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Turn 86, 875 BC

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  • #16
    Team scores:

    172 (+3) Gathering Storm
    181 (+4) Demogyptica
    150 (+3) Glory of War
    183 (+3) Role Play
    126 (+2) Vox Controli
    184 (+2) Legoland


    • #17
      Is anyone in Anarchy right now?


      • #18
        No one's in Anarchy, but RolePlay is in Monarchy! I guess they're being true to their role, but they've pretty well guaranteed that they won't be in contention for the tech lead.


        • #19
          Pyramids would finish in 13 turns at our current rate. I'm thinking probably spend two turns (one with two workers and one with three) after this turn roading the iron mountain and then add the three workers to Hurricane and bump the luxury slider up to 20%.


          • #20
            That's nice of them to go to Monarchy, nice of Lego and Vox to lay off going to Republic too.


            • #21
              Just so long as Lego's waiting doesn't help them beat us to the Pyramids.

              Shots sent.


              • #22
                Monarchy / research: it may depend... because of the free units, monarchy isn't that bad if you have lots of troops, lots of cities, but no high-pop cities. But of course, it can't last if they want to grow bigger...



                • #23
                  Originally posted by nbarclay
                  Just so long as Lego's waiting doesn't help them beat us to the Pyramids.
                  IIRC Lego said in the latest chat that the Pyramids is a prebuild for another wonder. Since they seem so concerned about happiness, perhaps they are prebuilding the Sistine or JS Bach's?
                  Alternatively, they could have lied to us and they are in fact building the Pyramids and are so close to completion that they are delaying the switch to Republic to after the Pyramids are done, fearing that we might be close enough to snatch the Pyramids while Lego is still in anarchy.
                  "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                  And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                  Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                  - Phantom of the Opera

