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Gathering Storm's Top-Secret Mailbox

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  • #76
    To be honest, I can't see what harm Soren viewing this forum could do.
    Sure you guys talk a lot of strategy stuff here, but most of it is highly specific to this game (which is irrelevant for the Intersite game) and the rest of it is largely similar to the things you've been saying in the Strat forum for a year now - I don't think it's exactly top-secret stuff.

    And also, aren't we going to be posing screenshots in the forum now, and not e-mailing them? It seems odd to duplicate the process and screenshot thread in this forum would help keep everything all in one place.
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


    • #77
      Soren can stay as long as he wants. That's my POV.

      It's not like we are going to discuss that other game's specifics here.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #78
        Originally posted by notyoueither
        Soren can stay as long as he wants. That's my POV.
        Fully agreed. After all, if it weren't for him and his fellow Firaxians, we wouldn't even be here.


        • #79
          Of course, Soren is very welcome here . We have our own Intersite forum to discuss "confidental" matters. And I will include Soren in the screenshot mailing list from next turn on. Nathan should do the same (if not already done).

          I will remove the GS mailbox from the mailing list in March. It has served us well, but the new volume and traffic limit makes it useless. Perhaps we can keep it as reserve, or even drop it completely.


          • #80
            In regard to how our team is governed, there seem to be four basic elements:

            1) People who take the time to post (and push) proposals tend to set the agenda for what gets discussed.

            2) We have discussions and votes on broad policy matters (e.g. how to balance REXing, military, and wonder building). Ideally, we seek a consensus that most people like or at least don't object to too strongly rather than having the majority simply steamroll over the minority.

            3) I tend to run the day-to-day economic matters more or less myself, in accordance with the policies we've set. In theory, people are always welcome to suggest alternatives to the moves I post in the turn threads, but in practice, people generally seem content to let me do the dirty work. (Which is fine with me since I happen to like the economic aspect of the game.)

            4) When an urgent decision is needed, it's generally made by a consensus (or a majority if no consensus can be reached) of whoever happens to be around when the decision needs to be made.

            I'm not sure what a government major would think of such a system, but it seems to work fairly well for us. Granted, people who want to have influence in setting the agenda, rather than just in voting on the agenda once it's set, have to put forth the time and effort to present and argue their positions. But I view that far more as a strength than as a weakness because it helps ensure that a good bit of thought will go into major policy decisions.



            • #81
              What we may want to do is use it for special stuff like city placement proposals but not send regular stuff like screenshots to it anymore.


              • #82
                Originally posted by notyoueither
                Soren can stay as long as he wants. That's my POV.

                It's not like we are going to discuss that other game's specifics here.
                couldn't agree more
                Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                • #83
                  Re: e-mailing screenies, or posting them: I'd rather still receive them by e-mail. The bandwidth is not a problem, and I don't forget to save them if I receive them by mail. Also, if you are present, you always immediately know when a turn is played, and don't need to wait until the board gets updated.

                  Re: Soren: Of course he's still welcome here, I don't see any problems with him lurking in this forum. We should maybe look out that we don't discuss IDG strat in here, but why would we do that, we've got a separate forum for that.
                  And I like it very much that Firaxis as a team has joined the IDG; I doubt that they are going to put as much discussion in it as the apolyton team does, and even with superiour background knowledge, outminmaxing us (nice term, BTW!) is unlikely. Most importantly, Firaxis keeps in touch with the game, and is more directly involved in the problems or wishes of the MP community, so every help we can deliver will be gladly given.



                  • #84
                    Could I be added to the distribution list please. Current email address is psatastdotleedsdotacdotuk (I'm no longer in Heidelberg, but haven't got around to updating my profile yet)


                    • #85
                      Ah, you're at University in Leeds. Are you from Germany originally?

                      I was in Heidelburg last summer, nice town.
                      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                      • #86
                        Well spotted that FrustratedPoet. No, I'm not from Germany - I just worked there for a few years in Heidelberg, which is a great place to live, and I have to say that I really miss German kebabs - they're so edible that I'd voluntarily eat them sober, and enjoy them. Not like British ones at all

                        Were you there for a holiday? I've lost track of how many times I've had to do the tourist sites with friends who came to visit from the UK, so although the castle is worth a visit, the idea of going into it now fills me with dread .


                        • #87
                          Yeah, I went there with my g/f as part of a month-long trip through Germany and eastern europe. We only stayed a couple of nights - stayed in the Youth Hostel next to the zoo and were woken up by elephants and monkeys at god-knows-what o'clock each morning.

                          As it so happens we had a very nice kebab in a little turkish place in Heidelburg - it was a real eye-opener after the muck we get here.
                          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                          • #88
                            Please add me: (it's a little late for me to start worrying about security)


                            • #89
                              Vulture and Randolph are now on my distribution list, assuming I have the information entered correctly. Let me know if you don't start getting the screenshots.


                              • #90
                                Could I please get back on the list as well?

                                a underscore petryk at hotmail dot com


                                And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

