:20] [Panzer32] nice :-D
                    [12:20] * MasterZen practices his arm-twisting
                    [12:20] [Panzer32] what do you have to pay for education? I'm not sure...
                    [12:21] [Panzer32] at least 100g
                    [12:21] [MasterZen] 100g right now
                    [12:21] [Panzer32] but I'm bad at determining prices, thats why I retired from foreign affairs
                    [12:21] [MasterZen] hahaha
                    [12:22] [[ND]Darekill] Yes the 100g for Edu is the deal
                    [12:22] [Panzer32] ok
                    [12:22] [MasterZen] but of course we'd need more later
                    [12:22] [[ND]Darekill] The Chiv we were at 50g and 5g/T right?
                    [12:22] [MasterZen] yep
                    [12:23] [MasterZen] 100g now and 50 later, does that sound good?
                    [12:23] [[ND]Darekill] so we pay 3g/t for Edu when we get it?
                    [12:23] [[ND]Borc] =160
                    [12:23] [Panzer32] that only gives us 150 gold, we need 50 more
                    [12:23] [Panzer32] maybe we could ask for a loan from Lego?
                    [12:24] [[ND]Darekill] Ok we make it 100 g for chiv and 5g/t
                    [12:24] [MasterZen] If we do gpt then I think 100g right now and 5gpt
                    [12:24] [MasterZen] for Edu
                    [12:24] [[ND]Darekill] and 100g for Edu plus 3g/t after delivery
                    [12:25] [[ND]Darekill] so you get 200g from us.
                    [12:25] [[ND]Borc] the arabian-chines market talk :-)))
                    [12:25] [MasterZen] hahaha
                    [12:25] [Panzer32] so 3 or 5 gpt for education?
                    [12:25] [MasterZen] I'd say 5
                    [12:26] [[ND]Darekill] you rip our tresury....
                    [12:26] [[ND]Darekill] but ok.
                    [12:26] [Panzer32] ND, just keep in mind that we're going to have a proposal for switching cities sometime soon, and you'll probably get gold from that
                    [12:26] [MasterZen] [chinese_accent] edu! cheap! cheap!
                    [12:26] [[ND]Borc] accepted
                    [12:26] [[ND]Darekill] You'll pay the Parade!
                    [12:26] [MasterZen] hahaha ok
                    [12:27] [Panzer32] guys, for our next chat could we please meet in #gow_cofa?
                    [12:27] [MasterZen] maybe we can steal some gold from RP...
                    [12:27] [Panzer32] thats our foreign affairs channel
                    [12:27] [MasterZen] it was my idea to have it here
                    [12:27] [MasterZen] from now on, I agree, better at GoW_CoFA
                    [12:28] [[ND]Borc] sorry i have to leave... can i have the log file again... later....
                    [12:28] [Panzer32] ok, bye
                    [12:28] [MasterZen] sure
                    [12:28] [[ND]Borc] nice results today anyway!
                    [12:28] [[ND]Borc] bye
                    [12:28] [Panzer32] This was a good productive chat
                    [12:28] * [ND]Borc has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
                    [12:29] [Panzer32] ND, what are you researching?
                    [12:32] [[ND]Darekill] we are doing engeneering. Ready in about14 Turns
                    [12:33] [[ND]Darekill] lets quit we'll meet next tuesday then.
                    [12:33] [Panzer32] ok, we'll probably get it from you if Vox dies or something and thus voids our agreement
                    [12:33] [Panzer32] Thursday you mean?
                    [12:33] [[ND]Darekill] yes thursday. sorry i mixed it up.
                    [12:33] [Panzer32]
                    [12:33] [MasterZen]
                    [12:33] [MasterZen] we'll be here..
                    [12:34] [[ND]Darekill] well i' a poor german i'm used to Donnerstag and Dienstag you know...
                    [12:34] [[ND]Darekill] which i mix up soetimes nevertheless
                    [12:35] [[ND]Darekill] o.k bye.
                    [12:35] * [ND]Darekill has left #GoW
                    A true ally stabs you in the front.

                    Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                    • #11
                      From Borc:

                      Hello panzer,
                      before we will have the next chat, can you tell me if i understood everything in the right way?
                      maybe you can write some comments if necessary?

                      210/190 BC: GoW gives Chivalry to ND
                      190/170 BC: ND pays 100gc + 5gc/turn for chivalry
                      190/170 BC: ND pays 100gc for education (+ 5gc/turn later from the year we get education from GoW)
                      (GoW gives Chivalry not to RP and not to others which dont sign a not trade clause.)
                      ~130 BC: RoP ND-GoW
                      30 BC: GoW attacks Toledo and/or Bilbao (~14 Riders)
                      10 BC: ND settles in the cultural border of RP (Operation Dreizack, ~10 Ansars and some more Med.Inf.)
                      10 BC: ND attacks/blockades one iron of RP (Operation Dentist with galleys, Med.Inf + Pikemen)
                      Gow has some ships in the east to find spanish ships coming from bilbao
                      ND has some ships in the west to find spanish ships coming from the south

                      Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                      King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                      May God Bless.


                      • #12
                        Just clarifying some stuff:
                        sent to Borc:

                        190 BC: GoW gives Chivalry to ND
                        190/170 BC: ND pays 100gc + 5gc/turn for chivalry
                        190/170 BC: ND pays 100gc for education (+ 5gc/turn later from the year we get education from GoW)
                        (GoW gives Chivalry not to RP and not to others which dont sign a not trade clause.)
                        ~130 BC: RoP ND-GoW - We don't need an RoP with ND to get to Roleplay quickly.
                        30 BC: GoW attacks Bilbao with 4 riders
                        10 BC: Toledo with 10 riders and ND settles in the cultural border of RP (Operation Dreizack, ~10 Ansars and some more Med.Inf.)
                        10 BC: ND attacks/blockades one iron of RP (Operation Dentist with galleys, Med.Inf + Pikemen)
                        Gow has some ships in the east to find spanish ships coming from bilbao
                        ND has some ships in the west to find spanish ships coming from the south
                        Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
                        King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
                        May God Bless.


                        • #13
                          You realize that ND and Vox could have set up another pre negotiated plan to share techs (thus they wouldn't be trading it, simply gifting or sharing it) with Vox and then Vox can turn around and sell it to RP.

                          How sure are we that Vox isn't negotiating with RP right now to tell them we are coming right at them?


                          • #14
                            Everything is possible, but if we become so paranoid with everyone we will get nowhere. Our actions are risks, we may well be backstabbed by anyone but I'd rather be the one taking the initiative.
                            A true ally stabs you in the front.

                            Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                            • #15
                              And getting the money as I still think we should sell Chivalry to RP.

