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Dimplomatic Scholia: Ambassador's Office - Vox Controli

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  • Just in from VOX...


    This is to advise you that I have been relieved of my duties as the Voice of Foreign Affairs to Gathering Storm. Jon Miller will be in touch with you shortly to continue negotiations.

    Remember.... pillage first then burn.


    • Message from Jon Miller:


      I have our official Offer for the Cessation of hostilities.

      GS gets South Estonia. Vox takes on all blame for the conflict and appologises. We gift Dissifentville. We give Engineering in 15ish turns. We will provide the free tech from the new era.

      We have a few requests. One is to be able to move our dead troops in south estonia north to provide some defense against any opportunazing civilization. Another is Non-agression pact into the future. A final one (and one less important to us) is to move Inchon two squares south.

      So what are GS's thoughts? I don't think we can give any more.

      Jon Miller


      • Sent to Jon Miller:

        Sorry about taking so long to get back to you. I hate to say it, but doves in the lands of Gathering Storm are an endangered species right now. The hawks outnumber them enormously. We are now within sight of total victory, and while we would like to get back into builder mode as quickly as possible, spending the rest of the game wondering when and how Vox might betray us again isn't worth it. The deception you used to set up your invasion was superb, but the price of such a well-executed deception is that it makes further trust next to impossible.

        Vox's only real hope of survival, if you consider it worth taking, would be to evacuate this continent and find somewhere else to live (if a suitable place can be found). If you are interested in that, we could negotiate some time for you to do so and take enough with you that you can get going in your new location reasonably quickly. Otherwise, I don't see how a peace treaty would be possible.



        • From Jon:

          I am afraid that your guys decision was modified by the poor play on our players part recently (I beleive he posted 2 or 3 oh no, I can't beleive I did that posts in the last couple of days). Oh well, such is the game.

          I am certain that we would be interested in getting off Estonia (in fact an Exodus plan was already started, it is still a few turns from completion).

          Jon Miller


          • Jon Miller and the Pepole of Vox

            We have recieved your message regarding Vox's Exodus. We are preparing a peace proposal that we hope you find acceptable and want to get it to you before your next turn so that Vox can discuss it.

            Best Wishes
            Minister of Diplomatic Affairs, Gathering Storm
            [edit] i am diplomatic, not domestic....
            Last edited by ManicStarSeed; June 11, 2003, 19:17.
            Remember.... pillage first then burn.


            • Sent to Jon:

              Just for your team's information, once Inchon and Inchoff were established, I don't think anything short of a miracle (or a very friendly RNG) could have made much difference in the prospects for peace. None of the GS discussion even hints that any suboptimal moves Vox might have made since then influenced our people's views.

              Just as a rough outline, what would Vox think of disbanding the military units you aren't planning to take with you in your evacuation in exchange for a period of peace (say, a dozen or so turns) to focus your entire economy on the evacuation effort? That way you can evacuate without worrying about defense and we can get back to building sooner. And units disbanded in cities could even be used to help speed production of galleys and settlers. If the idea sounds okay in principle, we can work out the specifics.



              • I just sent this to Jon in response to Beta's message:

                Should we view Beta's latest message as a rejection of the idea of a cease-fire to buy you time for an orderly evacuation? I have to tell you that our team is not at all pleased, especially with the way he used half-truths (e.g. failing to mention that those immortals would have been just as dead if they'd stayed put) to smear our reputation. Gathering Storm had pretty much gotten over our initial anger at your attack and the war of words that followed, and now Beta seems intent on fanning the flames again.

                I would also point out that moving those immortals where he did is about the clumsiest "sign of good faith" in the history of mankind. Those immortals were next to not one, not two, but three undefended GS workers.



                • Reply from Jon:

                  not as a rejection, more as some pressure I think

                  there is no possibly of getting off in 10 turns


                  • Message from me to Jon:

                    I think it would be a lot more productive to tone down the rhetoric and explain to us what you want to accomplish and why you feel like you need more time. Yes, there is a chance that third-party pressure might work in your favor, but your efforts to bring pressure to bear are also alienating those of us in Gathering Storm who would like for Vox's evacuation to be a success. The more pressure you apply, the more positive effect you need from third-party diplomatic efforts just to break even.



                    • Another message from Jon:

                      we couldn't even get a settler to Lego in that ammount of time

                      much less do an evacuation of our entire continent


                      • Received from Eli.

                        (also sent to nbarclay)

                        Below is an official peace proposal from Vox Controli to your Gathering Storm.

                        The proposal talks about our evacuation of Estonia, the methods of it, the restrictions on Vox and about your potential help.

                        Vox Controli-Gathering Storm Peace and Exodus agreement

                        1) Vox will have 18 turns to fully evacuate in the most efficient way.
                        Short extensions are possible and negotiable, depending on the circumstances, and granted that they are presented at least three turns prior to the expiration point of the truce.

                        2) When the designated term of evacuation is over, Vox will hand over all of their towns that are left on Estonia to GS. However, if Vox is incapable of loading all of its units on galleys by that time, they may leave units in one tile which will be agreed upon with GS until their galleys return for additional trips, granted that the immortals leave on the first trip.

                        3) When leaving, Vox promises not to raze any of it's worked tiles or remaining cities.

                        4) Vox will not allow any landings of forces hostile to GS on it's territory during the evacuation period. Any forces already there will be asked to leave.

                        5) Vox units will have free passage from S. Estonia to N. Estonia, in order to be disbanded in the cities for faster production.

                        6) Vox will disband all it's military units, as described in point 5, except :
                        a) 12 defensive units - Pikemen or Spearmen.
                        b) 4 offensive units - Immortals or Warriors.

                        7) 3 Voxian Catapults will pass to GS.

                        8) 2 GS War Chariots will patrol Voxian territory during the evacuation. The War Chariots routes will cause minimal disturbance to Vox's evacuation effort.

                        9) Should Vox request GS's aid in the logistical aspect of the evacuation, such aid will be available.
                        If that happens, Vox agrees to provide every detail that is required to create a scenario that is an exact duplication of North Estonia (fully identical, up to the amount of food and shields stored in each city). GS will help Vox come up with a turn-by-turn plan for the most effective and efficient evacuation possible. Should GS come up with a plan to liquify the population of North Estonia up to the point where each remaining city of Vox Controli is down to 1 population point or has been abandoned with a settler before Vox's designated evacuation period is over, Vox will follow that plan and evacuate North Estonia as soon as that plan is completely carried out (that is, sooner than the amount of turns initially agreed upon).

                        10) The method of evacuation :
                        Vox's population will be transformed into workers. Vox will arrange to be given a town on another continent by a team of their choice, and will then gift their workers to that team, which, according to agreement with Vox, will return these workers to Vox's control. Therefore, galleys will only be necessary for the transportation of military units and there will be need for less galleys for Vox to evacuate themselves than if they evacuated their population via galleys as well.

                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • Sent to Eli (Beta's PM box was full):

                          Message received. Discussion ongoing.

                          One question. Why do you need 18 turns? That is far more than is needed to depopulate The Voice.

                          cc Beta, Eli
                          Last edited by notyoueither; June 15, 2003, 23:38.
                          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                          • Received from Beta:

                            Not sure. Please discuss with Eli.

                            btw - on this turn - we have pulled back all troops - and left our catapults on your road - and gifted Dissidentville.

                            We have one galley on the east coast to commence the exodus of troops if agreed to.

                            .... Beta.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • OK, so they are obviously sincere.

                              I don't care... waawaawaaa...

                              I need to do more StormHawk!
                              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                              • Received from Eli with the subject "Urgent"

                                Please pass to your team that the gifting of Diss'ville was a mistake, it's not part of the proposed agreement and Beta started with the retreat a bit too early.

                                Please, do not accept our peace proposal(with Diss'Ville) even if you accept the agreement.
                                Second message from Eli, subject "More urgent"

                                I know there was talk about a complete cease fire, where both sides simply press the spacebar for every unit, but Beta managed to miss that too.

                                In the north he withdrew from almost all positions adjacent to yours and left the 3 Catapults exposed... We will pass them to you if the agreement passes.

                                I have no idea what he done in the south.

                                So please pass to your team that while we havent complied with the complete cease fire, it is still in place, at least from our side.

