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Turn 83, 950 BC

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  • Turn 83, 950 BC

    To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.

    - Researching Republic at 100%, ready in 1 turn.
    - 317 gold cash, +0 gpt (thanks to our 5gpt from ND).

    Urgent questions:
    - Offer from Legoland, see contact thread

    - I suppose, our new settler in Cyclone goes 987.

    - EotS works at 3 irrigated floodplains, one mined fur and one mined grassland
    - [Still need to make a decision on Cyclone and the neighboring cities.]

    - New worker in EotS moves 7-7-4.
    - Worker 3-2 from EotS moves 7-7-7. (Tentative plan is for him to road the way to the incense for our next settler.)
    - Worker 8-7 from Arashi builds road
    - All other worker actions are covered by the standing orders

    - Discuss the Legoland offer. 80 gold for compensation seems too many, at least to me.

    Thread library:
    - Standing orders for workers
    Last edited by nbarclay; March 29, 2003, 09:17.

  • #2
    Turn is already here, so we should hurry up with the discussion (although we just entered our Green hours).

    Lego offers Construction and Currency, but without having it accepted.

    Team scores:

    163 (+4) Gathering Storm
    171 (+4) Demogyptica
    141 (+3) Glory of War
    175 (+3) Role Play
    121 (+2) Vox Controli
    176 (+2) Legoland


    • #3
      I'll play the turn in a few minutes if that's okay. I've been wanting to do more looking at options and micromanaging than would have been practical for me to do trying to plan things in advance. (And I'll bet I can get that beaker.)

      My thought is to go ahead and accept Lego's offer of Construction and Currency and send them an e-mail confirming the delivery date for Republic. Unless they accept their end before we get Republic, we lose a turn on our next research (not that it will matter nearly as much in Republic as it does in Despotism).

      By the way, do we want to build some vet warriors for possible upgrade to swordsmen, or do we want to focus on WCs and maybe the occasional spearman? Swordsmen would be useful in a near-term attack on Vox, but in the longer term (even if we'd just wait until we have knights to attack), they're a low-value unit that costs gold for upkeep.



      • #4
        I have the needed gold, and even can manage to scrounge an extra (not that it matters).


        • #5
          Could you please delay the file a bit- We still have to sort things with Lego before the deal is complete: now they want 80(!) gold compensation. Of course that won't happen, and we still have some time before the next chat with them. So please don't hurry up!
          Save the rainforests!
          Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


          • #6
            Can anyone say definitively whether there's any point to keeping Cyclone growing at full speed? If we keep it growing full speed, we'd hit what would be size 7 if we had an aqueduct the turn we build a settler, but we won't have the aqueduct. I've never watched growth closely enough to see what happens under those circumstances. My inclination is to lend other cities some growth-oriented tiles for a couple turns if keeping Cyclone's growth rate up doesn't offer an advantage.


            • #7
              Nathan, AFAIK the city simply keeps at full food box, not reaching 7, and wasting any excess food. If we build a worker later on, it will go to size 6, full granary, and add the food gathered in the turn the worker gets build (I think, not totally certain that it won't be a empty foodbox with a full granary instead).

              Without an aquaduct, you won't lose your granary food, if that was your question



              • #8
                My concern is that if we would go to 4 with a full food box, and from there to five with an empty food box (but still the food in the granary) the following turn, that would have the effect of wasting a turn's growth. (Four with a full food box and five with an empty one are equivalent states in terms of food status.)


                • #9
                  I found a use for the extra gold I found after all: making one of Hurricane's laborers an entertainer so the city won't riot while we're in anarchy.


                  • #10
                    I'm not sure on that, Nathan... I thought it was 5 with half foodbox, but don't take my word for it



                    • #11
                      I just ran an experiment, and a turn's food production is in fact wasted going from size 4 with a full food box to size 5 with no food beyond what's in the granary. So I'll reshuffle what tiles are worked to slow down Cyclone's growth for this turn and next turn (gaining a total of five food in two turns instead of one) in order to take maximum advantage of our food bonus tiles.


                      • #12
                        Screenshots on their way.


                        • #13
                          At size 6, full food box, we drop to size 4, full food box, when a Settler is produced. It's terribly inefficient unless we go with 0 excess food the turn after the Settler.


                          • #14
                            I can send the turn any time. Do we want to go ahead and send it now or wait a little longer to buy time for negotiations with Legoland?


                            • #15
                              I'm still waiting for an answer on whether to hang on to the turn or send it.

