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Do we want a City Infocenter thread?

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  • Do we want a City Infocenter thread?

    In the next post should be a table showing the current status of our cities - it's incomplete and very much a work-in-progress at present. I just want to get some feedback before I put time into updating and polishing it.

    1) Is this useful? HTML tables are a nightmare to manipulate, but I don't mind updating this table for each turn if people will find it helpful.

    2) Does anyone have any better ideas about how we can display this information? I had thought of an Excel file - much easier to maintain - but I don't know how to get it to appear in a post. Screenshots wouldn't be practical. Is there a better way?
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.

  • #2
    Name Size BuildingsGarrisonProducing
    Eye of the Storm 10 - 4 CITYBUILDINGCITYGARRISON War Chariot 1
    Tempest 6 - 4 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISONPikeman 3
    Bolderburg 6 - 11 CITYBUILDINGCITYGARRISONWar Chariot 1
    Tornado 6 - 20 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON War Chariot 1
    Typhoon 5 - 13 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Galley - 2
    Hurricane 11 - 4 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Pikeman - 2
    Cyclone 4 - 1 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Worker - 2
    Sandstorm 1 - 1 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Worker - 5
    Monsoon 1 - 3 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Temple - 14
    Whirlwind 1 - 20 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Catapult - 10
    Olibanum Gate 1 - 6 CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Temple - 8
    Arashi 4 - x CITYBUILDING CITYGARRISON Walls - 1
    Last edited by Aeson; April 15, 2003, 13:57.
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


    • #3
      If somebody who knows HTML could edit the above post and work out why there is a huge blank space above the table I would be very grateful.

      It's got me stumped!
      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


      • #4
        Good work.

        A request, though I know it means more work, sorry:

        Can we have a column for barracks/no barracks? That way, we don't look at a city w/o barracks and suggest building units there.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #5
          Good idea, Arrian, I'm doing that now.

          Also, I'm still very confused about why the table has a big blank space above it. I saved the code as a text file with the .html extension, loaded it up in IE and it looked perfect. Why won't it work in the forum? Anyone know?
          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


          • #6
            I think that's what we have the buildings column for. Still, you raise a good point - if we have something like this, it's important that we can see immediately which cities have barracks. I suggest that barracks that appear in the list of buildings for a city will be bolded or colored or something.
            I'd also suggest a column titled "Infrastructure", which could contain the values none, lacking (not all worked land tiles are fully improved), sufficient (all worked land tiles are fully improved) and overdone (or any other name that fits; all worked land tiles and some additional tiles within the city radius are fully improved).
            This could turn out to be very useful. We can all keep it up-to-date thanks to the editing bug. It needs to be formatted into a more editing-friendly form first - I can do this later, after we've agreed on the structure of the template.

            Dunno about the HTML thing though, sorry. This is not the first time I see this problem - perhaps you should ask in off-topic what is wrong with your code.
            "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
            And the truth isn't what you want to see,
            Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
            - Phantom of the Opera


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shiber

              This could turn out to be very useful. We can all keep it up-to-date thanks to the editing bug. It needs to be formatted into a more editing-friendly form first - I can do this later, after we've agreed on the structure of the template.

              What follows (prolly miles down the page ) is a more updated layout. I'm off now to get some actual data from the save to go into those cells.

              Eye of the Storm 10 - 4 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON War Chariot 1
              Tempest 6 - 4 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Pikeman 3
              Bolderburg 6 - 11 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON War Chariot 1
              Tornado 6 - 20 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON War Chariot 1
              Typhoon 5 - 13 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Galley - 2
              Hurricane 11 - 4 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Pikeman - 2
              Cyclone 4 - 1 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Worker - 2
              Sandstorm 1 - 1 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Worker - 5
              Monsoon 1 - 3 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Temple - 14
              Whirlwind 1 - 20 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Catapult - 10
              Olibanum Gate 1 - 6 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Temple - 8
              Arashi 4 - x CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Walls - 1
              Sufa 3 - 6 CITYBUILDING RAX?? CITYGARRISON Galley - 5
              Last edited by Aeson; April 15, 2003, 14:00.
              If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


              • #8
                Yep, it's done it again.

                I'll PM Markos about this, I'd rather not post the code in the OT because that would mean having to edit out all the sensitve data first.
                If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                • #9
                  Slight problem: I can only note the Garrisons for each vity from the BEGINNING of the turn, not the end - because that's all I see when I open the save. Without knowing every single move Nathan made I can't know how things were moved around.

                  Unless Nathan (or whoever plays the turn) wants to update the Garrisons in this table every turn then the info will always be 1 turn behind. Does greatly devalue the usefulness of this table? Shall I even bother with the Garrison column?
                  If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                  • #10
                    Make sure to wrap all html in the CODE /CODE tags (in []'s)


                    • #11
                      Eye of the Storm 10(4) Palace Granary YES - War Chariot 1
                      Tempest 6(4) - YES Vet: WC Pikeman 3
                      Bolderberg 6(11) - YES - War Chariot 1
                      Tornado 6(20) - YES - War Chariot 1
                      Typhoon 5(13) Temple - - Galley 2
                      Hurricane 11(4) Great Lighthouse YES Vet: Sword (2) Pikeman 2
                      Cyclone 4(1) Granary - - Worker 2
                      Sandstorm 1(1) - - - Worker 5
                      Monsoon 1(3) - - - Temple 14
                      Whirlwind 1(20) ??? ??? ??? Catapult 10
                      Olibanum Gate 1(6) - - - Temple 8
                      Arashi 4(x) - YES Vet: Spear (2), Sword (1), WC (2) Reg: Sword (2), Warrior (1) Walls 1
                      Sufa 3(6) - - - Galley 5
                      77 of Eots 1 Vet WC
                      9 of Arashi 1 Vet Sword
                      999 of Arashi 1 Vet WC, 1 Elite WC
                      99996 of Arashi 1 Elite WC
                      9 of Hurricane 1 Reg Sword
                      6 of Monsoon 1 Vet Spear, 1 Reg Warrior
                      Last edited by FrustratedPoet; April 15, 2003, 15:01.
                      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                      • #12
                        and you don't need the HTML or BODY tags... just the table itself (that's what the smaller gap left is)


                        • #13
                          I'm a fool!


                          It needs some formatting work, but that's a huge help.

                          Markos: If you ever read this, sorry to have bothered you with the PM.
                          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                          • #14
                            It's one of those things that just isn't that intuitive IMO. I had the same problem myself back when I first was trying to post tables.


                            • #15

                              Great idea, sorry you couldn't make it to the chat

