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DIPLO: Legoland Comments

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  • DIPLO: Legoland Comments

    Okay... I didn't found any other thread, so let's start this as our comments thread on the legoland log

    First comment: we just finished a chat with legoland. I'm not sure about how it went, the pace changed greatly.
    In short, first I was chatting with q_m, but he is a terribly typer (or at least so it seemed), where I had to wait sometimes minutes before something got back. I was not getting any info out of him, while I needed to give too much info myself... not good. Primary reason for them to call us to a chat was to tell us there is a 1-tile shallow between our continent, and what they call Bob. (Lux etc.)

    After a while, zeit, vondrack and redstar1 joined in, and the chat took of a bit. I'm not sure we did right, maybe it's an idea to give some comments on what we should have mentioned, and what not. As far as possible, I tried to avoid solliciting information, a goal that was certainly violated in the beginning. Later on, the balance was more to our side, I think.

    Things we learned from them: they are isolated, and thus nearly beelined for MM, which they have discovered now. They are very close to build a galley (one galley, it seems, no talk about galleys), and are discussing where to send him to. They are not planning on the lighthouse yet, but anticipate that if the galley doesn't find a passable way to other continents (and they think this is very likely, as they are certain that all around them there is at least sea, and not coast), they want to start / convert into building the lighthouse.

    Further, they have a large quantity of dyes, and not very good terrain. They called their territory an island at first, but it was my impression it's quite big. It at least has varied terrain, in that they have lots of jungle, a river, desert (possible fps, they didn't answer that one but didn't deny it either), and a peninsula which is mostly mountains. Lastly, there are a lot of barbs which are giveing them headaches, but also a few promotions, and a lot of cash. They mention that they have 3 cities, but I'm not certain whether this meant it was difficult for them to get 3 cities going in the jungle, or they have only 3 cities, and nothing else.

    Legoland is interested in trading, and realizes that they are getting behind big time. Occasionally they have contact with other teams, some of which have said them they were going for MM (which we countered, BTW), and they said all the contacted teams were researching tier 3 techs.
    They asked what they could trade for techs, and we explored a few possibilities. Maps wasn't agreed on once, but both gold, and slaves was acceptable. They even volunteered to sail their slaves to us, and let us capture them, or give a non-cultured city just to be able to trade slaves, after which the city would be gifted back. Quite encouraging, they said they didn't like the slave deal, but knew that they were going to do something to get even in tech... I would certainly try to get in contact with them, as this can become quite interesting to us, and is an advantage that better not fall in one of the other teams hands.

    So, what did we disclose? a lot of talk about Bob, as they were worried a bit, or at least interested on hearing our opinion. Further, little geographical info: we didn't tell them our lux (except for not having gems), we said we had mixed terrain, that our continent was long but thin. They were interested in our situaton with Vox, on which we said it was very tense at first, but improving. The reason for the possible tension came from a blockade, which let them roam free, while we were constrained. (little details on this).

    My impression of this chat, but it might have been engineered that way, was that the high score of lego had more to do with a large territory, and not of a high population. And power mostly comes from fighting of barb camps. Further, they might have wanted to let us believe that their island is small, but there are multiple reasons to doubt that, the abundance of barbs for one thing. OTOH, them having only one luxury suggests it's no 2-civ continent either.

    Other things? I forgot... I'm hungry, started on this right after getting back from work, in desperate need for a sigaret, and I want to do my turn on the Euro game... I'm going to need to pick one option


  • #2
    I like the way that you handled the chat. We've given them a lot of information that didn't mean much to them, or that was publicly available, and received some information about their terrain, their problems with barbarians, their number of cities, their tech standing and some of their future plans.
    In short, we are now in a better position than we were before: we know more about Lego, possibly more than any other team, and we have strengthened our relations with them, all without revealing too much confidential information.

    I strongly suggest that we trade current minimaps with them. First of all, it can't hurt, since Lego is not hostile, and they won't betray our trust and sell our current minimap to someone else. Second, if they have our current minimap, they may become more prone to sail in our direction, instead of in the other direction, to the unknown.
    I also strongly suggest that we hold another chat like this in the near future. We need to strengthen our bonds, because sooner or later, when they make contact, they will have to pick a friend, and we want them to pick us.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #3
      Just to give an idea of where they are.

      I don't think, we will be the first ones they will come into contact with, unless, somehow, we can convince them to sail east.

      Anyway, it's a good IMO to do this from time to time to improve foreign relations.

      (and don't underestimate Vondrack, he is a pretty intelligent guy).

      It will be interesting to see if it's possible to comeback after beeing on an island for so long.

      They could make an easy target, if we can get one or two teams to join in. Not trading with them and dividing their lands. They have no way to defend themselves like we do.
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • #4
        Actually, it's very possible that they are closer to us than we are closer to them. If their island continues to stretch westward, and judging from what little we know of the western shores of Bob (thanks to ND's screenshots)... but we'll never know until we trade minimaps.
        This is another argument in favor of trading minimaps: if we are able to verify that they're closer to us than to Bob, then we can also convince them much easier to try to contact us first.
        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
        - Phantom of the Opera


        • #5
          Thanks Shiber. Let me tell you, it was quite difficult for me, as you automatically want to tell more. Also, I'm not sure they won't be able to get a lot of new things out of this when they analyse the log. One thing to keep in mind is that because they are in no way involved in the war (while we are indirectly), they have more time to divert to analysing our situation.

          One of those things were I nearly spoke too fast was the fp situation: first I thought they were talking about us, when they mentioned in the public forum that some of their workers wanted to migrate to the 'desert with a river running trough it', but I suddenly realised that they might have been talking about themselves, so I deleted what I already typed, and asked them if they had a river, and fps too. Close that one... nearly told them something they didn't ask for.

          Current minimaps: I don't know. For me, it seems to make the most sense to trade with lego, and if we are going to do it, they would be my first choice. However, I very explicitly didn't talk about it (IIRC), but wanted to hint at by saying something like 'can we help in getting you out of your isolation'. They didn't pick up, though. I'm not sure they got the hint, but I didn't want to say it directly, as I can imagine more then a few of our members would strongly oppose it. And I can see them convincing me that it isn't the best option, and we should keep to our selves.
          BTW, it's risky. Sure, we could learn their borders, but one of the results could be that it becomes painfully clear that a galley can never cross the date line. If this happened, the possibility of getting in contact soon would have been very small, and they wouldn't have to risk any galleys to find out.

          As to strengthening our bonds: I agree. If we would be able to get an exclusive deal with lego, where we agree to sell all techs, at less then half the marketprice (as seen by how many beakers it would still cost them) under the condition that they only buy from us until they catch up, this could become a gamebreaker. Even if it is remote, we need to keep that option open.



          • #6
            It looks to me like Lego's easiest shot at contact is probably going to be with civs on Bob, unfortunately.

            DeepO, I think you're seriously overestimating how quickly the civs on Bob could get Map Making. Writing is a prerequisite for Map Making, so unless a team with good research got Writing significantly before RP did, I can't see any way anyone else could have gotten Map Making by now. On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me if one of the other civs somewhere is going for Map Making now that everyone has Writing. RP is the only other team that's told us what they're researching, unless I've missed something.



            • #7
              Originally posted by DeepO
              BTW, it's risky. Sure, we could learn their borders, but one of the results could be that it becomes painfully clear that a galley can never cross the date line.
              Well, in that case at least we'd know where we stand.

              Btw, while I was looking at the map, the song 'Go West' started to play in my head... now I gotta get this terrible song out!
              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
              - Phantom of the Opera


              • #8
                Nathan, I know... I realised too late that Bob can't have MM soon, fastest would be something like 5-8 turns from now. But, I think it will be a lot later even, because IIRC GoW gave us their research path, and also told about NDs (GoW math, and I would think currency or construction after that), ND I'm not sure.

                I'll try to look for the quote from GF, to compare. It might have been dated, though.



                • #9
                  GoW recently finished its Math Research. They're the ones who Vox got it from to give it to us. But GoW is presumably not as far along on its next research project (whatever that is) as RP is on Literature.


                  • #10
                    I found it...
                    Vox is currently researching Polytheism, ND - Mathematics/Construction, Roleplay - Literature?, and we are researching Mapmaking.
                    GF explicitly told us they were going for MM, I remembered it the wrong way. Hmmm... should I get back to legoland about this?

                    Still, that leaves 5-8 turns left for them, maybe more if they are spending a lot on tax to upgrade (could be, not said)



                    • #11
                      Other things? I forgot... I'm hungry, started on this right after getting back from work, in desperate need for a sigaret, and I want to do my turn on the Euro game... I'm going to need to pick one option
                      DeeopO, Did i make you drool with my microwave supper description?

                      I have to agree with Shiber- you handled the chat just great, saving it from slowing down too much, while not making yourself (and our team, as well) look silly. Although it was rather dull at some instances, we have come out with some information, and maybe a future partner...
                      Save the rainforests!
                      Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                      • #12
                        Well... I just reread the whole thing... I really remembered some things differently. For one thing: q_m told me 3 times it was 1 tile between us and Bob, in no uncertain terms, before I understood what he was saying to me Silly indeed...

                        Further, they did say they were only able to cramm 3 cities between the jungle and the desert, and that is something I overlooked. Good thing I reread it, as it means they have 3 good, grassland cities, with a river running through it, and after that only jungle. Combine this with the chronicle like thing they posted on the public forum, and you can deduce they have at least 5 cities; 3 grassland, 1 jungle, and 1 fp. I wouldn't complain, if I was them.

                        Other things: it was you who mentioned the 'trade city to exchange slaves' first, and there was less discussion on it then I thought there was... basically, the point passed without comments from them.

                        Last thing: with all the copying and pasting, I seemed to have lost a few lines, and had a few double... at one point, the chat reads even more out of pace then it already was. If somebody could tell me how he logs channels in mirc, I wouldn't run in the same kind of problems with this.



                        • #13
                          Oh, and guess what, my microwave has been buzzing with activity lately



                          • #14
                            My procedure with the Vox chats (at least definitely the second one, and I'm pretty sure also the first) was to copy and paste from the chat screen into my word processor and from there to the forum. (That's using IceChat rather than mirc, but it sounds like you could do the same sort of thing.) That way I could copy everything from the chat software at once and then use the word processor's page breaks to help me avoid duplicates or omissions when breaking it into multiple posts for Apolyton. (Or if I'd wanted to take more time, I could have manually inserted a few blank lines where I wanted the break between posts.)



                            • #15
                              well.. this was almost like I did it, but sometimes it copied the colourcodes as well, and I couldn't select and scroll the window, so I had to copy page by page from within mIRC. I thought there would be an option somewhere to write the channel buffer to a text file, but couldn't find it.

                              It was the repeated copy and pasting that made me mess up the log... most likely a mirc thing.

                              Thanks for the answer, btw

