Our scheduled meeting is today to 1900 GMT (I believe).
No announcement yet.
Chat with ND?
I have not received confirmation by Borc but I assume it's still on.
Just one little problem. I HAVE to be at school during the chat time so I'll have to access via the web-chat and thus cannot log it. If any of you can be present and log it I'll greatly appreciate it.A true ally stabs you in the front.
Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)
I am unable to access the Apolyton chat at all...
I have refreshed the main screen to see if any NDers have showed up but it appears they haven't. Please, if someone is on IRC right know check to see if those guys are over there....A true ally stabs you in the front.
Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)
yes, they're there. I'll guide them into #GoW_cofa and do the chat with them.Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.
Chat log; it was only me there.
[Panzer32] ok, so we should get the chat going
[[ND]Darekill] Yes let's talk about Chivalry.
[[ND]Darekill] We can give you 50g cash and about 5g/T
[Panzer32] thats 150 gole
[Panzer32] that should be ok
[[ND]Darekill] yes. I can add some spice.
[Panzer32] that'd be great
[Panzer32] we need to discuss trading chivalry with other teams
[[ND]Darekill] Yes we shoud avoid giving it to RP
[Panzer32] there has been discussion about that
[Panzer32] if we don't give it to RP, they will expect an attack
[[ND]Darekill] but if we give it to them we face Knights thats not good.
[[ND]feanor0815] they don't know we have short befor attack
[Panzer32] GhengisFarb's proposition: I say sell it to Roleplay, I've often heard GodKing and Togas talk about how they consider Knights useless and believe it better to build combos of Medeival Infantry/Pikemen over a single Knight.
[[ND]Darekill] I don't trust in that.
[[ND]Darekill] But how will they know that we have chivallry.
[Panzer32] another thing is maybe propose to sell it to Roleplay for something like 400 gold, if they don't have it then we don't trade it to them. If they do have it then we drain them of gold so they can't upgrade much.
[[ND]Darekill] Hmm.. good idea.
[[ND]Darekill] But could you give us some of that money for upgrades then?
[Panzer32] maybe, I'll have to ask the team.
[Panzer32] remember, these are only ideas.
[Panzer32] does anyone remember the date of the planned attack?
[Panzer32] (year?)
[[ND]Darekill] Yes and we are glad to hear about that. we need to discuss that in our forum too.
[[ND]Darekill] it was 110BC for GoW and 90BC for ND
[[ND]Darekill] We would like to go about five Turns later will this be O.K.?
[Panzer32] thanks
[Panzer32] ouch
[Panzer32] ummm... it will be harder for us
[Panzer32] if we do that it would be better to trade roleplay for chivalry
[[ND]Darekill] so you want to go with 110BC?
[Panzer32] because no trade clauses only last so long.
[Panzer32] it depends how much better your forces will be by waiting 5 turns.
[[ND]Darekill] I've made a plan to strike on time.
[[ND]Darekill] But i will miss one or two Pikes and one Ansar.
[[ND]Darekill] So if it is better to strike early we can do so.
[Panzer32] in that case I think earlier is better.
[[ND]Darekill] so the Date stay at 110BC.
[[ND]Darekill] stays
[Panzer32] good
[[ND]Darekill] That's what i call a productiv chat.
[[ND]Darekill] anything else?
[Panzer32] yes, just a minute
[Panzer32] never mind...
[[ND]Darekill] ah yes. so we are ready for today?
[Panzer32] just thought of something
[Panzer32] splitting the continent - did you get the poll results?
[[ND]Darekill] yes we had a poll. The Result is that the people of Neu Demogyptica say that the map is fair.
[Panzer32] ok, just a question then
[Panzer32] why did you settle Zairut?
[[ND]Darekill] just ask.
[[ND]Darekill] Becaus we need the money that is there in the gold bonus. we don'T want to keep the city.
* Borc has joined #gow_CoFA
[Panzer32] hi Borc
[Borc] hello!
* Borc is now known as [ND]Borc
[Panzer32] ok
[Panzer32] We have 9 horsemen ready to upgrade
[Panzer32] we won't have the money to upgrade all 9
* arne has joined #gow_CoFA
[arne] now... hi again
[Panzer32] we do have a turn of leeway that we can get as much gold as possible before the horsemen ship out.
[[ND]Darekill] how much gold do you need?
[Panzer32] its 80 gold per upgrade, right?
[[ND]Darekill] i do think so.
[Panzer32] 720 gold then. We have 521 currently, doing -5 per turn to get it in 3 turns
[Panzer32] we have a deal with GS: 200 gold for chivalry. This would put us over the top.
[[ND]Darekill] puh that sounds serious.
[[ND]Borc] but GS is not allowed to sell chivalry to rp, right?
[[ND]Darekill] if you delay the research for two turns?
[Panzer32] we are trying to get a no-trade clause, maybe giving them a wine for it.
[Panzer32] but if we don't, we have to sell roleplay chivalry
[Panzer32] delaying only gives a few more gold, and that would delay our attack
[[ND]Borc] maybe you can sell chivalry to lego with a not trade clause for some more gc?
[Panzer32] we have a deal with Lego all worked out that includes a no trade clause
[[ND]Darekill] O.K. then you send only seven Riders. The Rest will follow...
[[ND]Borc] shoud be enough for bilbao in the first attack
[Panzer32] yes
[[ND]Borc] We offered GS a NAP until 500 AD and we will try to keep them away from RP
[[ND]Borc] we hope that RP will stand alone
[Panzer32] ok, anything else you want to talk about
[Panzer32] you say that ND accepts the border agreement, right?
[[ND]Borc] your proposal is fair - thats the result of our poll. but there is a lot to discuss!
[Panzer32] ok... do you want me to send an official proposal?
[[ND]Borc] we need some more ideas from goW:
[[ND]Borc] for example
[[ND]Borc] if rp makes suicide with all cities
[[ND]Borc] then rp is gone and we have to give you 5 citiies
[[ND]Borc] the we have 5 cities left and lego and gs will take the empty rp land
[[ND]Borc] and we are lost
[Panzer32] maybe GoW can move settlers to the south, settle cities, and then gift them to you?
[[ND]Borc] your map is theoretically fair but in practice it is much morecomplicated
[Panzer32] Also, how about we give or pay 50 gold for each population point that switches hands?
[[ND]Borc] yes panzer, this could be one idea, but your settlers will be very slow
[[ND]Borc] also this sounds interesting, right
[Panzer32] we could also agree something about GoW workers clearing ND jungle
[Panzer32] personally, I don't think that roleplay will disband lots of cities, but we should have an agreement about it just to be sure
[[ND]Borc] yes, but it would need a very complicated and difficult contract as you can see... very much brain work
[Panzer32] lots of "if"s
[Panzer32] btw, about the settler idea: we can transport them by galleys so they would speed up.
[[ND]Darekill] too much if's for today i'd say.
[[ND]Darekill] i've got to go.
[[ND]Darekill] bye.
* [ND]Darekill has quit IRC (Quit: )
[Panzer32] I'm going to try to make a fair agreement, I'll sent it when I'm done it.
[[ND]Borc] thats fine, but anyway it is possible that we have to fight and to divide spain step by step and turn by turn...
[[ND]Borc] but 50% of all for both of us should be the result
[Panzer32] yes
[[ND]Borc] if we really have a 50 turn NAP with Lego and GS then we have a good chance
[[ND]Borc] but if RP loses the war they will land - im sure
[Panzer32] They might land in GoW's land, too. Remember we have the eastern strip of land down almost to Madrid.
[[ND]Borc] it would be great if you can make a big NAP with GS also... before we attack rp? hmm
[[ND]Borc] maybe a chance for you to give them chivalry together with a not trade clause if you offer them a nap?
[[ND]Borc] but i know not vry much about the vox situatiuon
[Panzer32] the problem with the NAP with GS is that if they land we can't attack them
[[ND]Borc] same with our lego nap :-(
[[ND]Borc] so if we defeat rp the war will probably not be over
[Panzer32] oh, Borc
[Panzer32] one thing
[Panzer32] Thordoba has already been agreed to transfer from ND to GoW, so there won't be any compensation specifically for that city.
[[ND]Borc] yes, i have to read the contract but i think you are right
[[ND]Borc] i am reading
[[ND]Borc] ..
[[ND]Borc] yes you are right
[[ND]Borc] i also have a last question for today
[[ND]Borc] or did you discuss it already? is GF still member of GoW and did you finish the anarchy in GoW
[Panzer32] Ghengis is not a member of GoW anymore
[Panzer32] he might have been able to come back, but he disqualified himself by looking in all the other teams
[Panzer32] forums
[[ND]Borc] then it is true? what a pitty!
[[ND]Borc] and do you have a new government?
[Panzer32] sort of. We don't have it all sorted out yet
[Panzer32] I am most of the government currently
[[ND]Borc] you have a good team. is there anything we can do to stabilize your team?
[Panzer32] not really
[Panzer32] its pretty stable now
[[ND]Borc] fine
[[ND]Borc] hmm, will ghegis be a ghost as trip is
[[ND]Borc] *ghengis
[[ND]Borc] panzer, please, can you send me a chat log again?
[[ND]Borc] do you have my email?
[Panzer32] Borchert at cylusion dot com?
[[ND]Borc] right :-))
[Panzer32] I've got Darekill's too
[[ND]Borc] great! send it to both of us if you can
[Panzer32] ok, I've got some rough ideas now
[Panzer32] 1. 50 gold per pop point
[Panzer32] 2. If ND doesn't capture 5 cities, GoW wil help settle south
[Panzer32] 3. one worker traded per 5 shields produced in cities to be transferred.
[Panzer32] thats it for now
[[ND]Borc] interesting... but in any case we also need some protect agreements to let GS and Lego out
[[ND]Borc] and a good sttlement strategy
[[ND]Borc] you hav to settle the old vox land also
[Panzer32] yes, we have plans for that
[Panzer32] you mean Lux, right?
[[ND]Borc] Lux, sorry)
[[ND]Borc] maybe i will also try to work out some ideas
[[ND]feanor0815] have to leave bye panzer
[[ND]Borc] ok, but not today
* [ND]feanor0815 has left #GoW_CoFA
[[ND]Borc] next week i will come earlier. will master zen be here then again?
[Panzer32] maybe, I don't know
[Panzer32] but I'm done school, so I'll be here right at the beginning
[[ND]Borc] ok... panzer please if you have more ideas send them to me... i also will try to develop a settlement plan
[[ND]Borc] zayxus, panzer i have to leave. zayxus: i will publish the chat log as soon as i will have it here
[[ND]Borc] bye arne... sorry i am in hurry now
[[ND]Zayxus] well bye
[[ND]Borc] cu all
* [ND]Borc has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[arne] bye
* [ND]Zayxus has quit IRC (Quit: bye, thx)
* arne has quit IRC (Quit: )Proud Member of the ISDG Apolyton Team; Member #2 in the Apolyton Yact Club.
King of Trafalgar and Lord of all Isolationia in the Civ III PTW Glory of War team.
May God Bless.