Is there any interest in a GoW PBEM game. The first one only found three people interested in playing, but is anyone else interested in starting up a new one?
So Far:
1) GhengisFarb - Persia
2) Panzer32 - Arabs
Sir Not Playing In This Game) Zero (Used to be Calc II)
3) UnOrthOdOx - Mongols
4) MasterZen - Germany
5) Hot_Enamel - France
6) Aggie - Aztecs
7) GodKing - America (like we will ever see that UU)
What civs do people want?
So Far:
1) GhengisFarb - Persia
2) Panzer32 - Arabs
Sir Not Playing In This Game) Zero (Used to be Calc II)
3) UnOrthOdOx - Mongols
4) MasterZen - Germany
5) Hot_Enamel - France
6) Aggie - Aztecs
7) GodKing - America (like we will ever see that UU)
What civs do people want?