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Happy Birthday Randolph!

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  • Happy Birthday Randolph!

    So it's your birthday eh? I stumbled upon the birthday list and you were there....Congratulations! Happy Birthday man!

    Last edited by Meshelic; December 9, 2002, 07:20.
    Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
    Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party

  • #2
    Happy Birthday!


    • #3
      wow, thanks...

      I imagine this is shown somewhere, and you're not stocking me...


      • #4
        Happy birthday Randolph
        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


        • #5
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6
            Happy Birthday Randolph,

            Not to threadjack a spam thread, but...

            You took the LSAT this weekend, correct? How did that go? I took it about 4 years ago and am almost, phew, done with law school. What schools are you looking at?


            • #7
              My birthday combined with having just taken the LSATs (on sat), made for a very tough weekend...

              Let’s just say the night ended with throwing a left over turkey into empty 100lb drums of MSG (yes, the flavor enhancer)

              Official LSAT statement: I felt prepared and everything went smoothly.
              I want to wait for my results before I get my heart set on any particular school (s). I'm interested in international law, any suggestions?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Randolph
                Official LSAT statement: I felt prepared and everything went smoothly.
                I want to wait for my results before I get my heart set on any particular school.
                Thats a good way to handle it, so you have too high or low expectations and get disappointed.

                I took the test cold, which was a huge mistake, but I ended up at my state school (Missouri) and turned down other schools (some of which were offering me money) and am more or less happy. More or less, because law school in general sucks ass. hopefully you can find a school you are a good fit at. what university are you at now, or graduated from?

                do you know what kind of law you are interested in yet? I hope to get a job in criminal law upon graduation, either with a prosecutor or public defender.


                • #9
                  I graduated from the University of Vermont; I did decently (GPA 3.79), majored in economics. I'm interested in international law, but I can't say that's based on a whole lot of knowledge of the area so it's certainly subject to change.

                  Law school sucked even at your state school? I've heard that many of the top schools are no fun. It's so hard to tell where I'd like to go.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Randolph
                    I graduated from the University of Vermont; I did decently (GPA 3.79), majored in economics. I'm interested in international law, but I can't say that's based on a whole lot of knowledge of the area so it's certainly subject to change.

                    Law school sucked even at your state school? I've heard that many of the top schools are no fun. It's so hard to tell where I'd like to go.
                    Well, your GPA is good in a quality field that'll help you out considerably, I had a 3.58 in Poly Sci, which is a common, weak degree, as opposed to yours.

                    I think law school can suck anywhere. Even at my school, only an upper 2nd tier school, the competition is pretty intense. People gunning for answers in class and jockeying for position. Its also incredibly depressing that each class comes down to one 3 hour exam at the end of the year (and then you wait 1.5 months to get the grade back).

                    My biggest mistake in applying to schools was that I didn't look at their curriculum. I applied to schools in my state and my undergrad (Ole Miss), without really having a clue. Had I known that my school, Mizzou, offered maybe 10 tax classes, I would not have gone here. OTOH, we are strong in Dispute resolution, which is a nice thing to be trained in. If I could go back, I would find a school that was heavier in the criminal field, with more skills offered.

                    I don't know much about International law, had an interest (I spent a semester in Moscow in undergrad) but chose the criminal route.Do you have the USNEWS mag? I know the rankings are ridiculous (as schools can engineer themselves to inflate their ranking)but they do provide a clue as to where to think about.

                    Good luck


                    • #11
                      I looked at the rankings online. I don't remember them all, NYU was on top for international law. I don't hold that type of ranking in very high regard. I don't think I want to live in New York City, particularly if law school is as stressful as I'm beginning to believe (big cities tend to stress me out, I hate to think of the synergistic effect).

             has a lot of good resources that I'm using. All sorts of search filters for GPA, LSAT, location, % that pass the bar, etc, etc, etc and info on every school (statistics and write ups by the schools). It's still very hard to tell where one would like to go.

                      It's easy for me to rant on this since it's been dominating my thought for the last few weeks. (slightly) More on topic I'm going to go play some civ, I cut myself off from all games while I was studying (except our PBEM) so I have some making up to do .

