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For real: 3-way chat with RP and Vox - Wednesday 8:30 EST

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  • #16
    Ghengis that plan sounds very reasonable. How many do we move over there. Right now we are commited(so i understood) to 4 more units. Do we expand that number to more say 10. 10 Riders could be a formidable force and could then be moved for the RP war. Also with 3 defense there is no need for pikes.
    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


    • #17
      Believe me, pikes can do an extroardinary amount of damage by just pillaging. I say our commitmenet with Vox be in the form of 4 pikes and keep the horsies for the RP war. AFTER the RP our Riders would go to Estonia to kick some butt but I say we marshall our mounted units on bob.
      A true ally stabs you in the front.

      Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


      • #18
        They did say (Vox) they would prefer Pikes. I have no problem with sending them 4 Pike and Hording the Riders for Roleplay.

        Sounds like a fundraiser: "Riders for Roleplay."


        • #19

          BTW, I also like the settler and worker plan. I hope we can get into details soon since I am scared our industrial base is too weak to support a major war (much less 2).
          A true ally stabs you in the front.

          Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


          • #20
            From what I read, there is an implied threat is that if we don’t fully support Vox, they will come after us.

            Beta admitted Vox have been chatting to GS.
            GS are feeding them crap about us using them as our tool to hurt them both.
            Beta admits to seriously considering it.

            Remember, Vox has a history of erratic behaviour. They almost went to war with us over territory, and then all of a sudden, they switch and we are their allies against GS.

            If they believe their war is doomed, it would not surprise me that they take up a GS offer, and turn their attentions elsewhere. ie us

            GS was always dangerous, but now, they are dangerously powerful, and take over from Lego as the #1 threat.

            I have to admit, I did not really want to get involved in a Vox/GS war.
            Vox left it too late, and they should have gotten rid of that observer diplomatically. They gave GS 3 or more turns to get their defences up. The first thing GS should of known about a war, was a stack of immortals 1-2 tiles from their capital

            But...we are committed, and I unfortunately think, we will have to fully commit to the war.
            This means more than just pikes and/or horsemen.

            I think GS have multiple catapults. Pikes will be bombarded to 1 health, in a couple of rounds, and then killed. They will have no means of retreat to a safe city to heal, and would be lucky to pillage 1 tile.

            Horsemen don’t have the attack range.

            We will probably have to commit to Riders.

            My plan would be....

            Tell Vox to declare peace. Get out of the war as quick as possible.
            Hopefully, GS will want to spend the rest of their GA in peaceful expansion.
            We ship over Horsemen
            Roleplay commits as many Medieval Infantry as possible
            Vox continues to manufacture Immortals
            I assume Lego is funding the war, and would not commit troops
            It would be nice to get ND to commit a few pikes, and 3-4 scouts for pillaging. That is not much from ND, and they can still concentrate on building up against RP.

            As soon as we get Chivalry.
            1. We invade a Vox city with a barracks….A legendary fake war #2 against Vox, but this time with us as the aggressor. We use this as a smokescreen.
            2. Next round, we upgrade to riders.
            3. Next round, GoW riders, RP medieval infantry, Vox immortals, ND Pikes & Scouts for pillaging, stream over the border.
            4. An all or nothing war happens and GS is destroyed.

            Now….for this to happen.

            Lego is financing Vox for their immortal upgrades. Will Lego finance our Rider upgrades ? Even finance us via Vox ?

            Vox will have to declare peace… and somehow convince GS, it is in their best interest not to press on with the war. Perhaps Vox can accept that GoW was their puppet master, and tell GS they will seek revenge on us ? It would give us a good reason to “attack”, and take one of their cities.

            Will ND cough up some scouts & Pikes ? Can we trust them ?
            ND may be pissed at us for concentrating of GS, and not focusing on our agreed war against RP. We must sell our side of the story convincingly to ND, that GS is far more dangerous than RP, They need to be dealt with first. Also, at a minimum, we are causing RP to remove their offence, and commit them to a different theatre of war. RP would be wide open to an ND attack.

            We need full details of who is committing what. The timing for all this has to be perfect.
            This means getting RP’s committed forces, and Vox’s military capability. A perfectly timed multi-team offensive must be planned. And I would feal far more comfortable if our team came up with this plan. We are the best at this.

            I believe the alternative…of just sending 4 Pikes &/or Horsemen will not satisfy Vox. If we don’t fully align with Vox, we will end up having a very pissed off neighbour. And we don’t want this while we are at war against RP on the other side of the continent.
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