To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.
- Research idling at 0% investment (technically on Philosophy). May get to start Republic this turn.
- 382 gold cash (including GoW's 100 surity), about +32 per turn if we don't start researching.
Urgent questions:
- What do we want to build in Tempest? (Currently set on a worker, but we could still change this turn or next.)
- How do we want to respond to Vox's request for gold?
- New settler in Cyclone moves 2-1 toward the site of the future city of ??? (Typhoon, maybe?)
- If Vox delivers Philosophy this turn, set research to Republic at 100%.
- EotS finishes worker, starts another worker.
- Cyclone finishes settler, starts another settler.
- New worker in EotS moves 3.
- Rearrange EotS and Hurricane so Hurricane has all four irrigated furs and EotS works three flood plains and the mined grassland. (We're about to grow EotS half a pop point building a 3-tuirn worker, if that's okay with everyone, so EotS can afford to let Hurricane have the good tiles while we're doing that.)
- Worker on the horse tile finishes road, moves 7.
- Move Bolderburg's laborer currently on the unimproved grassland to the plains we're about to finish irrigating.
- Rearrange Tempest's laborers to work two flood plains.
- Make sure Cyclone is working the irrigated game, the mined wheat, and two roaded grasslands with shield.
- May have some residual communications with GoW to take care of.
- Need to address Vox's request for gold to buy Map Making from GoW.
- Need tell Vox what to research next.
- Research idling at 0% investment (technically on Philosophy). May get to start Republic this turn.
- 382 gold cash (including GoW's 100 surity), about +32 per turn if we don't start researching.
Urgent questions:
- What do we want to build in Tempest? (Currently set on a worker, but we could still change this turn or next.)
- How do we want to respond to Vox's request for gold?
- New settler in Cyclone moves 2-1 toward the site of the future city of ??? (Typhoon, maybe?)
- If Vox delivers Philosophy this turn, set research to Republic at 100%.
- EotS finishes worker, starts another worker.
- Cyclone finishes settler, starts another settler.
- New worker in EotS moves 3.
- Rearrange EotS and Hurricane so Hurricane has all four irrigated furs and EotS works three flood plains and the mined grassland. (We're about to grow EotS half a pop point building a 3-tuirn worker, if that's okay with everyone, so EotS can afford to let Hurricane have the good tiles while we're doing that.)
- Worker on the horse tile finishes road, moves 7.
- Move Bolderburg's laborer currently on the unimproved grassland to the plains we're about to finish irrigating.
- Rearrange Tempest's laborers to work two flood plains.
- Make sure Cyclone is working the irrigated game, the mined wheat, and two roaded grasslands with shield.
- May have some residual communications with GoW to take care of.
- Need to address Vox's request for gold to buy Map Making from GoW.
- Need tell Vox what to research next.