As you all realize, we have soon pressing issues on the agenda, which need to be dealt with seriously and efficently, according to the best interest of the team and its members.
Meshelic (the chief diplo) is currently occupied with his new post- Supreme Military Commander in the SPDG, and a replacement is surely needed (as DeepO said in the "Is it just Me?" thread). I have chosen to answer that challenge and volunteer, i hope that nobody minds me taking up the post, at least until the urgent issues with Vox and the other teams are addressed.
These 'burning' issues (from the most urgent to the least, IMO) are:
1) The border treaty with Vox- we need to form a team wide agreement on what we are willing and not willing to offer and accept, and make this border treaty a fact, before Vox's cooperative mood is changed.
2) The future relations with Vox- with them so eager to form a binding alliance, the Diplo scholia will have to devise a plan on how to avoid such long term commitment (which seems to be a path the team wishes to not take) while not alienating Vox, and still achieve our goals- probabluy a tech partnership of some sort.
3) Obtaining contacts with the other teams- what are we willing to give Vox and/or Lux for these, do we want to wait for our/another team's galley to find us, or we prefer trading contacts ASAP?
4) Other issues- a) Lux's offer for a meeting near the strait- we wouldn't want to tell them the whole story on Vox, so we should decide what to tell and how tell them, that this very kind offer won't be possible (most likely). b)Roleplay's offer on the synchornized release of writing- we will take longer than they wish to, but still we might pull it off, the more basic question, do we want it?
I would have post more, if i wasn't so tired, so i'll go to sleep and tend this thread tommorow. I just want to encourage the diplomats who are still around to come and influence the discussion, as well as the other members of the team.
These issues are IMHO more urgent than internal build oriented issues, since we can delay the decision on those, but any further delay hampers our chances of getting a good deal from Vox, while they are still intoxicated by the prospect of an alliance and our suprising (to them) peaceful and cooperative stance (not the big bad wolves they thought us to be), so come and join the discussion, which is the life blood of decision making (or at least we wish it to be...
Oh, and before i forget- go and revive the discussion on the "borders" thread, and cast your vote as well- this is the most pressing issue right now- think of how the relieved we'll be after that is done with.
Meshelic (the chief diplo) is currently occupied with his new post- Supreme Military Commander in the SPDG, and a replacement is surely needed (as DeepO said in the "Is it just Me?" thread). I have chosen to answer that challenge and volunteer, i hope that nobody minds me taking up the post, at least until the urgent issues with Vox and the other teams are addressed.
These 'burning' issues (from the most urgent to the least, IMO) are:
1) The border treaty with Vox- we need to form a team wide agreement on what we are willing and not willing to offer and accept, and make this border treaty a fact, before Vox's cooperative mood is changed.
2) The future relations with Vox- with them so eager to form a binding alliance, the Diplo scholia will have to devise a plan on how to avoid such long term commitment (which seems to be a path the team wishes to not take) while not alienating Vox, and still achieve our goals- probabluy a tech partnership of some sort.
3) Obtaining contacts with the other teams- what are we willing to give Vox and/or Lux for these, do we want to wait for our/another team's galley to find us, or we prefer trading contacts ASAP?
4) Other issues- a) Lux's offer for a meeting near the strait- we wouldn't want to tell them the whole story on Vox, so we should decide what to tell and how tell them, that this very kind offer won't be possible (most likely). b)Roleplay's offer on the synchornized release of writing- we will take longer than they wish to, but still we might pull it off, the more basic question, do we want it?
I would have post more, if i wasn't so tired, so i'll go to sleep and tend this thread tommorow. I just want to encourage the diplomats who are still around to come and influence the discussion, as well as the other members of the team.
These issues are IMHO more urgent than internal build oriented issues, since we can delay the decision on those, but any further delay hampers our chances of getting a good deal from Vox, while they are still intoxicated by the prospect of an alliance and our suprising (to them) peaceful and cooperative stance (not the big bad wolves they thought us to be), so come and join the discussion, which is the life blood of decision making (or at least we wish it to be...
Oh, and before i forget- go and revive the discussion on the "borders" thread, and cast your vote as well- this is the most pressing issue right now- think of how the relieved we'll be after that is done with.