To be edited by the leaders of the Scholia.
- Researching Code of Laws at 100%, ready in 1 turn. Adjust Science Slider!!!
- 44 gold cash, -2 per turn
- Eye of the Storm's radius expands next turn.
Urgent questions:
- Settler founds the new city (Tornado if no one comes up with a better name).
- Tornado starts work on a barracks.
- Bolderberg switches to working an unimproved grassland while Cyclone switches to using the game tile we finish irrigating this turn. (We'll swap back next turn, and then back again permanently the turn after.)
- Worker by Tempest starts irrigating.
- Don't forget to adjust the science slider to avoid waste!
- Offer Lux Writing in-game. (I forgot to last turn. - Nathan)
- Get our trade deals finalized!
- Researching Code of Laws at 100%, ready in 1 turn. Adjust Science Slider!!!
- 44 gold cash, -2 per turn
- Eye of the Storm's radius expands next turn.
Urgent questions:
- Settler founds the new city (Tornado if no one comes up with a better name).
- Tornado starts work on a barracks.
- Bolderberg switches to working an unimproved grassland while Cyclone switches to using the game tile we finish irrigating this turn. (We'll swap back next turn, and then back again permanently the turn after.)
- Worker by Tempest starts irrigating.
- Don't forget to adjust the science slider to avoid waste!
- Offer Lux Writing in-game. (I forgot to last turn. - Nathan)
- Get our trade deals finalized!