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  • "Invade us when you get to marines..."

    We're also allowed to use Sistine as a prebuild - and what are we going to do when it is 90% complete and the only other available wonder has just gone to Lego?


    • Originally posted by asleepathewheel
      edit: I think all the teams agreed to it....... did RP? I'm not sure if not, we gift them workers to pump their city to 12 and see how long would take for them to crank it out, then they hand over the city. HaHA. No, I'm pretty sure they agreed to this as well.
      apparently rp have agreed to a no-sistine with lego

      What did we get for the agreement?
      RP lied, said they were prebuilding it and got a fortune for not building it.
      Are we having fun yet?


      • We got Theology for free I think (also in exchange for allowing vox to flee)

        here is the exact treaty:

        Legoland-GS Theology Trade Agreement

        1) Legoland agrees to provide Gathering Storm (GS) with Theology immediately after signing this agreement. GS agrees to not resell/trade/gift this technology to any other party for 20 turns from receiving it. After these 20 turns, GS agrees to not trade Theology to any other team, unless that team also agrees to not build Sistine's Chapel as part of the trade.

        2) GS agrees to not attempt to build Sistine's Chapel as long as Legoland remains in the game.

        That's it. Now, in the other lego treaties, there is a "spirit of the agreement" clause. Not in this one. I say we start building a wonder (say adam smith) and if they get it in lego, we build it and tell them to shove off.

        We got hosed in this, and didn't know about it for 6 months! Haha. I wonder if they knew what they were doing when they wrote this,or if its just something that they figured out along the way.


        • Why don't we start a city on Sistine and see if they notice and say anything. Will antagonize them a bit. Oh sorry Vond, with the change in leadership and all...Oh, Vond, we are just prebuilding using worries man.


          • Ah, this further down.....from deepo to Vond: (I feel like some historian digging through old archives )

            I hereby officially declare the deal on Theology as ratified by Gathering Storm. Many thanks for another fine deal, we hope many more will follow.

            There was one thing which for a very brief moment worried some of our members: we're not planning on doing it, but we're hoping that in case of emergency, we could use the Sistine as a prebuild for another wonder. Your proposal does not explicitely forbids this, and we don't think it would be against the spirit of the deal, but just had to check this before you got upset, seeing us building the Sistine.
            In no case will we actually build the Sistine, no matter if it would be allowed as a prebuild.


            • Man, at this point I am tempted to toss a bird at EVERYONE.

              We retreat to an impregnable Stormia, and inform all other teams that while we respect their accomplishments we are generally pissed off and irritable, and would like to re-visit ALL current understandings / deals / relationships.

              We may or may not have a chance at winning this thing... but we, more so than Lego, have the opportunity to be the king maker!! (and maybe leverage that into more)

              I don;t know my Euro history as well as I should. We are... Netherlands? Belgium?

              And in RL, where is the seat of the European Union, and where is NATO?

              We can win by thinking outside of the box. In fact... there is no box.
              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


              • We probably don't need to toss birds at anyone - they'll be coming our way.

                Check the GoW log - they say they want to make up with us. Lego's talking about generous trade terms. ND assure us they bear no grudge. Vox is talking tech trades. The only Civ not making encouraging noises is RP - for whom the clock is ticking.

                How's this for 'outside of the box'? : "For Sale : Neutrality." (in 20-turn doses)


                • Originally posted by Arrian
                  Goddamnit to hell, ****! ****sucking muther****ing map generator!

                  You mean to tell me we have an island mostly comprised of plains, desert, hills and mountains and we don't have a single source of saltpeter?
                  Here's one for Soren's thread. :chuckle:

