Place any new orders etc, here.
GhengisFarb: War
MasterZen: Foreign Affairs
Panzer32: Internal Affairs
Kings: (Renames in parenthesis)
GhengisFarb: Imperial City and camps; Port Isolation.
Donegeal: Dreadnautica and Skulgaria(occupied)
Panzer32: Trafalgar
Unorthodox: Camulodunum
MasterZen: Zenophobia
Hot_Enamel: The Hill (other possiblities: "The Land Up Under")
Gave Skulgaria to Donegeal since neither Aggie nor UberKrux want a city.
GhengisFarb: War
MasterZen: Foreign Affairs
Panzer32: Internal Affairs
Kings: (Renames in parenthesis)
GhengisFarb: Imperial City and camps; Port Isolation.
Donegeal: Dreadnautica and Skulgaria(occupied)
Panzer32: Trafalgar
Unorthodox: Camulodunum
MasterZen: Zenophobia
Hot_Enamel: The Hill (other possiblities: "The Land Up Under")
Gave Skulgaria to Donegeal since neither Aggie nor UberKrux want a city.