We are going to have 3, and possibly 5, Aquaduct cities by ~700BC. Here is an estimate of what we can expect from each of them as far as production and improvements go. The numbers are assuming we trigger our GA. Looking at either of the scenarios in the GS Scenario thread can help visualize the impact that each of these cities makes on their neighbors. In some cases it's almost nil (EotS as described, Hurricane), and in others it really makes a difference.
If we should miss the Pyramids... there are always WC's. We could better time our GA then, but miss out on all those free Granaries.
EotS - At size 9 we can be producing 20 shields per turn here. Temporarily we can boost this to 25 as would be helpful in building a Marketplace, but food would be an issue. Good uses for a 20 shield per turn city are Barracks + Spears/WC's, Improvements, or even a Wonder. The alternative is to continue to flood with 2 turn workers, though we can actually keep growing slowly at the same time.
Hurricane - At size 12 (Irrigated Grassland, Mined Mountain and Iron) we hit 30 shields per turn. This is the best site for a second wonder, but with a Barracks already it is also the best site for Horsemen/Swords, and with a Harbor build it's also the best site for Galley production. Not to mention the possibility of building Improvements here.
Tempest - At size 12 we hit 30 shields per turn here as well, but it may need 3-4 turns into our GA to reach this point. Possibilities for this city are much the same as Hurricanes 'land' ones.
Possible Aquaduct cities:
Spinebreaker Ridge city N of Tempest - Built on the river, this city would come with an Aquaduct free. It will have a Barracks before the GA. At size 10 with a Courthouse (and 3 mined Mountains.. ~ halfway through our GA) it can be producing 20 shields per turn, but it is a much better cannidate for 15 (Size 9, no Courthouse, 3 Mined Mountains) or 10 per turn. Almost certainly should be producing units, but some Improvements (Library, Marketplace) inbetween would be useful if we aren't specifically gearing up for a war. Also a decent cannidate for a Middle Ages Wonder prebuild, or even our FP (for later Leader rushing our Palace elsewhere). In the case of a wonder prebuild, a Library or Marketplace could replace the Barracks build and we could take our time building it up (those mountains take a lot of worker turns).
Cyclone - One of the coastal cities would be better for an Aquaduct in terms of growth, commerce, and naval capacity, but if we need another production powerhouse (20 shields per turn) this is probably the only other spot for it for quite some time. Any of the coastal cities just won't have enough shields without cannibalizing their neighbors. The best site for building Workers (after our Settlers are all produced) to help build up the populations and terrain improvements of any of the above cities, in which case an Aquaduct isn't necessary.
Useful non-Aquaduct cities:
Tornado - If we want a 15 shield per turn Galley producer, this is the site. Doesn't even require an Aquaduct, just to not chop the Forest N of it (better than giving it another Shielded Grassland from another city, seeing as it will be sitting at size 6). Could be ready by the time our GA hits, but takes a Barracks out of the unit rotation.
SW of Cyclone - Hit harder by corruption than Tornado. 10 shields per turn (size 6) would be the target here. Even that makes the city E almost shieldless though.
Any other throughts as to major production sites we should try to set up by around 710BC?
If we should miss the Pyramids... there are always WC's. We could better time our GA then, but miss out on all those free Granaries.
EotS - At size 9 we can be producing 20 shields per turn here. Temporarily we can boost this to 25 as would be helpful in building a Marketplace, but food would be an issue. Good uses for a 20 shield per turn city are Barracks + Spears/WC's, Improvements, or even a Wonder. The alternative is to continue to flood with 2 turn workers, though we can actually keep growing slowly at the same time.
Hurricane - At size 12 (Irrigated Grassland, Mined Mountain and Iron) we hit 30 shields per turn. This is the best site for a second wonder, but with a Barracks already it is also the best site for Horsemen/Swords, and with a Harbor build it's also the best site for Galley production. Not to mention the possibility of building Improvements here.
Tempest - At size 12 we hit 30 shields per turn here as well, but it may need 3-4 turns into our GA to reach this point. Possibilities for this city are much the same as Hurricanes 'land' ones.
Possible Aquaduct cities:
Spinebreaker Ridge city N of Tempest - Built on the river, this city would come with an Aquaduct free. It will have a Barracks before the GA. At size 10 with a Courthouse (and 3 mined Mountains.. ~ halfway through our GA) it can be producing 20 shields per turn, but it is a much better cannidate for 15 (Size 9, no Courthouse, 3 Mined Mountains) or 10 per turn. Almost certainly should be producing units, but some Improvements (Library, Marketplace) inbetween would be useful if we aren't specifically gearing up for a war. Also a decent cannidate for a Middle Ages Wonder prebuild, or even our FP (for later Leader rushing our Palace elsewhere). In the case of a wonder prebuild, a Library or Marketplace could replace the Barracks build and we could take our time building it up (those mountains take a lot of worker turns).
Cyclone - One of the coastal cities would be better for an Aquaduct in terms of growth, commerce, and naval capacity, but if we need another production powerhouse (20 shields per turn) this is probably the only other spot for it for quite some time. Any of the coastal cities just won't have enough shields without cannibalizing their neighbors. The best site for building Workers (after our Settlers are all produced) to help build up the populations and terrain improvements of any of the above cities, in which case an Aquaduct isn't necessary.
Useful non-Aquaduct cities:
Tornado - If we want a 15 shield per turn Galley producer, this is the site. Doesn't even require an Aquaduct, just to not chop the Forest N of it (better than giving it another Shielded Grassland from another city, seeing as it will be sitting at size 6). Could be ready by the time our GA hits, but takes a Barracks out of the unit rotation.
SW of Cyclone - Hit harder by corruption than Tornado. 10 shields per turn (size 6) would be the target here. Even that makes the city E almost shieldless though.
Any other throughts as to major production sites we should try to set up by around 710BC?