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DIPLO: comments on Rollplay log

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  • DIPLO: comments on Rollplay log

    Well, I created this simply to start some discussion. In the last reply from GodKing, a lot of info was given, and a lot was asked. I've got little time right now to analyze it, if nobody starts before me, I'll do it this evening.

    Just to poke your curiosity: They are proposing at least 3 different deals, shared all the info on who they have met, and how they know we are not on their continent. Oh, and they haven't met Vox, but will be sending a boat our way soon, for which they ask to trade full minimaps, so it can arrive sooner.

    Bad news: they contacted 2 other teams already, and it seems tech trading is going on at a large scale. We could very well be behind already.


  • #2
    and it seems tech trading is going on at a large scale.
    I never expected tech trade to be so fast in MP.
    Their does seem to be some; "if we don't , we get left behind, let's trade" syndrome thing happening.

    Could be the fact that it is PBEM and we are not very good at coping with the time scale of it all?!
    I know that in SP I often find myself going faster trough the city build cycle when the AI has declared war on its turn. There is absolutely no reason to do so, but still...
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      Oh, and they haven't met Vox,
      Looks like we are both wrong, I just received ND's minimap and it's not them either. I'll send it to the mailbox ASAP.
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • #4
        Perhaps one of Roleplay's neighbors are Civ X.
        I think I'm starting to see the picture. We may be in the same continent as Roleplay is, with two civs - Vox and Civ X, setting us apart.
        "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
        And the truth isn't what you want to see,
        Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
        - Phantom of the Opera


        • #5
          Another civ is near Vox who is toward your NE we suspect.
          This collaborates with the letter from VOX, doesn't it?
          Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
          Then why call him God? - Epicurus


          • #6
            Yes it does... but GK didn't gave everything away, we just know it is one of the 4 civs he mentioned.

            Proposed deals we should start discussing:

            1. Non aggresion pacts.
            Non aggression pacts: For X number (we have used 50) turns after our civs meet, there will be no aggression between our peoples.
            I say we agree to this, but do not go for 50 turns yet. Invasions aren't very likely, but if we have mapmaking and made contact in-game, it could very well be at the time when we have nearly all land settled... maybe they are an easy target.

            2. Tech trades.
            Tech trades. Keep in mind what you have, and what you want. Once our civs meet up is more appropriate time to discuss such trades, but always keep in mind the what’s. I suspect we will try to send a boat (galley) your way soon.
            a galley to us soon? They are seriously going for it, possibly with the help of others. Maybe we should revise our plan and try to get a lesser wanted tech, simply to be able to trade it around. Also, we might reconsider building the GL.

            3. minimap trading
            Trading current mini maps is a good way we can arrange this as we will know if there are land bridges we can send it across without sinking. We have also explored a lot of land, the most of any other civ that we have traded maps with, with perhaps the exception of Lego (who we traded to first and at that time were about equal to our area).
            I don't know yet... I want to trade, but OTOH it does make our lands very attractable to them, if they are really going to sail to our coasts soon. This, in combination with non-aggression, could mean they could plop 2 or 3 cities in the middel of our territory, build only a temple there, and further ship all military they have to us, to start harass us when non-aggression ends. Okay, I don't think RPG is very aggressive, but you never know. If we don't have non-aggresion, at least they will be scared a bit more, and don't start provoking us by settling cities on our continent.

            4. Wonder agreements
            Wonder Agreements. You build a wonder, and we build another. Even if we don't get our wonder and have to waste the shields, we will not switch to your wonder. You do the same.
            - Wonders we are potentially interested in are pyramids & Great Library.
            - Wonders we are not interested in are Colossus & Lighthouse.
            - The great wall, hanging gardens and oracle we are debating on.
            Of course they are interested in building the GL, who wouldn't. I certainly don't want to negotiate with them so that we wuldn't be able to build it. The Pyramids are something else, as we are not going to go for it (although it might make them catching up to us later on certainly a possibillity). I would answer them that for the moment we have no specific preferences, but can't commit us to a deal we might later regret. We can always blame Vox for this... if we would get a leader, I guess he is going to be spent at a wonder the first chance we get, certainly if it would be on the GL.

            Other ideas anyone? I'm off to bed soon enough, but would like to send GK a reply somewhere tomorrow. Our diplomatic tension with Vox shouldn't keep us from establishing other contacts. We should be able to answer them on a few of these issues quite soonish. Others may be postponed a little.



            • #7
              I say we agree to this, but do not go for 50 turns yet. Invasions aren't very likely, but if we have mapmaking and made contact in-game, it could very well be at the time when we have nearly all land settled... maybe they are an easy target.
              I don't see why not, I harl think we will be cabable to launvh an invasion in 50 turns (we might have other things on our head )

              We could even try to make this a MPP as Shiver has suggested.

              a galley to us soon? They are seriously going for it, possibly with the help of others.
              this one caught my eye too.
              Surely it's too soon for them too already have galley's (it had to be build in a coastal city, not there capital.) and mapmaking couldn't have been their top-priority either, still it is possible

              3. minimap trading
              I don't expect them to settle on our turf, city would too corrupt to bother IMO. But I too am not sure we should do this.

              4. Wonder agreements
              IMVHO we are not going to make it to build the GL. The situation with Vox is still to much on the edge to go for a wonder. But we could try to sell the info that we are not going to build it ourselves (maybe their minimap, RP not trading with VOX, a VOX like description of their land,etc...)
              Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
              Then why call him God? - Epicurus


              • #8
                (1) Non-aggression pacts - Any non-aggression pact we sign should also include provisions that neither side will move settlers or other units onto mainland territory that the other has a reasonable expectation of settling. That would preclude landing settlers on each other's continents and also things like stockpiling troops to use when the pact is over. (Landings with permission as part of a joint military operation would, of course, be permitted.)

                (2) The tech trade issue is something we probably need to consider longer before we give an answer. One thing: if we forego Mapmaking based on a plan in advance to trade someone for it, there should be an understanding that they will provide us with contact with other civs free or at an extremely low cost (depending on how early we could have gotten Mapmaking and how difficult the crossing is) to make up for our sacrificing our ability to go out and meet them ourselves.

                (3) I definitely support trading full minimaps. If you're concerned about settlers, we could include a "no settling each other's lands" clause in the exchange.

                (4) I don't see any wonder agreements as being in our interest at this time. We don't have a clear enough picture of what wonders we might have a realistic chance of getting when, and as you said, there's a very real chance our best shot at a wonder will come out of the blue from a great leader.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by alva
                  IMVHO we are not going to make it to build the GL. The situation with Vox is still to much on the edge to go for a wonder. But we could try to sell the info that we are not going to build it ourselves (maybe their minimap, RP not trading with VOX, a VOX like description of their land,etc...)
                  If we get lucky with a great leader at the right time (and if our Palace/FP situation is viable), I'd love to grab it.


                  • #10
                    Nathan, good catch on the non-aggression pact... also wrt the minimap trading.

                    Any idea on timing? 50 turns seem awfully long, I would like 20 or 30 turns better. You never know what is going to happen...



                    • #11
                      At this stage of the game, 50 sounds very good. Later in the game, it would be excessive. Perhaps we might make it something like no aggression (or any of the other no-nos) before 10 AD (the first year in the ADs) or 20 turns after meeting, whichever comes later. How does that sound? (Of course I'm not all that fond of BC-era naval landings anyhow.)



                      • #12
                        If we get lucky with a great leader at the right time (and if our Palace/FP situation is viable), I'd love to grab it.
                        Sure, but I guess Leaders fall out of the equation since are very dependable, are they
                        Indeed, nice twice on the non agres pact
                        We could start with 20/30 turns, see what happens, and then cancel/continue it (depending on what RP wants at that time)
                        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                        • #13
                          Just a bump, if there is anything to comment on last message sent.

                          We might want to start discussing middle long term planning on trading research with RPG.



                          • #14
                            A research trade program with RPG could prove valuable, but a way to contact them is an obvious requirment- should we aim for a contact through the Vox-Lux channel, using writing, or do we aim for boats to make it, which will probably take longer.

                            I personally rather see us focus on other things before stopping for MM, so Writing for contact or something like that is what i'd prefer, and save MM for a bit later, especially for scouting Vox's beaches and finding an untamed island to settle. But, if RPG is going for MM anyway, or is more inclined towards sea-ferring (although that as an island we should be an effort on naval forces), we can strike a deal that would encourage them to built a navy and find us.

                            This way we bypass Lux (if their price for contact is too hight, and also form a (strong) relationship with a team on the continent. (besides the obvious trade benefits).
                            Save the rainforests!
                            Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                            • #15
                              IMHO we're going to send a galley out there anyway. Might as well tell RP that we'll be researching MM so that they won't repeat our research, and we'll be able to sell it to them (and hopefully to Lux as well) as soon as we make contact.
                              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                              - Phantom of the Opera

