I know this was discussed not long ago....but what are we aiming to build in Imperial City.
I thought Sistine's Chapel was suggested, but this will go against our agreement with Lego.
The best I can do using the 490bc save is to slow down the Great Library to 69 turns away.
I know our GA will shorten this, but surely we should still have a shot at leo's workshop. ?
Can we get Vox to tell us how far away they are from completeing engineering ?
I thought Sistine's Chapel was suggested, but this will go against our agreement with Lego.
4) GoW agrees to not attempt to build Sistine's Chapel and Bach's Cathedral as long as Legoland remains in the game.
The best I can do using the 490bc save is to slow down the Great Library to 69 turns away.
I know our GA will shorten this, but surely we should still have a shot at leo's workshop. ?

Can we get Vox to tell us how far away they are from completeing engineering ?