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Turn 70, 1275 BC

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  • Turn 70, 1275 BC

    To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.

    - Researching Republic at 100%.
    - 289 gold cash (assuming GoW completes our deal), +1 gpt (thanks to our 5gpt from ND).

    Urgent questions:

    - Settler founds new city (Typhoon?)

    - Typhoon(?) works wheat, starts temple.
    - Tempest finishes worker, starts another worker.
    - New worker from Tempest moves 8.
    - See the "Standing orders for workers" thread if any other workers need orders.
    - Move Tornado's mined grassland laborer to the recently mined grassland 8-9 from the city and move Cyclone's new laborer to the mined grassland with shield the Tornado laborer had been working.


    Thread library:
    - Standing orders for workers
    Last edited by Harovan; March 9, 2003, 03:52.

  • #2
    Re: Turn 70, 1275 BC

    Originally posted by nbarclay
    - Settler founds new city (Typhoon?)
    for Typhoon.
    We decided to go with the storm theme, so we'll have to name a city Typhoon sooner or later.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #3
      Opening the turn. GoW offers contact to Lego. Since no deal is hammered out yet, we decline.

      Score information:

      127 (+2) Gathering Storm
      134 (+3) Demogyptica
      113 (+2) Glory of War
      141 (+2) Role Play
      99 (+2) Vox Controli
      148 (+3) Legoland


      • #4
        Turn played and will sent within the next minutes. Same with screenshots. I moved Zonk (our southern outlook) towards Cyclone, because without garrison it would riot in 2 turns, yet before it builds the settler.


        • #5
          Can we switch Bolderberg to a WC build? They look pretty good in their blue ... and for garrisoning purposes they can cover more cities right now. We have the Warriors to cover all our cities, but if we do mess up and forget to garrison a city before it needs it (easier to do as we will be adding workers pretty soon) WC's can respond sooner.


          • #6
            Added advantage is that we can parade it in front of anybody coming too close to our empire, which will mean it will show up in their military advisors. But being blue is a good reason as well



            • #7
              euh.. just noticed... Aeson this is the wrong thread to ask for a WC, this turn was already played. Which also makes it the wrong thread to reply too



              • #8
                Oops... the 1250 thread would have been better. I momentarily must have forgot we are still in the BC's.

