"WAR!! (duh duh) What is it good for?
Absolutely noth... Absolutely clearing our continent of the Voxian scum!!
Say it again, now:
[The above song lyrics contain no derision, arrogance, or unprofessional sentiment... just good ol' fashioned WARMONGERING!!]
Here is my thinking:
The approach to Dissidentville is highly disadvantageous to fastmovers, in that no matter how we attack, there will be an opportunity for an Immortal preemptive counter-attack. Thus, I would certainly prefer Swordsmen (D2) across the mountains (an excellent path would be 88 from Arashi).
Additionally, the iron colony is on a mountain, so, assuming at some point we want to attack it (maybe not), and assuming fortified Spearmen or Immortals, a tough proposition for Horsemen / WCs.
Lastly, I worry about towns built on hills up north, and would want the extra strength of a 3 attack.
I'd like to see a stack of, say, 2 vet and 4 reg Swords and 2 Spears take out D-ville, continuing on to the north 888 to where the road branches.
If we have the capacity, it might be interesting to also present 2 or so WCs 9 from D-ville... if one survived, it could pillage the road to the colony one to two turns earlier (certainly creating a dilemna for Vox).
While this is happening, a few reg Swords and the WCs stay back on defensive, with strong Spearmen encampments at key defensive points, especially 9 from Arashi, and of course in the forward towns, in order to create killzones. It'll be interesting to see what Vox does with any units protecting the colony.
I do NOT, btw, want to pillage the road branch tile, but rather the tile to its east (8899 from D-ville).
Concurrently pump out WCs / Horsemen, and sweep north to the jungle road branch tile... make this our forward encampment, heal up, and destroy any Immortals foolish enough to venture south. When ready, deliver the coup-de-grace, using the oh-so-convenient road to attack 778 over the hills.
BTW, this would mean that we do not have to build the NW-most town next to the iron, but instead 777 from Arashi.
Absolutely noth... Absolutely clearing our continent of the Voxian scum!!
Say it again, now:
[The above song lyrics contain no derision, arrogance, or unprofessional sentiment... just good ol' fashioned WARMONGERING!!]
Here is my thinking:
The approach to Dissidentville is highly disadvantageous to fastmovers, in that no matter how we attack, there will be an opportunity for an Immortal preemptive counter-attack. Thus, I would certainly prefer Swordsmen (D2) across the mountains (an excellent path would be 88 from Arashi).
Additionally, the iron colony is on a mountain, so, assuming at some point we want to attack it (maybe not), and assuming fortified Spearmen or Immortals, a tough proposition for Horsemen / WCs.
Lastly, I worry about towns built on hills up north, and would want the extra strength of a 3 attack.
I'd like to see a stack of, say, 2 vet and 4 reg Swords and 2 Spears take out D-ville, continuing on to the north 888 to where the road branches.
If we have the capacity, it might be interesting to also present 2 or so WCs 9 from D-ville... if one survived, it could pillage the road to the colony one to two turns earlier (certainly creating a dilemna for Vox).
While this is happening, a few reg Swords and the WCs stay back on defensive, with strong Spearmen encampments at key defensive points, especially 9 from Arashi, and of course in the forward towns, in order to create killzones. It'll be interesting to see what Vox does with any units protecting the colony.
I do NOT, btw, want to pillage the road branch tile, but rather the tile to its east (8899 from D-ville).
Concurrently pump out WCs / Horsemen, and sweep north to the jungle road branch tile... make this our forward encampment, heal up, and destroy any Immortals foolish enough to venture south. When ready, deliver the coup-de-grace, using the oh-so-convenient road to attack 778 over the hills.
BTW, this would mean that we do not have to build the NW-most town next to the iron, but instead 777 from Arashi.
